One emperor

Chapter 2071 Entering the Picture

Chapter 2071 Entering the Picture
Time goes back to a year and a half ago!

Ye Dong practiced with the eight Taoists for eight years. He has indeed gained a lot of insights into the twelve Taos of the eight people, and he has gained a lot. However, he also knows that time is limited. There are twelve ways, so after careful consideration and choice, he finally chose four ways.

The Way of Time, the Way of Life, the Way of Oblivion and the Way of Killing!
The way of time, he wants to change time and travel back to the past, this hope has never faded, and the way of life is because of the shock brought to him by the hundreds of millions of lives in the Conferred God War, one day, he hopes that he can also do the same. Create a whole new life.

The way of forgetting does not seem to be powerful, but it can be seen from the fact that Wanglao has been able to safely protect this collection of Taoism for millions of years, the brilliance of this kind of way is definitely a life-saving weapon.

As for the reason for choosing the way of killing, it is naturally simpler. During the time of enlightenment, the hatred in Ye Dong's heart not only did not decrease in the slightest, but it accumulated more and more because he could not vent it. Now, it has reached the point where he is about to explode the point!
And after he left the Dao Collection Realm, the only thing he had to do was to kill!
Therefore, these four ways have extremely important and special meanings for him.

Today, during the first year and a half of retreat, he has already realized separately, besides the way of life, the power of laws derived from the other three ways, and with the help of these powers of laws, he successfully Open up the acupuncture points in my body to [-]!

Although he has not yet become a god, he has the confidence that once he unleashes all his strength, he will be able to compete with all gods. Even if he cannot beat him, at least he has the power to protect himself.

There is still half a year left before the agreed time. If Ye Dong continues to choose one more Tao to comprehend at this time, or continue to study a certain law that has already been comprehended, or even study his body composed of the law of calamity , can make him successfully step into the ranks of God!
The power of the three laws, plus his previous laws of space, the law of water, the law of fire, the law of strength, and the law of defense, there are already eight kinds. As long as one is realized, there are nine kinds of laws, and the nine laws are combined. Become a god.

But Ye Dong gave up without hesitation, because he had other plans!

He took out the Vientiane Guiyuan Map!
This picture is a magic weapon that contains the power of many laws. Ye Dong doesn't know who made it, but he always feels that it shouldn't come from the hand of God.

Because apart from the Dao God, Ye Dong doesn't think there is any god who has the ability to integrate the power of so many laws into a magic weapon.

Ye Dong had carefully studied this picture when he got it, and felt that these laws seemed to be bound by a strange force.

Now, he felt that this strange power should be the way of time!
Following Daoshi, he saw with his own eyes that Daoshi stood on a barren ground and displayed the Way of Time. Immediately, images appeared one after another on the barren ground. It is a house with people living in it, and sometimes it is a temple where a Buddha is enshrined, which is ever-changing.

Later, Dao Shi told him that what he saw was the past situation of this land, and the time can be traced back to 10 years ago, and this is the limit of what he can do!
It can use a kind of power to reproduce all the things that happened in a place within 10 years. If the time is pushed forward, it can be pushed back to millions, tens of millions of years ago, or even to the pre-formation of this world. At that time, what is presented will definitely be nothingness.

Isn't this actually the ability to return to Yuan like the Vientiane Return to Yuan Diagram?
It's just that Guiyuan's ability is more powerful. It can accelerate and regress the time of all objects in an instant until it becomes nothingness.

It is also from this point that Ye Dong judged the power of the Vientiane Guiyuan Diagram, and it is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon.

You must know that Daoshi was the creator of Taoism 50 years ago. The Dao of Time he controls can only turn back time by 10 years, and the Vientiane Guiyuan map can be tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years. Doesn't seem to compare to it.

This also made him more confident. If he could figure out the mystery of the map, then maybe he could really travel through time and go back to before everything happened!
Looking at the picture that has been shrunk down to a size of three feet, Ye Dong pondered for a moment, thousands of gray silk threads suddenly shot out from his eyes, and at the same time, his right hand gently slid across the air like flowing water. After moving it hundreds of times, silk threads gushed out from the left hand, condensing into a small knife less than three inches long.

"Time is like water, today I use space as a knife to cut off the flowing water and freeze time!"

The knife fell with the sound, and a ray of light invisible to the naked eye forcibly split the law of time that spread out between the swipes of the right hand.


A loud tremor came from a small area about the size of a fingernail in the picture.

Before the trembling stopped, Ye Dong suddenly shot out a stream of blood from the tip of his right finger, which quickly condensed into a blood sword that was still only about three inches long.

There was a soft "hiss", as if there was a cloud of green smoke rising, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Dong's eyebrows split open suddenly, and a golden light rushed into the place where the green smoke rose at a high speed.


A mass of nine-color light suddenly lit up on the whole picture of Vientiane Returning to Yuan, while Ye Dong, who was sitting there, slowly closed his eyes, holding the three-inch blood sword in his right hand, and the three-inch blood sword in his left hand. Xiaodao seemed to have fallen into a state of stillness, sitting there motionless.

Ye Dong first used the law of time and space to temporarily fix the passage of time in a corner of the Vientiane Guiyuan Diagram, and then used the law of killing to forcibly tear away a trace of defensive restrictions, and finally succeeded in cultivating one of his own into the soul of the clone. Sent into the Vientiane Guiyuan Map!
Now Ye Dong wants to use his soul clone to explore this picture of returning to the original world!

At the same time that Ye Dong's soul entered the picture, in a misty place, a man in white sitting cross-legged in the mist suddenly opened his eyes!
Two beams of light that were more dazzling than the sun directly pierced through the endless thick fog in front of me, and the surrounding fog immediately rolled up, turning into fog dragons, each of which was ten thousand feet long, rushing in like meteors inside the man.

In just an instant, all the fog had completely disappeared, revealing a huge area with a radius of nearly a million miles.

Naturally, the surrounding situation became clearer, and the man was not sitting in the fog at all. Under his body, there was a huge stone gate with flashing lights and a height of ten feet!
"Someone actually entered my original Dao map!"

(End of this chapter)

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