One emperor

Chapter 187 The World of Sound

Chapter 187 The World of Sound

Ye Dong felt as if he had also transformed into all kinds of ubiquitous sounds, cruising in the world of sounds.

Sometimes it is the howling sound of a violent wind, sometimes it is the sound of whispers in a midnight dream, and sometimes it is the sound of flowers blooming.

Using sound as a medium, a brand new and unprecedented world is presented in front of Ye Dong.

Ye Dong once again came to his sea of ​​life, and in the depths of the endless starry sky, the call from his soul sounded much louder now.

No sadness or joy, the feeling of no one and no self also kept Ye Dong in an extremely calm and peaceful state, sitting on the beach of Minghai with his eyes slightly closed.

But in his mind, he can clearly see that the environment around him is changing at an extremely fast speed.

Outside the two springs bubbling clear spring water, two continuously rotating vortexes composed of aura slowly emerged in the air.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is not much vortex in these two places, as if two ears stand side by side, forming two doors.

Ye Dong "seeed" all these pictures and all the process with his eyes closed in a special way of listening.

"Ear, the part that listens to the sound; door, the door of entry and exit! Now the two ear doors have been formed, congratulations, the ear door points have been opened!"

The voice of the Devil Emperor Brahma sounded in the air without any surprise. This time Ye Dong naturally did not have the slightest surprise, and even closed his eyes, quietly listening to the teachings of the Lord Devil Emperor whom he regarded as his mentor.

"I believe you should have experienced the benefits of opening the ear door point by now. You can hear many sounds that you couldn't hear before, and you can even see pictures just by listening. But this is just the beginning, because this There are so many voices in the world, it can even be said that everything has its own voice, maybe you still don’t understand what I mean by this sentence, it’s okay, you will naturally understand in the future!”

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, in fact, what you have condensed now, um, spiritual consciousness, can eventually be cultivated to include the six senses of life, namely seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mind!"

"Unfortunately, many practitioners can only allow their spiritual consciousness to have the first consciousness, which is the most basic seeing consciousness, and it also stays on the lowest level interface! Their so-called seeing with spiritual consciousness is different from real seeing with spiritual consciousness. , It’s really two completely different concepts, I don’t know if you have opened Qingming point, if you have opened it, you should have some experience!”

"The opening of the Ermen point will allow the hearing consciousness to officially enter your spiritual consciousness. Now you should understand what I mean. The six senses of life and acupuncture points are closely related. If you want to let your spiritual consciousness have other Six senses, then I suggest you, you can consider opening up the acupuncture points related to the six senses first."

"As for the acupuncture points, you need to find them yourself. You have to know that the process of finding acupuncture points is actually a kind of fun and practice."

Brahma's voice paused for a moment, and then said: "Okay, let's end this message here, and see you next time when you open up a certain acupuncture point!"

The disappearance of Brahma's voice made Ye Dong feel a little regretful and unsatisfied, because now he can feel more and more that Brahma really regards himself as his heir, and the content contained in the message is also more and more. The feelings are beyond words.

For Ye Dong, who has been practicing alone since he was a child, this kind of care makes him feel very warm.

Ye Dong opened his eyes and looked at the two fountains and the two ear doors in front of him. Suddenly, a thought popped up in his mind.

The scene in front of me is mostly like the Ye family that is being repaired and expanded. On the empty land, all kinds of buildings and facilities are gradually formed. The process of opening up the acupuncture points is also the process of construction. , Will there be a brand new home?

After sighing again, Ye Dong finally remembered his current situation. It was not at home or in the sea, but deep into the inner courtyard of the Luoyingzong. There is a possibility of being discovered anytime, anywhere!
So Ye Dong hastily took a deep breath, the surrounding scenery receded quickly, and he really opened his eyes.

Not far away is still the huge square with burning torches, and the continuous courtyard behind the square stands there quietly, and there is no abnormality from before.

Ye Dong felt relieved, closed his eyes again, and began to carefully capture the surrounding sounds while his ears trembled.

The sound of the wind was still the first to enter the ears. As his hearing gradually increased, Ye Dong could clearly feel the faint vibrations produced when the sound propagated through the air.

Through these vibrations, a picture was slowly formed in my mind!
It's like a brilliant painter who used his mind as a drawing paper, splashed ink, and quickly sketched out a black and white picture!
Moreover, these pictures are like flowing water, constantly changing rapidly with different incoming sounds.

Inside the small sentry post, two disciples were talking in a very low voice.

"Brother, it's almost time to change the guard. Alas, I'm so tired. I don't know what happened to the suzerain recently. He suddenly asked us to step up patrolling. We used to be able to rest for a few days a month. This has been going on for more than a month. Yes, every morning and evening whistle.”

"I heard that the Suzerain and the others seem to have captured a few people more than a month ago, and they are currently locked in the dungeon. They are probably worried that someone will come to rescue them."

"How many people were caught? Brother, why haven't I heard of it? Who did you hear it from? Tell me what's going on!"

"What are we? We are just outer disciples. How can we know this kind of thing? I also accidentally revealed it when I was drinking with an inner disciple two days ago. That's all he said. If you ask me again, I won’t say anything.”

The two disciples sometimes raised their heads to look around, sometimes bowed their heads and whispered softly, every move of the two of them, even blinking and tickling, such small movements that they probably didn't even notice, were clearly seen in Ye Dong's mind displayed.

A younger disciple continued with a look of disappointment on his face: "Brother, even if a few people are really captured and brought back, with the strength of our Luoying Zongzong, unless we don't want to die, otherwise, is there anyone who would dare Running to save people?"

"You can't say that. There are people beyond the people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Our Luoyingzong is indeed very powerful, but there are far more powerful people. Well, the time has come, and the people who replaced us have come."

The two stopped talking, and not far away, two people also came over, obviously other disciples who came to change the guard.

Just when Ye Dong was about to continue to stretch his hearing, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground, and he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Hou Jian came back?

(End of this chapter)

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