One emperor

Chapter 2116 Wood Saint Demon

Chapter 2116 Wood Saint Demon
Monsters can be divided into four types in total, namely Beast Monsters, Fairy Monsters, Spirit Monsters and Holy Monsters!
Beast monsters are the most common animals, even the ancient barbarian monsters belong to beast monsters;

Fairies are cultivated from various plants into demons;

Spiritual demons are dead objects such as stones, shadows, clouds, mirrors, etc., relying on a one-in-a-million chance to possess spirituality, they embark on the road of cultivation and become spiritual demons.

Like the demon emperor Yingzang, Yunlongshi, and various weapon spirits belong to spirit demons.

As for the holy demons, they exist in legends, they are the highest level of demons, and they are born demon emperors, because they are demons cultivated from Qi.

At the beginning of heaven and earth, there was a mass of primordial vitality, which split into two qis of yin and yang, and then derived the qi of the five elements. There are eight kinds of qi in total. If these eight kinds of qi can be cultivated into demons, they will be almost invincible holy demons!
It's just that the holy demon has never appeared before. After all, the probability of becoming a demon from Qi is too low, so this highest-level demon clan is classified as a legend.

But now, Ye Dong can be sure that Fang Cheng, Jing Po, and the little boy in front of him are the highest-level holy demons in the legend!

Fang Cheng must be cultivated into a demon by the qi of water, and Jing Po must be cultivated into a demon by the qi of earth, and the little boy in front of him, although he was a pill worm before, but under the combination of the wood-type holy soldier Wu Dao branch, Let it finally become a holy demon!
Dan Chong, when Ye Dong first got it, thought it was a spirit demon, and belonged to the same level as the demon emperor Yingzang, but he didn't expect that it could evolve into a holy demon.

"Perhaps, when Wood Qi was practicing, he divided himself into two parts, and one part became pill insects. He was very interested in the pills refined from various plants, and he could even use his own The breath is used to improve the grade of the pill, and the improvement of the grade of the pill is to put it bluntly, the improvement of the efficacy of the medicine, and the essence of the efficacy is the vitality, so the pill is equivalent to nourishing the pill with its own vitality, so that they can improve The effect of the medicine!"

"The other is to become a branch of enlightenment, no, it should be the tree of Tao! Since the tree of Tao is named after a tree, it must also belong to wood!"

"After the two pieces of wood energy met, there was no fusion until they met the green grass collected by Pan Chaoyang from various worlds. Those green grasses should also have a lot of origin. In short, after feeling the breath of those green grasses, Dan Chong Holding the Enlightenment Branch, he rushed over and devoured all the grass, thus giving birth to the Holy Tree Demon!"

Ye Dong quickly analyzed the process and changes of all these things in his mind, and finally came to the above conclusion. Although there are still some unknown points, he believes that his conclusion is not too far from the truth of the matter. too much.

What puzzled him now was that the holy demon had never appeared since ancient times, but why did he appear one after another when he had less than a hundred years of vitality, and he also made himself meet the three great holy demons.

"Holy demons, four-element holy beasts, unicorns, including holy beasts and true dragons, these are all creatures that exist in legends, and their successive births must have unusual meanings, perhaps representing that something unusual is about to happen. "

"An unusual thing..." Ye Dong's eyes sparkled, "It can only be the opening of the road to immortality!"

"I will definitely go to Seeking Immortal Road, no matter whether Brahma is in the Immortal Seeking Road or not, but before that, I must understand Wuqing Dao, then I will kill Xiao Wuqing first, as long as he dies, my Ruthless Dao Xin will definitely achieve great success, and only when I succeed in creating Dao can I have the qualifications to compete with Dao God!"

"Big brother, you can play with me!"

At this time, the voice of the little boy sounded. He was sitting among the soft branches and leaves of several plants, swinging up and down like a swing.

Ye Dong looked at him firmly and said: "I don't have time to play with you, you should still be very hungry, now, you need to grow up quickly, maybe, then you can help me!"

After guessing the origin of the little boy, Ye Dong naturally wanted to make him a great help for him. After all, the holy demon is stronger than the holy beast and real dragon, but he didn't know how to make him All of their strengths were brought into play.

In any case, the prerequisite must be to let it grow up,
"I will give you a name, Mu Sheng, and you will follow me from now on!"

For the next year, Ye Dong took Mu Sheng to travel among the various worlds in the Conferred God War, allowing Mu Sheng to absorb the vitality in each world.

At the very beginning, the vitality of one world was enough to make Mu Chang one year older, but as he grew older, his appetite became bigger and bigger. Gradually, two worlds, three worlds.

Every time he came to a world, Ye Dong would directly take Mu Sheng to sit on the clouds, and let him absorb the life force with all his strength, until there was no more life in this world, and then he would leave immediately and go to the next world.

The disappearance of vitality also means the death of life. Whenever Ye Dong and Mu Sheng pass through a world, this world will become a completely dead world, and there will be no more life.

Regarding these changes in the world and the disappearance of these lives, Ye Dong has not had the slightest emotional ups and downs from the beginning to the end, and looks at all these calmly.

Ye Dong didn't know that Xiao Wuqing back then, when he took Liu Xiang'er away, also destroyed a world with such calm and indifference for the sake of death.

What Xiao Wuqing destroyed was only one world, but Ye Dong destroyed nearly a hundred worlds in one year!
During this process, he also saw his old acquaintances one by one, and even saw Wang Dayi who was always sitting cross-legged in the Fengshen Realm like a statue.

However, he didn't have any contact with these people, just like a passerby, passing them quietly.

In a year, witnessing the disappearance of countless lives made Ye Dong's ruthless Dao heart more and more hardened. Now, he is even more convinced that as long as he kills Xiao Wuqing himself, the ruthless Dao will surely succeed!

A year later, Ye Dong left Fengshen Zhan alone, and kept Mu Sheng in it, allowing him to continue devouring vitality and growing up slowly.

Although it was only a year, Mu Sheng had already grown into a young man in his twenties, and he even regarded Ye Dong as his closest relative, and obeyed his words, so he didn't have any rebuttals. He obediently stayed in the Conferred God War.

Ye Dong came to Jingxiaotian, the eighth heaven, stood on the top of the mountain, looked at the infinitely high sky, and said coldly: "Xiao Wuqing, you must be hiding in Shenxiaotian, since you dare not Appear, then I will find you, Heavenly Tribulation, come!"


Ye Dong's cultivation realm, which had been suppressed all along, suddenly rose rapidly at this moment, and in an instant, countless clouds of calamity condensed in the sky. open.

(End of this chapter)

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