One emperor

Chapter 1950 6 Desire to Execute Divine Comedy

Chapter 1950 The Divine Comedy of Six Desires

The sound of the piano is peaceful, not the sound of nature, just like a gurgling stream, calm and gentle.

However, at the moment when the piano sounded, the boundless magic released from Xingji's avatar was abruptly interrupted.

The sound of the piano came to his ears, and Xing Ji's face showed a look of astonishment, because a picture slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a young couple, holding a newborn baby in their arms, their faces were filled with the joy of being a new parent, and the baby suddenly let out a loud cry, as if it had been disturbed by some kind. Immediately, the young parents were in a hurry.

Xing Ji watched quietly, and suddenly found that this young couple looked a little familiar, and even the baby in their arms made him feel connected by blood.

This kind of familiarity made his heart feel warm and attached. Suddenly, he realized that this young couple was his parents, and the baby was just born. of myself!
My own birth, it seems that it should be a million years ago!
As for my parents...


The strings sound again, this time the sound of the piano is no longer like a stream, but like spring returning to the earth, everything is revived and full of vitality.

And the picture in front of Xing Ji changed again, it was still the couple, but there were traces of time on the face, and the baby had grown up, a five or six-year-old boy with a tiger head and a tiger head, with a strong look in his eyes. cleverness.

The picture changed again and again, and in each picture, the young couple was looking at the growing boy with gentle eyes and loving eyes.

In Xing Ji's heart, he was slowly satisfied, the feeling of being loved by his parents, he hadn't felt it for many years!

The sound of the piano changed again, and the boy disappeared from the picture, only the aging parents. Every day, they would sit in front of the house, looking into the distance constantly, and their eyes were filled with longing and anticipation. hope.

Xing Ji remembered that after he was ten years old, he was spotted by a monk who passed by, and he was taken away from his hometown and embarked on the road of practice, but he didn't know that during the time he was away, his My parents would stand in front of the house every day, waiting for my return!

The sound of the zither changed again, this time it seemed to turn into a sharp cold wind, exuding a strong murderous aura!

Under the hope of the old couple, the [-]-year-old youth finally returned, but at this moment, he had already got rid of his mortal identity and became a monk who was superior in the eyes of mortals.

Naturally, the change in status made him arrogant, and he didn't even pay attention to his parents. A small accident made him fly into a rage, and even yelled at his parents.

Thinking back now, Xing Ji can still feel the anger in his heart at that time, the uncontrollable anger that surged up when he was looked down upon by mortals and blamed by mortals!

The piano sounded again, the autumn wind was rustling, everything withered, and boundless sadness enveloped the earth.

The scene in front of Xing Ji changed again. An old couple over sixty years old was lying in a coffin with wide-open eyes and a grim expression.

From the faces of the old couple, one can vaguely see that they were their parents when they were young, but time flies, they are no longer young, and this moment is just after their death.

Immediately, the warmth on Xing Ji's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a deep regret, he remembered that his parents were the first to die at his own hands precisely because he practiced the way of magic. to the victim.

I actually killed my parents with my own hands!
At this moment, the elderly couple stood up abruptly, their ferocious faces returned to tenderness, they stretched out their hands and waved at Xingji, and said softly: "Ji'er, we miss you, come and stay with us!"

"Father, mother!"

Xing Ji almost tremblingly called out these two names that were already too unfamiliar to him, and slowly walked towards his parents.


There was another sound of the piano, and the two loving faces of the elderly couple turned into two ferocious ghosts in an instant. Their thin bodies were like skeletons, and they both rushed to Xing Ji. mouth, biting towards Xingji fiercely, and with their hands, tearing Xingji vigorously.

"Kill you, kill you, we have worked so hard to raise you for many years, it's fine if you don't repay your parents' kindness, but you even killed us instead, what's the use of keeping you, instead of letting you continue to harm the world, it is better to let We kill you!"

Words full of infinite resentment spit out from the mouths of the couple who had turned into evil spirits.

At this moment, Xing Ji's face showed a look of panic, and he shouted loudly: "Father, mother, I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me!"


Six piano sounds in a row sounded in a hurry!
Life, love, ignorance, anger, death, fear!

The six zither sounds, the six desires of life, unexpectedly turned into six self-contained small worlds, arranged in the shape of a disc, spinning rapidly, with terrifying coercion, and headed down towards Xingjidou's hood!


Xing Ji let out a scream suddenly, and Baizhang's figure suddenly became illusory. Under the impact of the six small worlds, he was finally torn into six parts and rushed into the six worlds respectively.

At this point, the divine mind avatar of the demon god Xingji will be immersed in these six desires forever, unable to extricate himself!

The six small worlds also turned into six rays of light, rushing back into the Liuyu Fengqin, under the rapid trembling of the six strings——

Qin Xiao, the end of the song!

At the same time as the sound of the piano disappeared, Ye Dong opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of blood, which was directly on the Liuyu Fengqin, adding a touch of bright red to the already bright red Fengqin.

The Divine Comedy of Six Desires can kill gods, but with Ye Dong's current strength, it is still not enough to perform it. Fortunately, this is just a clone of the Demon God. If it is really the Demon God himself, then this song will not have any effect .

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Ye Dong's whole body had also reached the limit of collapse, but he forced a breath to maintain his sobriety, put away the Liuyu Fengqin, and stood up unsteadily.

Looking at the place where Liu Xiang'er fell, there is no trace of Liu Xiang'er. This infatuated woman has completely disappeared from this world.

After standing quietly for a while, Ye Dong turned around. Although his face was still calm, there was a deep sadness in his eyes, which lasted for a long time.

A light wind blew by, adding a touch of glaring white to Ye Dong's black hair that was blown up by the wind!

(End of this chapter)

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