One emperor

Chapter 2140 The truth of everything

Chapter 2140 The truth of everything
the truth!

Is this the truth of everything?
At this moment, Ye Dong's mind was turning over and over with only this one thought!
Although the screen has disappeared, although the master's words have not been finished, Ye Dong already knows everything that will happen in the future.

God Lord Xiao Wuqing personally killed his wife, parents, relatives, and brother, and became the god of death Xiao Wuqing, and just like his name, he realized the way of ruthlessness!

"It's fake, it's all fake, it must be fake!" Ye Dong suddenly let out a hysterical roar: "Xiao Wuqing, you must have made this up, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

At the same time, Pan Chaoyang, who had remained silent all along, finally spoke up: "Young Master, Senior Xiao said that although he became the god of death, he never killed a single innocent person in his life...!"

"Why not!" Ye Dong, who was furious, had already forgotten that Pan Chaoyang in front of him was just a divine sense, and it was impossible to talk to him at all, so he interrupted him without any politeness, and roared at him with red eyes Said: "Xiang'er, Yan Nangui, Mokui, Yaodi Yingcang, I witnessed them die at the hands of Xiao Wuqing, aren't they all innocent people? They are all dead, all dead, Liars, liars, you are all liars, you are all lying to me!"

Pan Chaoyang continued: "Young master, I know, you definitely don't believe all of this, but in fact, whether it's Xiang'er, the Demon Emperor, or even all the lives in the entire Four Elephant Realm, as well as your relatives, they They are all still alive, what they lost is only a physical body, and their souls are all alive!"

"Impossible!" After being stunned for a moment, Ye Dong yelled again crazily: "I saw them die with my own eyes, their bodies and spirits annihilated, and their souls disappeared. Moreover, even if they didn't die, on Huangquan Road, just now , Xiao Wuqing took me into his Huangquan Road, and I personally killed Xiang'er, Yannangui, and all of them again, they are completely dead, and will never be resurrected!"

"Young master, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaoni, ask her if people in the Four Elephant Realm still live in the Nine Heavens Holy Land, ask her if she has seen Zhan Tian with her own eyes, seen Pass Yannan to their souls!"

Ye Dong suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Ni who was beside him, with blood-red eyes staring at her with a ferocious look.

A trace of fear flashed across Xiaoni's face, obviously she was afraid of Ye Dong at this moment, but immediately she puffed up her small chest and said loudly: "Brother Ye, what Brother Pan said is true, The Four Elephants Realm is gone, but all the beings in the Four Elephants Realm have been brought to the Nine Heavens Holy Land, and Xiao Ling, I, and Xiao Xun are still good friends! If you don’t believe me, ask Xiao Ling!”

Xiao Ling hastily nodded his head up and down, proving that Xiao Ni's words were true.

Xiao Xun is a little dirt dog that Ye Dong inadvertently rescued during his enlightenment experience. When he was in Ye's house, he became good friends with Xiao Ling and Xiao Ni.

When Xiaoni is free, she likes to ride around on Xiaoxun's body, just like riding on Red Wolf back then.

"Young master, I want to say sorry to you about the Four Elephant Realm. Although they are still alive, it is true that we destroyed the Four Elephant Realm with our own hands. If you want to blame it, you can blame me. I convinced you Prajna, Red Wolf, Long Cheng, and the Seven Sons of Cangming performed this scene."

Pan Chaoyang knelt down straight on the ground, while Ye Dong was completely stunned, staring blankly at Pan Chaoyang.

"Young master, as for Linglong and the others, everything is safe and sound. The Dragon Tomb is the cemetery of the real dragon. Even the Taoist Gods can't find it. How can Senior Xiao find it? In short, everything is fake. It's just Senior Xiao's painstaking arrangement, in order to fulfill the promise he made to Senior Demon Emperor back then, to help you comprehend the ruthless Dao, and help you succeed in creating Dao!"

"In the past, I didn't know much about Dao, but during the more than ten years in the Conferred God War, I can feel a little shadow of Dao. According to my speculation, Dao must pay attention to balance and the unity of yin and yang. , that is to say, it is necessary to comprehend two ways, and then combine the two kinds of ways into one, so that it is possible to create a way successfully. Therefore, the blood emperor and the devil emperor back then calculated that the young master would lack one, so they would be in the blood prison. I left a message in it, hoping that someone from the Blood Prison Sect can help the young master, and Dao creation will be successful!"

Pan Chaoyang's words once again brought back a memory in Ye Dong, which was in the Daoist realm.

Daoli swung his ax to chop down the tree for a year, and the tree was unscathed until finally, the tree fell and the ax shattered!
"Do you understand?"

"Balance, if this balance is broken, both sides will suffer!"

"The true creation of Tao is to merge two contradictory Taos into one."

Pan Chaoyang is still worthy of being a wise general. Although he is not a creator of Tao, his understanding of Tao far exceeds that of other beings, and he is even close to a creator of Tao.

"Young master, let me tell you another piece of good news. Apart from me, the Prajna, Red Wolf, Zhou Longcheng, and Cangming seven sons who were killed by you personally, when they left the Nine Heavens Holy Land, I pulled out a trace of their souls. , are hidden in the Nine Heavens Holy Land, perhaps, it is possible to revive them!"

"As for me, although I have a ray of life, I don't know where the life is. Naturally, I don't know whether I am alive or dead, and where I am."

"However, the young master doesn't need to worry about me, because the young master has more important things to do. The pole formation left in Xiaoni's body is indeed the culmination of my life's formation, but it is not used to deal with the young master. , but to block Shen Xiaotian!"

"When Xiaoni wakes up, it is the day when the road to immortality is opened, and once the road to immortality is opened, the gods will go to the immortal road in order to gain a lot of life, and they will start a frenzied massacre of all life below the gods. As long as the young master activates the extreme formation, he can block Shen Xiaotian for a period of time and stop the gods temporarily, and during this time, the young master can go find helpers and fight against the gods together!"

"Young master, I'm sorry, this is the best I can do!"

"By the way, young master, Senior Xiao has another sentence for me to tell you. He knows that he may die in the hands of the young master, but it is his own will. His death is not only not to harm him, but to help him. He has been liberated, and it is better to die in the hands of the young master than to die at the hands of others, so the young master must not blame himself for this."

"In addition, Senior Xiao personally killed his son instead of the young master, but left a remnant soul in the soul of the young master. If the young master really wants to do something for Senior Xiao, then Take care of his son a little bit!"

"Young master, my time is up. I really hope that I still have the opportunity to fight side by side with the young master! Young master, take care!"



Looking at Pan Chaoyang, who was smiling and disappeared into smoke, Ye Dong suddenly looked up to the sky, and let out another heart-piercing roar!

(End of this chapter)

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