One emperor

Chapter 2078 The Return

Chapter 2078 The Return
A middle-aged man with white hair in a red gown, with a cold complexion and mist in his eyes, walked silently in a dark void!

At this moment, although his expression is extremely calm, there is more and more coldness and chill in his eyes filled with gray mist.

Although the void was full of roaring wind and thunder, but when this person passed by, the violent wind suddenly became gentle, and the thunder that shook the sky immediately turned into gentle whispers, Passed by him silently.

He is Ye Dong!

At the last moment of the last day, he finally came out.

The eight Taoists didn't ask him what he had obtained during the retreat, because they didn't need to ask, just the aura emanating from Ye Dong let them know that Ye Dong should have taken a crucial step. In one step, he became the supreme god in the hearts of all living beings!
Ye Dong didn't go into details with them either, because he didn't have enough time, so he chose to leave directly, and when the eight Taoists sent him off, they had already agreed that they would meet again soon.

Originally, Wang Lao wanted to apply his forgetting technique to Ye Dong, so that he could at least avoid the Taoist spirit, but Ye Dong refused.

He doesn't need to hide, he doesn't need to cover up, he has to tell the Taoist God, tell all his enemies, that I, Ye Dong, have returned!
Come to seek revenge on you, come to take your life, come to end your life with your own hands!
With his current strength, this void of the mortal world can be crossed in one step, but his speed is not fast, he just walks step by step.

But as his destination got closer, his body trembled slightly, because his destination was the Four Elephants Realm!

As early as 11 years ago, he watched the Four Symbols Realm being turned into nothingness and completely dissipated in the world of thousands of mortals. However, he still wanted to take another look at his hometown, his home!
Standing in the place that used to be the Four Symbols Realm, but now there are only clusters of chaotic air currents left, Ye Dong's trembling body gradually calmed down, but the chill in his eyes became stronger and deeper.

After a long time, Ye Dong finally turned around and left. His white hair fluttered in the darkness with the wind, which looked strangely dazzling. His tall and straight back revealed a deep sense of bleakness and loneliness, as well as the endless Hate!

"My love is gone, my heart is dead, my way is dead, I only have hatred left, and only this ruthless Dao heart is left!"

In Huoxiaotian, where Bagua Village was originally located, now after decades, a magnificent villa has appeared here, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred miles. From the outside, it is extremely luxurious and prosperous.

No one knows who the owner of this villa is, but they only know that since the day when the Nine Heavens became a chaotic world, all the villas within a radius of ten thousand miles have been turned into restricted areas, and all monks are prohibited from entering. You broke in unintentionally, and you are killing without mercy!

Today, however, there is a person, a white-haired middle-aged man in a blood shirt, who appeared in this restricted area, and even stood directly on the top of a mountain less than a hundred meters away from the villa, with a blank face. He stared at everything around him with an expression.

This is the place he came to when he entered Huo Xiaotian for the first time. He still clearly remembers that at that time, he couldn't bear the pressure of Dao, he was like a useless person, until he met Qian Kang and was carried into Bagua Village by him. So I got to know Qian Li, the mysterious Gan Yi, and a whole hundred and eight people from Bagua Village!

Bagua Village has long since disappeared, and all the people in Bagua Village except Qian Kang and Qian Li were killed.

Later, Ye Dong came back once, and buried all the gossip villagers, as well as the village chief Ganyi, in this piece of land that they had guarded for tens of thousands of years.

But today, Ye Dong was standing here, but unexpectedly found that the tombs of the Bagua Villagers had disappeared, and the place where the original tombs were located had been covered by that luxurious villa.

Although there are many restrictions outside this villa, these restrictions can't stop Ye Dong's eyes at all, and he can easily see that there is a quiet courtyard there, and at this moment there are bursts of music coming from inside. The sound, as well as the delicate laughter of some women, and even the moaning and panting of some women.

Don't even think about it, you know that there is a god playing in this courtyard!
All this made the coldness in Ye Dong's eyes even worse!

The reason why he chose to come here as the first stop after entering Huo Xiaotian was because during the retreat, he suddenly remembered Bagua Village.

At the beginning, Ganyi said very clearly that the purpose of Bagua Village is to ensure the stability of the entire Nine Heavens. Ye Dong didn't think about it at the time, but now after seeing the fairy, some doubts appeared in his heart , that is, who built Bagua Village?
The answer should be that immortal. Besides him, who else would build nine Bagua villages in the heavens?
Therefore, Ye Dong came, and he wanted to explore the secrets of Bagua Village again. At the same time, he also wanted to offer incense to those Bagua Villagers, sit in front of Gan Yi's grave, and chat with him.

However, everything in front of him added another blood debt to his heart, which was already full of hatred!
It's fine to occupy this place, but they actually danced and danced on the tomb where many villagers of Bagua Village were buried, and performed obscene things. This is a great insult to the dead!

Ye Dong raised one hand and grasped at the villa below the mountain, and heard a loud "rumbling" sound. A shocking force suddenly knocked down the roofs of all the houses in the entire villa. Grab it!
The formations and restrictions pervading around the villa were like paper, they couldn't stop Ye Dong's grasping force at all.

The roof was lost, and everything in the villa was naturally exposed. All the monks looked up at the sky in shock, not understanding what happened.

Especially in that secluded courtyard, one man and four women were entangled nakedly, and they also showed panic.

This man suddenly shook his body, because he clearly felt a pair of eyes that were as sharp as knives and tears like frost were staring at him, so he suppressed the fear in his heart and looked up at those eyes .

"There are enemies!"

The man suddenly let out a hysterical scream, which woke everyone up.

"Not good, protect Shaozong!"

As a result, long rainbows soared into the sky, and began to look for traces of the enemy.

Ye Dong looked at this group of people, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, because these people's cultivations included both the Fire Firmament Realm and the Purple Firmament Realm, and even the two old men who rushed to the front were surprisingly jade Xiaojing!

Ye Dong is still not aware of the changes that have taken place in the Nine Heavens in the past ten years, so naturally he cannot understand why people from these different heavens gather together.

However, he didn't bother to think about it. At this moment, he just wanted to kill someone!
"No matter who you are, today, I will use your lives as sacrifices to commemorate the people of Bagua Village and my dead friends! Use your blood to tell everyone that I, Ye Dong, am back!"

(End of this chapter)

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