One emperor

Chapter 1982 Pseudonym Coincidence

Chapter 1982 Pseudonym Coincidence
Ye Dong's request sounded extremely simple, but it shocked Yun Conglong's heart again.

"Could it be that he is really a person from Huangquan? Otherwise, how could he not even know about the envoy's preaching! After all, except for the people of Huangquan, almost any other force has participated in the emissary's preaching!"

Huang Quan, that is definitely the deepest fear in the hearts of every monk in Yu Xiaotian, so even if Ye Dong is determined to be from Huang Quan, Yun Conglong does not have the guts to ask clearly, so he can only explain honestly, what is meant by a divine envoy? road!
God envoys, every once in a while, there is no fixed distance, but before coming, they must notify every force in Yuxiaotian, whether it is a family or a sect, and ask them to select the corresponding number of people and go to a certain place. Listen to the sermon.

The number of people also varies according to the strength of the power. Like Yunlongmen, Tengxiao Pavilion can only have one person with this qualification, while Wanxiangzong can have five to ten people with the qualification!

The envoys preach, explaining the real Dao, and occasionally imparting some magical skills. In addition, the most attractive thing for Yu Xiaotian is that there are often some good seedlings, and they are even lucky enough to be favored by the envoys , so take it away directly!
Once someone in a certain force is taken away by an envoy, not only is it a great opportunity for the person who was taken away, but also has great benefits for the force he originally belonged to. It is equivalent to being directly protected by the envoy of God.

For example, if someone in the Yunlongmen was taken away by the envoy, even if it was revealed that Yun Conglong had killed a member of the Wanxiang sect, the Wanxiang sect would not dare to do anything to the Yunlongmen for the sake of the envoy!
Because, the person who is taken away has a great possibility to become a new envoy of God!
All in all, the envoy's preaching is a great opportunity for all the heavenly beings in Yu Xiaotian, and everyone would not want to miss it if they were lucky enough to go there.

However, the reason why Yun Conglong is willing to give this qualification to Ye Dong is not only that he really needs Ye Dong's protection, but also because the number of envoys preaching is much more than before.

In the past, after the emissary gave a sermon, it would take three to five years, or even ten years, before he would preach again. More, almost once a year.

The catastrophe refers to the eight heavenly realms other than Shenxiaotian. The Bagua Village, which was in charge of guarding the major heavenly realms, was suddenly destroyed by the Tiandi Palace. At the same time, the Tiandi Palace also perished in the catastrophe.

Huo Xiaotian, Zixiaotian, Qingxiaotian, every celestial realm cannot be avoided, but not many people know the truth.

It was precisely because Yun Conglong knew that the envoy had increased his sermons, so he was willing to give up this year's opportunity, because within a year or two at most, the envoy would definitely preach again, and then he would be qualified again.

After listening to the sermon about the envoy, especially after learning that the envoy might directly take away the good seedlings, Ye Dong sneered under his calm expression.

Now, what Ye Dong wants to go most is Dan Xiaotian, so he hastened to enter the Conferred God War to find his brothers and friends.

However, because of the limitation of his realm, he was unable to go there. However, the preaching of the envoy might give him a chance to get rid of the limitation of his realm and go directly to Danxiaotian!
"I see!"

"Senior, the conditions here are poor. If the senior doesn't dislike it, why don't you move to live in Yunlongmen? Don't worry, the senior. The junior will definitely arrange a place with the most spiritual energy for the senior to practice."

Although Ye Dong agreed to make a move, Yun Conglong couldn't rest assured. After all, with Ye Dong's strength, if he really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop him at all, so he is doing everything possible to tie Ye Dong to his body. Only then did he sincerely invite him to go to Yunlongmen.

Ye Dong glanced at Yun Conglong with a half-smile, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Yun Conglong was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly took Ye Dong with him, left the inn, and came to Yunlong Gate!

It has to be said that Yun Conglong was very good at handling things, and he quietly led Ye Dong into his original retreat without disturbing any of his disciples.

"Senior, are the conditions here satisfactory?"

In fact, Ye Dong didn't have any requirements for the environment at all, so he simply glanced around and nodded, "Yes!"

"Then the junior will not disturb the senior's cultivation. If the senior has any orders, just summon someone, and someone will come immediately."

Yun Conglong backed away as he spoke, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and mustered up the courage to ask, "I haven't asked senior Gao's name yet!"

"Cui Quan!"

This was naturally fabricated by Ye Dong, because he came to Yuxiaotian to deal with Huangquan, so he took this name on the grounds of destroying Huangquan.

However, when Yun Conglong heard the name, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and his drooping face turned pale.

"It turned out to be Cui, senior Cui, junior, please leave, please leave!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Conglong retreated almost at the speed of fleeing for his life. It was not until he returned to the nameless hill where he hid again that he calmed down a little.

However, his complexion was still extremely pale, and he murmured to himself: "My surname is Cui! I have heard for a long time that in Huangquan, there are ten yin commanders, six meritorious officers, and four great judges, the most famous of which are the ten yin masters. The leader of the handsome, the ghost king Zhongli, is said to have a great relationship with the ghost monster clan among the ancient barbarian monster clan, and the head of the four judges, Judge Cui!"

"Is this Cui Quan the descendant of Judgment Cui? If that's the case, then if I use him as a shield to deal with the Wanxiang sect, wouldn't it be a bigger disaster for me!"

"Wanxiang Sect is indeed powerful, but compared with Huang Quan, it's not even a fart..."

A wry smile appeared on Yun Conglong's face, and he shook his head vigorously: "It's already reached this point, and I can't take care of it anymore, at worst, I don't want to abandon this Yunlongmen, no matter what, I have to save my own life !"

Yun Conglong didn't know that the words he had been talking to himself while hiding here had reached Ye Dong's ears verbatim.

When Ye Dong reported his pseudonym earlier, Yun Conglong's reaction did not hide from Ye Dong's divine sense, so he separated a trace of divine sense, and it was always shrouded in Yun Conglong's body, so he could hear it clearly Chu.

Seeing that Yun Conglong had closed his eyes, Ye Dong withdrew his divine thoughts, and a sneer appeared on his face: "This is really a coincidence, I didn't expect that the name I made up at random would be the same as Judge Cui in Huangquan. With the same surname, this Yun Conglong is not a good thing, but now we have to use him..."

(End of this chapter)

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