One emperor

Chapter 1856 Rewards for Light and Darkness

Chapter 1856 Rewards for Light and Darkness
Two long rainbows streaked across the sky and landed in a valley. The first person had already entered middle age, his eyes were like lightning, and there were traces of lightning around his body, so that wherever he passed, the air would emit violent vibrations. Shock.

Behind him was a young man with a handsome appearance, but there was a hint of vicissitudes on his face. After looking around, he stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips and said, "Senior brother, there are piles of fallen leaves and swarms of plants here." , it seems that no one has been here, let's rest here!"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Alright!"

The two senior brothers didn't dislike either, they each sat down cross-legged, and the young man stretched his waist long and said, "Senior brother, do you think the news about the birth of Emperor Qing's tomb this time is true or not?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said: "Who knows, whether it is true or not, there are definitely not a few people who go to the Qingming Realm, you and my brother should not join in the fun."

"I'm not reconciled, Emperor Qing, that's the emperor of Qingxiaotian. If it's really his tomb, then the things hidden in it are definitely priceless treasures. If you and I can get it, we will definitely be able to enter Qingxiaotian directly."

"Since you also know that he is the emperor of Qingxiaotian, and we are only in the realm of Zixiaotian, no matter how good things are, it is not our turn to get them."

"Besides, I suspect that it is very likely to be fake. It was the fake news released by Zhong Shi of the Ghost Monster Clan in order to attract the murderer who almost killed his brother."

The young man showed doubts and said: "Why? Could it be that the person who injured Zhong died has something to do with Emperor Qing?"

The middle-aged man seemed to hesitate for a moment, then turned his head and looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he said: "I also heard about this matter half a year ago. It is said that Zhong Shi searched for three years to avenge his brother. I couldn't find the murderer's whereabouts, so at a great price, I invited the fortune teller to figure out the murderer's origin, but I didn't expect to find that the descendants of the Qing Emperor seem to have something to do with the murderer."

"The descendants of Emperor Qing?" The young man suddenly became interested, sat up and said: "Brother, tell me in detail, what is going on?"

But the middle-aged man waved his hand and said: "Don't say it, don't say it, I don't know you yet, you have such a mouth, you have nothing to do, you have to spread something out, junior brother, this matter is too involved, you'd better not You know well, misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

As the middle-aged man's voice fell, a huge aura suddenly appeared, instantly enveloping him and his junior brother, and surrounded by this aura, with his state of Zixiao Fourth Heaven , didn't have the slightest resistance to resist, and could only let the breath wrap him.

The young man next to him was also pale, obviously he felt it too, and this feeling was like an ancient beast was staring at them.

Immediately afterwards, a voice suddenly came from underground: "Tell me in detail, I am also very interested!"

On the ground about ten meters away from where the two brothers and sisters were sitting, a figure suddenly emerged without a sound.

This is a figure wearing a blood-colored gown, with long hair hanging down to his waist, and a circle of blood-colored mist floating around his body. You can't see his true face, but you can only see that there are countless people in his eyes. The stars are like the vast starry sky.

However, after two lights, one black and one red, faintly flashed in his eyes, he returned to the eyes of a normal person, but the body of the middle-aged man trembled uncontrollably at this moment, because just now, he seemed In the other party's right eye, he saw a blood-colored hornless dragon!

"Senior and junior brothers and sisters are from Zixiao Tianling Jianzong. I don't know that senior retreats again. I hope that senior will forgive me for disturbing."

The middle-aged man's reaction was quick, and he could tell at a glance that this man's strength was absolutely unfathomable. Even if his senior brothers joined forces, they would not be his opponent, so it's better to confess your origin.

The person who emerged from the ground suddenly smiled slightly, and the huge aura that had always existed in the surrounding air disappeared immediately, and he stepped in front of the two of them and said, "It's okay, I just came out of the customs, and I vaguely heard When you mentioned Qingdi’s tomb and Zhongsi, I was curious, so I came out to ask what happened.”

Hearing these words, the middle-aged man really wanted to slap himself twice immediately. Just now he said that misfortune comes from his mouth, but now it's all right, misfortune really comes from his mouth. I don't know where he recruited such a super expert .

Naturally, he only dared to think about these words in his heart. After quickly evaluating the current situation, he immediately said: "Senior, there are rumors in the recent Conferred God War that the Qing Emperor who disappeared from Qingxiaotian strangely more than [-] years ago , actually hid in a world called the Qingming Realm in the Battle of the Gods, but the Qing Emperor died and left behind a tomb, and now this tomb has been discovered."

The man in the fog nodded and said, "What's going on with Zhong Shi trying to lure out the murderer?"

"Zhong Shi is a member of the Ghost Monster Clan in the ancient barbarian monster clan. He himself is a master of Qingxiaotian, while his younger brother Zhong Sheng is still in Zixiaotian. About three years ago, his younger brother was injured. , although he escaped by chance, but his cultivation has plummeted, and he may never be able to recover, so Zhong died in a rage, and wanted to find the murderer and avenge his brother."

"However, there are countless worlds in the Conferred God War. Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Therefore, Zhong Sheng found Tian Suanzi, who is good at the skill of Qimen Dunjia, and asked him to calculate..."

The man in the fog waved his hand and interrupted: "I know all these things, so you just tell me, what happened to the descendants of the Qing Emperor who were related to the murderer as calculated by the fortune teller!"

"This junior really doesn't know what happened just now. I risked my life to overhear it from several ancient barbarian monster clans."

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he felt a huge mountain suddenly appeared on his body, making him unable to breathe, and the voice of the man in the fog sounded again: "You probably don't want me to check on you directly. memory in the soul!"

"No, no, no!" The middle-aged man was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and hurriedly shouted: "I said, I said, in fact, Zhong Shi issued two reward orders in his own name, one bright and the other dark. The clear one belongs to the murderer, while the dark one is for the descendants of the Qing Emperor, and the existence of the hidden reward order is only known by very few people in the ancient barbarian monster clan. I also killed an ancient barbarian monster clan. , learned from his soul."

"Is there a portrait on the two reward orders?"


"Show it to me!"

The middle-aged man felt the pressure on his body suddenly eased, and hastily stretched out his hand to point in the air, and suddenly two portraits appeared in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the fog suddenly exclaimed: "Long Cheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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