One emperor

Chapter 2134 Robbery Beast Is Heaven

Chapter 2134 Robbery Beast Is Heaven
"The last one, the last one!"

Yu Qinglan, the master of Tiandimen, kept chanting these four words, but Dao Shen was also chanting these four words.

When Ye Dong was in crisis, the Hongmeng Sword Pagoda flew out of Ye Dong's body without Ye Dong's calling, and turned into a pagoda to protect Ye Dong.

The eighteen-story pagoda is as high as a thousand feet, standing between the sky and the earth!

The hurricane, the flames, the sea of ​​thunder, and the falling rocks arrived at the same time, without exception, all of which slammed into the Primordial Sword Tower.

One after another primordial energy overflowed from the sword tower, rushing towards four directions respectively, doing their best to block these four completely different attack methods.

The roaring sound echoed continuously between the heaven and the earth. At this moment, the five oldest existences had the most intense confrontation!

The raging hurricane suddenly condensed, and a huge figure composed entirely of hurricanes actually formed. With a big wave of his hand, he slapped fiercely at the primordial vitality that enveloped him all around.

At the same time, Huo Huo, Lei Hai, and Luo Shi also condensed into human shapes one after another, and they all shot together, entangled with the primordial vitality.

The Hongmeng Sword Tower is one against four, and the primordial vitality is completely released without reservation. At this moment, the various patterns carved on its tower body also release bright light, leaving the tower body, turning into strands of different The attack method has joined this unique battle.

The biggest characteristic of primordial vitality is weight, so the speed of these four human figures was obviously suppressed by the weight, their movements became extremely slow, and they were temporarily restrained from moving.

And this is the purpose of the Hongmeng Sword Tower, it doesn't expect it to be able to resolve all these four attack methods, it just wants to delay time until Ye Dong wakes up.

As for Jie Beast, it seemed that they were not planning to interfere with the behavior of the Primordial Sword Tower at this moment, but stood quietly on the spot, not knowing what they were doing. Therefore, the five parties fell into a stalemate.

At the same time, Ye Dong, who seemed to be in the endless void and couldn't even feel it, was calm, because he entered this environment voluntarily, in order to find out the true nature of Jie Beast. ability!

Although all his sensory abilities were completely temporarily deprived, his mind was still there, allowing him to think.

"The robbery beast deprives me of all my senses to make me fall into a defenseless state, so it must be taking this opportunity to attack me at this moment. If it is just an attack of flames, etc., then relying on the strength of my physical body I can persist for a while, I am afraid that it will also attack with the physical body, that kind of power is not something that my physical body can resist, so I must get out of this state as soon as possible."

"But just now, when my vision was deprived, I heard that familiar calling sound. It was clearly Jie Beast who wanted to confuse me, but before I was confuse, it kept making me unable to hear or feel Then, isn’t its confusion completely superfluous?”

"Also, although this robbery beast is said to have been born from Heavenly Tribulation, it should be a formless, inspirited, and unconscious thing. It is just a special expression of Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not the case. It has its own complete body. It can also be hurt, and after being hurt, it can even have anger, and even know how to avoid it when the Dao Tribulation appears, and it will not appear again until the Dao Tribulation disappears."

"All this shows that the robbery beast is a real creature with its own intelligence and emotion. So, what is it? Why does it only appear in the sky, even as if it is in charge of the sky? Exercising the power of Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Heavenly Tribulation is different from Dao Tribulation. Dao Tribulation is produced by the Dao, which is created by the immortal, or I can understand it more directly. The Heavenly Tribulation was cast out by this Jie Beast, so isn't the Jie Beast the Heaven?"

Robbery is heaven!

Even Ye Dong himself found this idea a bit weird and awkward, but he believed that his idea should be the closest to the truth.

"The robbery beast is the sky, so what is the relationship between the sky and the Tao? Is the Tao integrated into the sky, or does the sky originate from the Tao? Or are the two co-existing?"

Ye Dong's thoughts had to stop here, not because he didn't want to continue thinking, but because a light appeared in front of his eyes, and at the same time, a loud voice gradually rang in his ears, interrupting his thoughts. his thinking.

The light actually came from his own body!

Ye Dong was slightly taken aback, looked at his body, and suddenly found that his body had turned into a void space, just like that void, and in this void, there were bubbles emitting light one by one. same existence.

"This, isn't this the Conferred God War?"

The scene in front of him made Ye Dong feel extremely familiar, because it was very similar to the situation in the Battle of Conferred Gods.

Ye Dong has been detached from the thousands of worlds of Conferred Gods War more than once, looking at the bubbles that exist there, each bubble represents a world, and in each world, there will be countless lives that encompass everything. .

However, when this kind of situation appeared in his body, even Ye Dong couldn't accept it, and it was even more unimaginable. Could it be that the bubbles that radiate light are also worlds?
Ye Dongyun had enough eyesight to continue looking, and a figure appeared in the bubble closest to his eyes, and the appearance of this figure was impressively - his grandfather, Ye Yuanjun!

Ye Dong's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly looked at the other bubbles. Sure enough, there was a familiar figure in each bubble.

Parents, wife, Pan Chaoyang, Red Wolf, Prajna, Liu Xianger, and even a figure in the bubble turned out to be Xiao Wuqing!

In addition to these figures, the noisy voice in Ye Dong's ears gradually became clear, it was the familiar calling voice he heard before.

At this moment, Ye Dong suddenly understood that Jie Beast's ability to deprive himself of his senses was not to confuse himself at the time, but to search out his own memory, and then find in his own memory the most important things to him. One by one, relatives and friends, and then all of them appear at this moment, so that they fall into confusion.

It's just that its method is quite special, it turns out to treat one's own body as an independent world, and then place each person in one's memory in a small world, and create a way to be trapped in the world and send out a message to oneself. The illusion of calling for help, trying to confuse himself.

If he was really confused and smashed these bubbles, not only would he not be able to rescue the figure in it, but he would cause more damage to himself, which is equivalent to attacking himself.

After thinking about this, a cold smile appeared on Ye Dong's face, and he said to himself: "Although its trick doesn't work for me, its ability to create illusions is extremely special. God, I seem to understand the meaning of this sentence a little bit, so if I can subdue Jie Beast, does it mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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