One emperor

Chapter 194 Don't Keep Your Master Waiting For Long

Chapter 194 Don't Keep Your Master Waiting For Long

Now Ye Dong really wished that he could grow two wings so that he could rush to Luoyingzong as soon as possible.

Because if the wine old man really left the Ye family after talking to himself, then two hours have passed by now.

Although the wine old man might not be as fast as himself, it would take more than an hour to get to the Luoyingzong even if he arrived at the fastest. In this way, it took a total of three hours, and the wine old man must have reached the Luoyingzong.

Jiusou doesn't know how to practice magic, so if he wants to save the master of Jiuxianmen, he has to fight hard and face at least three masters in the world of the Luoyingzong, not including the one who made Hou Jian feel terrible. Changzhi, the result is naturally not difficult to imagine.

While running fast, Ye Dong scolded himself fiercely in his heart, if he didn't tell him about going to Luoyingzong, if he didn't give him the finger wrench, if he could listen to his words tonight If a little care is taken, then even if the wine old man is still sluggish, at least his life will not be in danger.

But it's too late to say anything now, there are so many ifs, so all Ye Dong can do is to rush to Luoyingzong as soon as possible!
Under the cold moonlight, the two shadows of a man and a wolf gallop across the vast land like lightning!

Originally, he thought it would take more than an hour to arrive at Luoyingzong, but to Ye Dong's surprise, he was able to see the huge manor of Luoyingzong in less than one hour.

Only then did he remember that he had already opened up two ear-door acupoints, and the aura in his body naturally increased, so his speed also increased accordingly.

However, such a frenzied run made Ye Dong feel that his aura was being consumed a bit violently, and even his breathing became short of breath. However, looking at the red wolf who followed him all the time, never leaving a step, his face was still as usual, It seems that such a long time of rushing has never reached its limit!
The strength of the mutated spirit beast is indeed terrifying. Ye Dong is very glad that the red wolf is his friend. Under such circumstances, the stronger the red wolf, the better it will be for him. The odds of winning against the Luoyingzong are natural. The bigger it is!

After taking two deep breaths of fresh air, to relieve his struggling lungs, Ye Dong looked up at the manor in front of him.

At this moment, the moon was high and the night was quiet. Outside the gate of Luoyingzong, the four disciples stood there calmly, and inside the manor was also quiet, as if everyone had fallen into a deep sleep. movement.

Such a peaceful scene made Ye Dong wonder. Could it be that the wine old man didn't come to Luoyingzong, or that he came, but he has already encountered misfortune?

Ye Dong shook his head vigorously, forcing himself not to think about such ominous thoughts, and whispered to Red Wolf, "Red Wolf, the two of us sneak in, don't disturb anyone."

The red wolf nodded, expressing his understanding, so Ye Dong was in front, and the red wolf was behind, easily dodged the guards at the door, jumped into the manor, and walked quietly for a while, and finally came to the place where Ye Dong hid last time. The place.

It was still the same huge square, with torches burning on the square, and it was quiet inside the four guard posts. Everything was so peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Dong was puzzled again, did he guess wrong, Jiusou really didn't come to Luoyingzong?

At this moment, a chill suddenly appeared in Red Wolf's eyes, and he raised his foot to touch Ye Dong lightly.

Seeing the red wolf's eyes, Ye Dong's heart moved, "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

The red wolf nodded, and the chill in his eyes became more and more intense, but because he couldn't speak, Ye Dong couldn't know what was wrong at all.

"Red Wolf, don't be impatient, I'll listen to you!"

Ye Dong closed his eyes, focused all the aura in his body on his ears, and began to listen carefully to the movement around him.

Gradually, the surroundings became extremely quiet, except for the constant flow of wind and the inaudible panting of the red wolf beside him.

Ye Dong's hearing gradually extended to the distance, and when he came to the four guard posts on the square, it was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Without the air vibration brought by the sound transmission, it is naturally impossible to form a picture in Ye Dong's mind, and as long as there is someone, even if he does not speak, but he always breathes and his heart beats, it is essential to know Make a sound, but there is no sound now, which means that there is no one in the four guard posts!
Ye Dong finally realized something unusual. Yesterday he came by himself, and there were still people on duty at the sentry post, but today there is no one there, which is too unreasonable.

That said, something should have happened here.

Ye Dong forced himself to calm down, and continued to listen intently into the distance. He didn't know how far his hearing extended.

Suddenly, a series of dense sounds beating like war drums directly rushed into Ye Dong's ears, and immediately after that, countless similar sounds rushed into Ye Dong's mind crazily like a violent storm. .

In addition to the sound of war drums beating, there was also a rumbling sound like a bellows being pulled.

A picture was quickly sketched in Ye Dong's mind.

Around a small open space, there are at least four to fifty people hiding in every corner with bated breath. They are like cunning foxes, waiting for the arrival of their prey, and among them, there are about five people hugging each other. On the thick and thin stone piles, five people with weak breathing were tied.

Behind these five people, there were four more people standing there quietly. It seemed that three people were standing and one person was sitting, but the sound of their breathing and heartbeat was much calmer than that of the four or fifty people. If it wasn't for Ye Dong's excellent hearing, it would be impossible to find out.

This picture is really like a painting, and the characters in the painting maintain a nearly static posture, motionless!
Ye Dong suddenly opened his eyes, because he had already understood that the sound of those drums beating was clearly the sound of the beating hearts of those four or fifty people, and the roar of the bellows was naturally their slightly nervous heavy panting Voices.

Ye Dong looked at the red wolf and said: "Red wolf, they have been waiting for us for a long time, let's go, it's not good to keep the master waiting for a long time."

The corner of Red Wolf's mouth grinned, because he understood Ye Dong's slightly joking words.

But just when the red wolf was about to take a step, Ye Dong suddenly continued: "Red wolf, there should be a fight in a while, and there may be a very powerful super master. I called you here because I hope you can help me deal with it." But if you find that you are not his opponent, then you must try your best to escape!"

While speaking, Ye Dong had already taken the first step, and when passing by Red Wolf, Red Wolf heard Ye Dong whispered a word again: "You are my friend, I don't want you to have any trouble because of me." Any accident!"

(End of this chapter)

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