One emperor

Chapter 2190 Land of Transformation

Chapter 2190 Land of Transformation
Ye Dong finally stepped into this distorted dark space, and the scene presented in front of him deeply shocked even the well-informed him!
In front of him, there is a vast universe starry sky!

Just like the place where I saw the opening of the Road to Immortals at Yu Qinglan at the Heaven and Earth Gate!
In this vast cosmic starry sky, there are dense oval-shaped luminous objects that look like eggs. Each egg is a star, representing an independent small world.

There is a boundary within a realm, and within a realm within a realm, there is a starry sky in the imaginary universe, and in the starry sky, there are actually such a large number of small worlds, although the area of ​​these small worlds is not large.

Such an astonishing scene made Ye Dong a little unimaginable, how did the Taoist God hide a piece of starry sky here, and he didn't know whether these glowing eggs in the starry sky were the night when he was young, Those real stars looking up?
Also, just now I felt 110 nine kinds of Tao. I thought there should be 110 nine creatures here. Even if a star only contains one person, it will definitely be more than this number.

When Ye Dong recovered from the shock, his divine sense immediately swept towards the group of stars closest to him.

"So it is!"

There are about a hundred stars in this group of stars, and each star is indeed an independent world with almost the same area, but the environment is different.

Inside some stars is an ocean, inside some stars is a sea of ​​fire, inside some stars is a desert, and inside some stars is even a tomb!
In short, no matter how different the environment is, there is absolutely only one environment in each star.

Moreover, among the hundreds of stars, only one star has a human being in it, and among the other stars, there is no living being, it is completely empty, not even a trace of life, just like a dead star generally.

In the only star with a human being, there is also only one environment, which is filled with a transparent liquid. At first Ye Dong thought that this liquid was water, but when he got close to this star, his nose Duan immediately smelled a strong fragrance.

The smell of wine!

The liquid in the entire star is actually all wine!

And the only human being, skinny, unkempt, with a beard all over his face, soaked in boundless wine, drinking continuously...

Wine that can exude such a rich aroma must be good wine. For monks, because they don't need to eat, they basically like to drink some wine and regard it as a kind of enjoyment.

But the expression on this person's face was not enjoyment at all, but extremely painful, completely tormented.

Seeing this, Ye Dong finally understood!

These star-like worlds are prepared for those who realize Taoism.

In every star, there is a Taoist, and according to the different Tao they have enlightened, the environment they live in is also different, but it is certain that it is closely related to their Tao!

Just like this monk who is drinking, his way must be the way of wine, so he is completely soaked in wine.

The reason why there are so many empty stars is because the enlightened people who lived in these stars have died, or have been judged by the Taoist God whether they are the Seven Souls of the Tao, so they were solved by the Taoist God.

As for why the Dao Gods put the enlightened people in an environment related to the Tao they realized, and how to judge whether the enlightened people are the seven souls of the Tao, Ye Dong still can't figure out these questions.

However, if the guess is correct, among so many stars here, there should be only one out of 110 nine!
It's just that there are too many stars here, even with Ye Dong's divine sense, it would take a while to see them all.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Ye Dong didn't check other stars for the time being, but directly stepped into this star full of fine wine.

"Gudu, Gudu!"

Ye Dong could clearly hear that this man was drinking heavily. Although he saw Ye Dong coming, he didn't stop drinking at all, but continued to drink, but in his eyes, there was blood flowing out. A look of pleading and excitement, as well as fear and surprise.

Ye Dong took a closer look, and couldn't help frowning again, because this man is not only drinking with his mouth, but even his seven orifices, every pore, including his soul, there is a steady stream of wine pouring into his mouth It pours into the body, and this kind of pouring, the man seems to have no way to stop it, so he can only consume the wine in his body as much as possible with his spiritual power while drinking.

The consumed wine is excreted from the man's body, but it will gather in the surrounding wine, which leads to the fact that the wine here, unless the man drinks it all at once, otherwise, it will never dry up, and it will not even dry up. Reduce, and men can only drink forever!

No wonder the man's expression is so painful, this is indeed an out-and-out pain!
Seeing the man's gaze, Ye Dong knew that the man was asking him to help him.

As soon as Ye Dong raised his hand, a gas mask appeared, and it covered the top of the man's head, trying to separate it from the drink, but the man showed panic and shook his head crazily.

This made Ye Dong slightly startled, his raised hand was hanging in the air, his eyes showed a look of puzzlement.

Because the man couldn't shut up, even his soul was drinking, so Ye Dong could only ask slowly with his spiritual thoughts, and the man answered by shaking his head and nodding.

After spending a lot of time, Ye Dong finally understood that although this man didn't want to drink anymore, his body had to keep the inflow of alcohol all the time. If Ye Dong used a mask to isolate him from the alcohol, Then he will die directly.

In the end, Ye Dong just released the opponent's mouth, but all parts of his body were still devouring and releasing the drink.


From the man's mouth, he exhaled a long breath, and the expression on his face also showed a sense of relief, but he was obviously more anxious than Ye Dong, and immediately said to Ye Dong after exhaling: "Thank you, benefactor, for taking the shot!" Help me, as long as you come half a month later, I will be transformed!"


"Well, this is the place specially opened up by the God of Taoism, and Taoism is to let the Tao that each of us enlightened people realize completely disintegrate and turn into nothingness, so that we can judge whether we are true or not. The seven souls of the Tao!"

(End of this chapter)

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