One emperor

Chapter 2192 The ninth generation

Chapter 2192 The Seventeenth Century

Even if Liu Ling wanted to close his eyes, he couldn't do it, not to mention that he was extremely curious about what Ye Dong said about the transformation of the Tao. You must know that even the Taoist gods have to rely on this way of cultivating the Tao to make everyone enlightened. However, Ye Dong seems to have a faster way to complete the entire process of transforming the Tao. The most amazing thing is that this kind of transformation will even leave a glimmer of life for the enlightened one. .

At this time, Ye Dong looked calm, but his heart was a little uneasy. The method of transformation that he came up with was actually the various Dao patterns that he used to set up restrictions before entering the land of transformation. , one by one into the original process.

Since the Dao pattern can be turned into the original source, then perhaps the Dao enlightened by the Taoist can also be turned into the original source. In this way, as long as the enlightened person no longer has the enlightened Dao in his body, the Dao god's cultivation of Tao will naturally be reduced. It lost its effect, so it should be possible to untie the shackles on Liu Ling and the others, and release them from the crisis of Hua Dao.

However, this is just Ye Dong's idea, and he can't predict the specific consequences. The reason why he did this is to save Liu Ling. Pan Chaoyang and the others.

Since Pan Chaoyang and his senior brother are both enlightened Taoists, and they were captured by the Taoist God, they must also bear the cultivation of Taoism here, waiting to transform into Taoism, and they also need to be rescued by themselves.

Now it is time to use Liu Ling as an experiment, although it is a bit unfair to Liu Ling, but there is no way, this is the only way Ye Dong can think of to save him.

Liu Ling saw Dao patterns emanating from Ye Dong's body that he had never seen before, and then followed the surging wine into her body and into her soul.

Immediately afterwards, a wonderful feeling enveloped him completely.

This feeling is very wonderful, like I have returned to my mother's womb, and like the hazy feeling I had when I was just born, to everything in the world.

And the birth of this feeling made Liu Ling drowsy even more. Although she knew that if she fell asleep, the consequences would be extremely serious, but gradually, Liu Ling's sanity began to blur, her consciousness became confused, and her eyes widened. His eyes also began to close gradually, until they finally closed and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Ye Dong's expression was incomparably dignified. Not only did he want to ensure that Liu Ling's body continued to accept and release the wine, but he also had to use his own way of origin to slowly dissolve his drinking.

Gradually, Ye Dong saw pictures in Liu Ling's mind.

In every picture, there is Liu Ling, whose appearance ranges from middle age, to youth, to teenager, and then to childhood!

Not long after Liu Ling was born, his father dipped chopsticks in wine and put it into his mouth. Although Liu Ling at that time could not distinguish any flavors at all, he still firmly remembered this special taste. booze!

Since then, there has been an alcoholic in this world, a monk who is addicted to alcohol!

Liu Ling walked the world and traveled all over the land, mountains and rivers. The name is experience, but in fact the real purpose is to taste all the delicious wines in the world!

Gradually, Liu Ling's feeling for wine reached a wonderful height, and he developed a wonderful feeling, which made him feel a higher artistic conception from each different wine. It's called Daojing.

Time passed by in a hurry, when Liu Ling's cultivation base and age had reached an advanced age, he had drunk more than ten thousand kinds of wine, and since then, there is no one in this world that he can drink. Drunk wine!
Not being able to get drunk is actually a kind of pain for Liu Ling and the drunkards in the world. Naturally, he can no longer appreciate the pleasure that wine brings to him, and even the best wine, when it comes to his mouth, is also a pain. Become bland as water.

At this time, Liu Ling was so scared that she started not drinking at all.

Time flies, and thousands of years have passed. One day and one night, in an extremely ordinary small village, a kind and enthusiastic hunter met Liu Ling who was practicing in the mountains. He pulled him home and took out all the best things in the house. Come to entertain him, and there is a jug of bad wine in the past, which he can't even look at.

On that night, after thousands of years, he picked up the wine glass for the first time and drank another glass of wine. Suddenly, he had a great understanding and realized the way of wine!
Even Liu Ling himself couldn't explain why he suddenly became enlightened at that moment, but he became a person who realized Tao just like that.

A Taoist is only one step away from becoming a god, but unfortunately, he was found and captured by the Taoist God not long after, and sent to this place of enlightenment, where he has been imprisoned until now.

This is all the experiences of Liu Ling's enlightenment, passing by Ye Dong one by one, but the whole process and the whole picture are reversed!
The first thing Ye Dong saw was Liu Ling's 4000 years of life, then the process of his arrest, then the process of his enlightenment, and finally, when he was just born, his father sent him to the hospital with chopsticks and wine. The picture in the mouth.

Originally, Ye Dong thought that when this picture appeared, it meant the end, because he had already watched Liu Ling's life, but what he didn't expect was that after this picture disappeared, there was a series of pictures again!
In the picture, it is still Liu Ling, but he has changed from an enlightened person, from a monk to a mortal, and he only lived for 40 years!


It was as if countless stars exploded in Ye Dong's mind at the same time, making him stand up suddenly, his eyes wide open, staring at the scene in front of him. Shocked and trembling slightly.

"These images, these images, are from Liu Ling's past life!"

It was extremely difficult to spit out this sentence from Ye Dong's mouth!

As the pictures continued to change, Ye Dong actually saw Liu Ling's past life and all his reincarnated lives!
In this life, Liu Ling is a monk and a Taoist.

In her previous life, Liu Ling was just an ordinary person who lived over 40 years old.

In the last life, Liu Ling turned into a wolf.


Finally, it came to the last picture. In the picture, there was a pitch-black nothingness, nothing at all!

Although the picture was over, Ye Dong was still stunned there.

He remembered very clearly that in just a split second, he actually saw Liu Ling's seventeenth life!
In the life of the seventeenth generation, Liu Ling has been a human, a beast, a fish, and even a plant!

"Reincarnation really does exist. Doesn't that mean that the method of soul reincarnation pursued by Buddhist practitioners is feasible?" Ye Dong murmured to himself, but then shook his head: "No, Liu Ling in every life has no reincarnation at all. He doesn't remember the slightest memory of his previous life, and his soul has also changed, which shows that each of his lives exists alone, not what Buddhist practitioners think. He can carry the memory of his previous life and constantly directly use his soul Come and reincarnate, so as to achieve the goal of eternal life!"

"However, one thing is certain, Liu Ling is not the soul of Dao!"

(End of this chapter)

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