One emperor

Chapter 1944 I will kill you

Chapter 1944 I will kill you

At the same time that Tang Xiao's body and soul were swallowed up by the figure shrouded in a strong death aura, a roar suddenly came from the space where the demon god Xingji lived in the Ninth Heavens!

"Damn it, it must be him, it must be him!"

Xing Ji's angry voice resounded, turning everything within ten thousand miles into dust in an instant, except for a faintly flowing golden gas above his hundred-foot-high body, which was safe and sound.

"Xing Ji, rest assured, it's the last moment, if you give up now, all previous efforts will be for naught!"

A vicissitudes of life sounded out of the gas, instantly calming the demon god's furious emotions, taking a deep breath, Xing Ji's voice suddenly became extremely cold: "Okay, wait for my divine mind clone to come out , first go and destroy the damn Four Elephants Realm, and capture Ye Dong as my corpse guard, and then go to him to settle the account of killing my descendants!"

"Well, after three quarters, you will be able to get your wish!"

All the voices suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to calm, but in the vast void that contained countless mortal worlds, traces of cracks began to gradually emerge.


In the Four Elephants Realm, Ye Dong was still confronting the figure who couldn't see his face clearly, and couldn't even distinguish between men and women.

Brother Ye!
This familiar title made Ye Dong's body tremble slightly.

After many years of practice, there are not many people who can call him big brother, but every one of them definitely has a life-threatening friendship with him, and he treats them like his own brother or sister.

This made Ye Dong more sure that the person in front of him was definitely someone he was familiar with!

"who are you?"

Ye Dong asked again in a deep voice.


Amidst the strong dead air, a chuckle suddenly came out, the laughter no longer had the unmasculine voice before, it was clearly a woman's coquettish smile, but in this coquettish smile, there was not the slightest The sense of agility is full of jerky meaning, even with a strong sense of death, and a hint of self-mockery.

However, even so, the moment the laughter hit his ears, Ye Dong's body trembled again, because he remembered the voice.

With the sound of laughter, the dead energy around the figure suddenly turned into two whirlwinds and spread out to both sides. Finally, it turned into two huge black wings and appeared behind the figure.

Naturally, without the package of death, the true face of this figure was revealed!
Ye Dong is now, no matter his cultivation base or state of mind, even in the realm of Taoism, he can still reach the point where Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his color.

Even when he sees the tragic situation in the four-element world and the pain of his relatives, he can remain expressionless and show no emotion.

But now, when he sees the person in front of him clearly, his face shows a rare look of shock, and even his feet are unsteady, and he takes a step back abruptly. It is conceivable that the shock in his heart at this moment drama!
"Fragrant... son!"

It was extremely difficult to spit out these two simple words from Ye Dong's mouth.

Yes, the figure in front of me is Liu Xiang'er!
There was always a faint fragrance on her body, that Liu Xiang'er who had rescued Ye Dong and lived with Ye Dong in the Tianduan Forest for a month!

It's just that at this moment, Liu Xiang'er has no fragrance coming from her body anymore, some of it is just a faint smell of blood; her still beautiful face has also lost any agility, and some of it is just like Ye Dong's, landslide in the It was calm and indifferent before; especially those eyes that were supposed to be able to talk, but now, they are as cold as ice for thousands of years, with an indelible coldness!
Liu Xiang'er!
Back then, in Ye Dong's impression, the little girl who didn't even condense into a dusty body, now, she has become a strong person surrounded by death, who can easily devour Tang Xiao!
In just five or sixty years, the strength can have such a great improvement, even Ye Dong can't imagine.

However, this increase in strength is obviously abnormal, especially the dead air that makes Ye Dong change color, and the coldness. It seems that nothing in the world can impress her. All these show that Liu Xianger is There was a fortuitous encounter, but this fortuitous encounter abruptly changed it!

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you!"

After recognizing Xiang'er, Ye Dong's face immediately showed undisguised concern. He stepped back just now, and took two steps forward.

However, after two steps, a powerful coercion forced him to stop, and the eyes that looked at Liu Xiang'er also showed seriousness again.

If it was in the past, even if Ye Dong met the current Liu Xiang'er, he would certainly be concerned, but he would not have other thoughts, but after being stimulated by Li Muxue's death, Ye Dong already understood love, I understand Liu Xiang'er's love for me!

In fact, if Liu Xiang'er was not kidnapped, but continued to live with Ye Dong, then there is a great possibility that Ye Dong's wife today is Liu Xiang'er, not Mo Linglong.

It's a pity that due to luck, Liu Xiang'er was kidnapped, and Mo Linglong's appearance abruptly reversed this marriage that should have been fruitful, and brought the two of them to the current situation step by step.

Because Ye Dong didn't understand love when he was young, and his mother's premature departure made him dislike the opposite sex, and he would treat anyone of the opposite sex who wanted to approach him indifferently.

Now, he knows how to love, but he already has a wife who loves him deeply, Mo Linglong, so he can only say sorry to Liu Xianger, to any woman who loves him and Ye Dong.

The other women are okay, he doesn't have any close friends, even Huo Xiaotian's Yu Qianshuang, he deliberately keeps a certain distance.

However, only for Liu Xiang'er, apart from regret and guilt, Ye Dong also had a feeling that he couldn't explain clearly.

This feeling may have nothing to do with love or grace, but as long as he is still alive, there will be no shortage of such feelings.

Even because of the existence of this kind of emotion, if Liu Xiang'er was in trouble and needed Ye Dong to exchange his life, then he would not hesitate at all.

Therefore, seeing Liu Xiang'er now, although Ye Dong didn't know what happened to her, he had a feeling in his heart that everything Liu Xiang'er experienced was definitely related to him!

Ye Dong's dignified eyes gradually became complicated. At this moment, he really didn't know what to say, except calling out Liu Xiang'er's name.

However, a sneer suddenly came from Liu Xiang'er's mouth: "Brother Ye, I'm here to kill you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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