One emperor

Chapter 2098 The Battle of Fate

Chapter 2098 The Battle of Fate
Greedy wolf!

The black body, eyes full of tyranny and blood, stared at the golden dragon transformed by Ye Dong's soul avatar, and Ye Dong's soul avatar, at this moment, suddenly appeared in the same situation as the present, The very similar scene, at this moment, Ye Dong felt a little stunned, the greedy wolf, the real dragon, is the enemy of fate!
Both of them are ethnic groups that do not belong to this mortal world, but come from the legendary fairy world. If they don't meet, it's fine. Once they meet, it will inevitably be an endless battle to the death.



One wolf, one dragon, the blood in their bodies seemed to be boiling, releasing a strong fighting spirit, and at the same time let out a terrifying roar, rushing towards each other recklessly!
At this moment, the red wolf is no longer the red wolf, and Ye Dong is no longer Ye Dong. They seem to have become two kinds of monsters in the fairy world. They are as high as ten thousand feet, stretching between the sky and the earth, fighting together!

The huge dragon's head of the golden dragon slammed into Tanlang's chest fiercely, making a loud noise that shook the sky as if it had collapsed.

The black greedy wolf didn't show any weakness either, while the one who was hit retreated back again and again, the two wolf claws ruthlessly grabbed the giant dragon's thick body, strangling desperately.

The giant dragon flicked its tail, and its long body wrapped around Tanlang's body, tightening it tightly, and Tanlang also opened its bloody mouth, and bit the giant dragon's neck.



The two mighty monsters fought fiercely in the most primitive way, with blood splattered and pieces of flesh flying everywhere. This was a pure physical collision, a battle between blood and bone!
Ye Dong himself stood calmly surrounded by the seven stars, watching this earth-shattering and rare fateful battle less than a hundred meters away from him.

If he is not going to make a move, he has to see the final outcome of this fateful battle, whether Tanlang kills the real dragon, or the real dragon kills Tanlang.

The figures of the two monsters are so huge that the sky and the earth of this world are covered by billowing clouds and mist. At this moment, all the lives in this world have already crouched on the ground, tightly He curled up tightly, wishing to get into the ground, no one dared to look up at this battle.

The gray cloud was gradually stained with a layer of red, which was dyed by the blood of two monsters, turning into a blood cloud and blood mist, and like a whirlwind, the boundless blood mist began to spread. It turned into a gigantic vortex.

In this bloody vortex, the giant dragon and Tanlang were tightly entangled together.

The ten-thousand-foot-long body of the dragon has already wound Tanlang's body around and around, and Tanlang's extremely sharp claws have also left one after another hideous wounds on the body of the giant dragon.

At the top, the dragon's head and the wolf's head are constantly biting each other, roaring angrily from their throats, and hitting each other fiercely!

With a sound of "chi", the dragon tooth directly bit into Tanlang's neck, and then pulled hard, tearing off a piece of flesh and blood the size of a millstone.

With a "click", the sharp wolf teeth bit the dragon's horn, and with a twist, the dragon's horn was bitten off by Qi Gen, and blood spattered.

It seemed that the two sides were evenly matched, and the two sides had come to a stalemate. There was a continuous rain of blood in the sky, and pieces of meat scattered and fell, filling almost half of the sky.

And all of a sudden, the golden dragon bit the back of Tanlang's head, directly piercing Tanlang's skull. It turned into a ball of black light, and from above the sky, with a "bang", it hit a black star suspended there.


On the surface of the black star, huge hideous cracks immediately appeared, and Tanlang's huge body sneaked tightly into the star.


The giant dragon roared again, opened its mouth, and sucked in forcefully, and the boundless blood cloud and mist around it immediately rolled into its mouth.


The bloody cloud condensed into an imaginary thousand-foot blood sword, spurted out from the mouth of the giant dragon, and pierced deeply into Tanlang's chest, nailing it to the star like a nail.


The greedy wolf was in pain, raised his head to the sky and let out a long and shrill howl, stretched out two wolf claws, grabbed the blood sword, and wanted to pull it out of his body.

However, the golden dragon rushed towards Tanlang immediately after the blood sword, and without giving him any time, the two dragon claws were firmly pressed into Tanlang's wolf head and chest cavity!

The blood was soaring, like a downpour, pouring out overwhelmingly!

The dragon claw exerted force again, and with a sound of "Puff", it penetrated deeply into Tanlang's neck, and then lifted it up fiercely. With Tanlang's last mournful howl of pain, the huge wolf head, He was grabbed abruptly by the dragon's claws and got out of Tanlang's body!
Blood spewed out, like a fountain about a hundred feet thick, rushing to the sky!


At this moment, Tanlang's headless body and the head on the dragon's claw suddenly exploded, obviously this was his dying blow!
After the huge body is ten thousand feet high, the power formed after the explosion is almost equivalent to destroying the sky and destroying the earth. In an instant, a huge mushroom cloud was formed, completely submerging the golden dragon, only the dragon's equally miserable and painful dragon chant The sound came from it.


The golden light flashed, and the golden dragon rushed out of the mushroom cloud, but only about a thousand feet of the original long body remained, and most of the body disappeared under the terrifying power of Tanlang's self-destruct, even between the dragon's head and the dragon's body, There was also a huge wound about Zhang Xu long, with blood gurgling outwards!

This battle started quickly and ended quickly. Although the real dragon won the victory in the end, he paid a heavy price, so that when he turned into Ye Dong's soul again, only a small half of him was left. The mutilated body, with a face full of exhaustion, slowly sank between Ye Dong's eyebrows.

Ye Dong is very young, if the golden dragon rushed out of the mushroom cloud just half a beat later, then his own soul will disappear completely like Tanlang!
Both loses!

"Boom boom boom!"

The seven stars that still existed in the sky also exploded under the self-destruct of the greedy wolf. Ye Dong protected his body with a unicorn shield, and still stood where he was, watching silently!

The continuous explosions, the endless smoke and dust in the air, and the still sharp murderous aura only completely dissipated after half a month.

Ye Dong, on the other hand, stood here and watched for half a month.

When the sky and the earth returned to calm and everything disappeared, there was no trace of a greedy wolf in the sky or the earth.

At this point, the red wolf died, both body and spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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