One emperor

Chapter 2124 A big gift

Chapter 2124 A Big Gift

Those familiar figures from the back deeply shocked Ye Dong's heart, and the scenes that he had tried his best to forget, reappeared in front of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Ye Dong!"

"Ye Dong!"

The dying cries of his friends rang in his ears again, the voices were so sad and mournful that Ye Dong wanted to cover his ears.

Staring at these backs, Ye Dong shook his head vigorously, and said to himself: "No, you are all dead, and you are all dead, and your soul is turned into nothingness, completely disappearing, even if it is true here. It's Huang Quan, it's really Netherworld, and it's impossible for you to exist, you are just an illusion created by Xiao Wuqing!"

Gradually, Ye Dong's shocked face calmed down, and with a movement, he came directly behind the figure who looked like Yan Nangui, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

"I want to see how real this illusion is!"


Suddenly, the figure caught by Ye Dong let out a sharp roar, turned around, and that appearance was indeed Yan Nangui.

However, Yan Nangui's expression was grim, and there was death in his eyes. When he turned around, he raised his hand and grabbed Ye Dong fiercely.

That expression is more like a beast than a human being.


Ye Dong patted his backhand without any hesitation, and with great force, he slapped Yan Nangui's body into countless pieces. At this moment, Yan Nangui spit out two words again: "Ye, Dong!"

As soon as the sound fell, his body exploded directly, like the broken pieces of porcelain, the pieces cracked and fell into the ground, and like snowflakes, they merged into the Huangquan Road.

Yan Nangui was gone, but Ye Dong was stunned again, because the two words Yan Nangui just said were clearly the same as what he shouted when he died in front of him, even the tone of voice was exactly the same , with a trace of surprise, with a trace of helplessness, with a trace of pain.

Ye Dong muttered to himself: "Could it be that he is really the soul of Yan Nangui!"

If this is really Yan Nangui's soul, then this palm of his own is the one that can truly and completely kill him, without any possibility of resurrection.

This is equivalent to killing him with his own hands!

At this moment, there were several more roars, and the other figures who were very familiar to Ye Dong suddenly turned around. Familiar faces, with incomparable ferocity, all roared at Ye Dong At the same time, it has already rushed over.

"You are all hallucinations!"

Ye Dong seemed to have come to his senses suddenly, he let out a loud shout, his dazed expression was replaced by calmness, he waved his hands, and mercilessly attacked the familiar figures.

In an instant, all the figures rushing towards Ye Dong were like Yan Nangui, turned into fragments and merged into the black Huangquan Road below them.

"Xiao Wuqing, you should die, you should die!"

Ye Dong clenched his hands into fists, stood there, raised his head to the sky and screamed, the murderous intent in his eyes was already real.

At this moment, in Ye Dong's heart, there was a thought that he didn't want to think about, that is, all this in front of him was not an illusion at all, and what he killed just now were the souls of his friends who had already died once. .


Suddenly, the entire Huangquan Road, no matter what Ye Dong could see or the end he couldn't see, roars sounded continuously, like a relay, from far to near, from near to far, in unison.

Immediately afterwards, more and more figures appeared on Huangquan Road. These figures stood facing Ye Dong. Looking around, they were scattered and densely packed. You couldn't see the end at a glance. I don't know how many there were.

"Little brother, this is the realm of death for senior brother. The figures you see are the last traces of souls of all the creatures that senior brother killed in his life. Hehe, you did a good job just now. You personally ended the death of your friends." Life, now, don't hesitate, continue to kill happily, kill them, and you will be able to survive!"

Xiao Wuqing's voice suddenly sounded above the road to the underworld, but Ye Dong didn't seem to hear it at all, just staring coldly at the figures that were slowly walking towards him in front of him.

Suddenly, Ye Dong sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes, but the gap between his brows was split, and the soul clone appeared, rushing towards the figures walking over with lightning speed.

In Jing Xiaotian, Xiao Wuqing, who was already out of breath, held up a black sickle and cut a huge abyss in the air. After temporarily blocking the attack of Jie Beast's giant claw, his face finally showed his true self. smile.

"Little brother hates me more and more. After he kills everyone on Huangquan Road, he will see a big gift and test I prepared for him. If he can still do it, then , The Ruthless Dao will definitely achieve great success today!"

Because rescuing Ye Dong from the flames of the robbery beast is tantamount to helping Ye Dong overcome the robbery, so now Xiao Wuqing has become the target of the robbery beast.

This was exactly what he had expected, and he did it on purpose, using his own strength to hold back Jie Beast and buy Ye Dong as much time as possible.

And he sent Ye Dong into the realm of death, and let all the creatures he killed appear, and asked Ye Dong to kill again, in fact, to welcome his own death, and to let his death come true. Ye Dong's ruthless way!

Ye Dong didn't know about all this, and he didn't even think about Xiao Wuqing facing the attack of the robbery beast. At this moment, he was doing his best to purify and devour the blood prison with the sea of ​​caves.

Whether it is Jie Beast or Xiao Wuqing, with his current strength, he is still no match. Therefore, the only way to kill Xiao Wuqing and survive this divine calamity is to improve his strength as soon as possible in a short period of time.

Therefore, Ye Dong killed the enemy with his body, and devoured the blood prison with his real body.

Although it is a clone, it has all of Ye Dong's power, and just to be on the safe side, Ye Dong also used the Hongmeng Sword Tower and Qilin Shield in the clone's hands.

These creatures who were once killed by Xiao Wuqing, although there are many in number, are not the opponents of Ye Dong's avatar, but Ye Dong also needs time, in order to prevent Xiao Wuqing from creating more ambush traps, so he also The speed of the killing was intentionally slowed down.

After half a stick of incense, Ye Donghe's avatar was finally left on Huangquan Road, and the other creatures were completely integrated into this Huangquan Road.

After a brief killing, Ye Dong's avatar's eyes were already blood red, and his murderous aura was soaring to the sky. Coupled with the catalysis of his ruthless Dao heart, it seemed that he hadn't enjoyed killing. Rushed to the depths of Huangquan Road.

However, after only a distance of less than a thousand meters, Ye Dong's avatar stopped suddenly, his blood-red eyes instantly became clear, and the murderous aura soaring into the sky disappeared.

Because, in front of him, a figure appeared again!
"Little brother, are you satisfied with this big gift that brother arranged for you? If you want to kill me, then I think you should know how to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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