One emperor

Chapter 2132 Erase Love

Chapter 2132 Erase Love

Numerous avenue lines get lost, and they merge into a dense sky net that is sparse but not leaking, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, slowly approaching Ye Dong.

The Dao Tribulation is different from the Heaven Tribulation. When the Heaven Tribulation appears, there will often be clouds, thunder and lightning, with great movement, but the Dao Tribulation is silent, but the power contained in the Dao Tribulation is even more terrifying.

Just the coercion generated by this Great Dao Skynet during its movement suppressed everything in the world, as if time stood still, and everything remained motionless, leaving only this Skynet moving slowly .

This is the real power to destroy all things. Throughout the ages, no one can stop it.

Ye Dong's cold eyes stared at Dao Tianwang, who was getting closer and closer to him. There was a gray mist rolling in his eyes, and a gleam of light gradually emerged.

At this moment, in the eyes of others, it is just a skynet composed of the lines of the avenue, but under the gaze of Ye Dong's eyes, which are only one step away from the eye of the avenue, there is an obvious difference.

"This dao pattern is the law of water, this dao pattern is the law of fire, and there are also the laws of space, time, life, and oblivion. It turns out that the so-called existing avenues are formed by these different laws. It is condensed, thanks to the Vientiane Guiyuan Map I got before, otherwise, it would be impossible to find the difference."

"It can even be said that if the power of law in the Vientiane Guiyuan Diagram is fully released, then it will be the existing avenue. This Vientiane Guiyuan Diagram may be an immortal artifact refined by immortals, but in my opinion Come on, it should be called the Dao Tool, or the Dao Map, the Dao Map!"

The study of the Vientiane Guiyuan Diagram allowed Ye Dong to see the essence of the Dao through the Dao images of the Dao lines in front of him, which naturally made him not afraid of this Dao disaster.

While Ye Dong was staring at the Dao Sky Net, in the sky of the gods, like the gods, the Taoist God who was watching Ye Dong's crossing robbery made a voice with a hint of doubt: "Just now, he used Why did the colorful light that came to kill Xiao Wuqing feel so familiar to me? It seemed to be the same as the aura of the Dao? It should not be just a kind of power, but a weapon, or a magic weapon. Perhaps, it has something to do with the master , It’s a pity that I don’t have a complete memory, otherwise, I will definitely know, no, I must get it!”

Although the moving speed of Avenue Skynet is slow, it is extremely stable, as if there is nothing in the world, and no force can stop its progress. Therefore, after a while, Skynet is only less than a hundred miles away from Ye Dong. The distance of meters, and Ye Dong can naturally feel the terrifying power of the Great Dao that can destroy everything.

At that time, under the siege of Dao Tianwang, he didn't even have the strength to move, but today, he slowly raised his hands and said loudly: "Since Dao killed me with robbery, then I will Use my Dao to contend, I, Ye Dong, in the name of Ruthless Dao, obliterate the feelings of all things, the first to obliterate, the feelings of joy!"

Ye Dong's voice spread throughout Jingxiaotian, and following the last word "joyful feelings", everything in Jingxiaotian, whether it was human beings or monsters, even the vegetation and rocks, mountains, rivers and seas, was completely shaken .

All things have animism, and all things have feelings. At this moment, all things can clearly feel that there is an emotion in their bodies and souls that has been drawn out by an invisible force.

From Ye Dong's body, a colorful character "love" flew out, exploded in the air, and turned into countless colorful Dao patterns. These Dao patterns condensed into countless palms, some were as big as mountains, and some were as big as mountains. As small as leaves, they probed into the bodies and souls of all things in Jing Xiaotian separately, grasped an emotion, and pulled it out forcefully.

Streams of mist gathered from all directions, and these mists were clearly filled with a sense of joy, a sense of laughter, gradually condensed in the air, and finally turned into a blurred face, and on this face, But full of smiles.

This is the joy of all things!
From then on, all things in Jing Xiaotian, their joy disappeared, and were forcibly drawn out by Ye Dong directly with the ruthless way, and they condensed into a shape to fight against the robbery!

As more and more joy poured in, the blurred face in the air gradually became clear, it was Xiao Wuqing's face!

Although Xiao Wuqing is dead, Ye Dong's hatred for Xiao Wuqing has not been completely resolved, so that when he obliterated the love of all things, he actually condensed the love into Xiao Wuqing's appearance, so as to continue to torture him.

At this moment, this face that is exactly the same as Xiao Wuqing's is full of joy, it is the joy that really comes from the heart, from the depths of the soul!
This smiling face was as big as the sky. After it appeared, the avenue Skynet, which was approaching Ye Dong at a slow but steady speed, suddenly stagnated. smiley.

"Second obliteration, anger!"

Ye Dong's voice resounded through the sky and the earth again, and the word "Love" reappeared, turning into colorful dao patterns and condensing into hands, and continued to grab all things in Jing Xiaotian.

Another cloud of hazy mist appeared in the air, condensing into Xiao Wuqing's face, but this face was no longer a smile, but full of anger, with stern brows and staring eyes, emitting a deep chill meaning.

"The third obliteration, worry!"

"The fourth obliteration, the feeling of thinking!"

"Fifth obliteration, grief!"

"The sixth obliteration, fear!"

"The seventh obliteration, shock!"

Ye Dong's voice kept ringing out, and the five-color Daowen forcibly stripped out various emotions from all things again and again, until seven huge and incomparable faces appeared in the sky, all of which were Xiao Wuqing's appearance.

Seven faces, showing seven expressions, smile, anger, sorrow, miss, sadness, fear, shock!
And with the appearance of these seven faces, everything in Jing Xiaotian, whether it is humans, monsters, or vegetation, mountains and rivers, has lost its spirituality, as if it has become a puppet, a walking corpse, and is sluggish.

The entire Jing Xiaotian has become a lifeless world, and this lifelessness is not death, but ruthlessness!

Everything lost its due emotion and was obliterated by Ye Dong one after another!

This result, for all things, is more painful than death, and they will continue in this state of confusion from now on, until the day when their lives come to an end!
Ye Dong didn't care about all of this, because his ruthless Dao heart had already been completed, and he was the most ruthless existence, so naturally he would not pity and sympathize with all things in this world.

The seven faces were divided into seven directions, firmly preventing Dao Tianwang from continuing to move, and Ye Dong, surrounded by the seven faces, raised his hands again with a cold expression!

(End of this chapter)

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