One emperor

Chapter 2198 Less than 2 hours

Chapter 2198 Less than two hours
Blood Hell!
These four characters represent a kind of identity and a kind of glory!

Today's Ye Dong finally understands one thing, that is, he is no longer fighting alone, supporting the burden of being a master, but has a brother to share with him.

Ye Dong also temporarily let go of Xiao Wuqing's burden, and began to tell what he knew about the other descendants of the Blood Prison sect.

"Fourth Senior Sister, Empress Feng Qiwu, I don't know where she is, but her weapon back then, Liuyu Fengqin, is now in my hands!"

"The fifth senior brother's immortal pill took his life, and his whereabouts are also unknown, but the lineage of the fifth senior brother's lineage still exists, and the medicine fairy Leng Wuya is now in Huo Xiaotian's blood prison."

"Seventh senior brother Luo Tianlian, master of all weapons, his whereabouts are unknown. However, I accidentally got his inheritance of appreciating skills. Not only is the pair of eyes of the great way now thanks to him, but he also suppressed the primordial vitality and was also killed by him." I subdued it and sacrificed it to become the Grandmist Sword Tower."

"Eighth senior brother's magic calculation to the sky, his whereabouts are still unknown, but when I was growing up, I can see his shadow almost everywhere. He has paid too much for me and for our blood prison gate. , Moreover, regarding his whereabouts, it is also what puzzles me the most. With his exhaustive power, it is impossible not to lay a retreat for himself. I even doubt that he can think of the gathering of our blood prison today. It stands to reason that he has already appeared, but until now, there is still no trace."

After listening to Ye Dong's words, Jun Buhui reached out and patted Ye Dong's shoulder again: "Don't worry, even I, who deserves to die, are still alive, and they must all live well. I'm a blood prison. In this era, we will definitely be able to gather together!"

Ye Dong and Zhan Jiutian nodded repeatedly, this was their common wish and expectation.

"What about Master?"

"Master entered the Immortal Path, probably to find the whereabouts of the Blood Emperor Dongfang Qing."

"Okay, I got it all!" Jun Buhui smiled and said, "Little Junior Brother, besides the two of us, is there anyone else you want to save here?"


"Then what are you waiting for, find it quickly, let's leave here quickly, I can't wait to meet Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Brother!"

So Ye Dong simply told the two of the situation here and Pan Chaoyang's appearance, and the three of them divided into three directions and began to spread out to search.

Seeing Jun Buhui and Zhan Jiutian who gradually disappeared into the mist, Ye Dong's face gradually revealed a solemn look, and even his eyes were full of murderous intent, he clenched his fists fiercely, and said to himself Said: "Tao God, you dare to treat my two senior brothers like this, I, Ye Dong, will one day transform your Tao!"

Closing his eyes, the last scene he saw before Ye Dong's eyes reappeared, not only Jun Buhui's, but even Zhan Jiutian's.

No one would have thought that the past life experience of these two people, the last picture shown was exactly the same!
And this is also the reason for Ye Dong's anger!

However, he would never tell anyone what he saw, not even the second and sixth senior brothers themselves!
Even, in his heart, he was even more worried that besides the second senior brother and the sixth senior brother, there might be other people in his blood prison, who were in the same situation as the two of them.

If this is the case, then the existence of the Blood Prison Sect is simply a huge conspiracy that has existed since ancient times!
Ye Dong suppressed the murderous intent and anger in his eyes, stepped forward, and blended into the surrounding mist.

"found it!"

During the four people's search, Ye Dong was finally the first to find Pan Chaoyang!
The world where Pan Chaoyang lives is surprisingly a vast starry sky, with countless stars all over the starry sky, which is incomparably gorgeous, so this place looks much larger than other lands of transformation.

Pan Chaoyang's appearance was a bit older than what Ye Dong saw in his divine sense, and even from him, he could feel a strong sense of death.

Seeing this scene, the other three people who hurried over, Liu Ling couldn't help but gasped and said, "Young master, are you really sure that he was just caught here?"

"Well, he won't be arrested for more than two years!"

Liu Ling showed a wry smile on his face and said: "Then his way must be very special. In my opinion, it should take less than two hours for him to be transformed into a way!"

Pan Chaoyang was sitting cross-legged in the center of the starry sky. In front of him was a rapidly rotating star, and his red eyes, which were full of blood, were fixed on this star, and there was actually a star in his eyes. A bright starry sky.

It's just that the starry sky in his eyes is constantly changing at a speed that can't be seen clearly by the naked eye, so that even masters like Jun Buhui and Zhan Jiutian will feel dazzled when facing those eyes, and even feel dizzy. The feeling of being stuck in it and never being able to get out.

Only Ye Dong's eyes of the avenue can face Pan Chaoyang's eyes unhindered.

The three of them looked away, and Ye Dong said in a deep voice: "His way is indeed very special, and his way is the way of heaven's calculation! The Taoist God wants him to count every star in the starry sky." Stars!"


At the same time Ye Dong's voice fell, the star in front of Pan Chaoyang suddenly exploded, but then another star flew over and landed in front of Pan Chaoyang, and the rotation speed of the starry sky in Pan Chaoyang's eyes , speeding up a bit again, naturally, his appearance also aged a bit.

"The way of heaven's calculation, that is the way against the sky, this child can realize this kind of way!"

Jun Buhui said in shock.

"Yeah, and judging by his appearance, I don't know how many stars have been counted to be so old."

"I'm going to save him!"

Even Liu Ling could tell that Pan Chaoyang was less than two hours away from his final transformation, so Ye Dong naturally didn't dare to delay any longer.

Ye Dong stepped into the Land of Transformation, but the moment he just entered, Pan Chaoyang's eyes suddenly lit up with a light, just like the billions of stars in his eyes lit up together.

The ray of light just flickered away, but what happened next made the faces of Ye Dong and the others show horror.

Because, with the light in Pan Chaoyang's eyes, all the stars in this starry sky have changed their positions. Even Jun Buhui who is outside can see that the change of stars' positions has formed a The array trapped Ye Dong!
That's exactly the fact. Everything in Ye Dong's eyes has completely changed in the formation, even himself has changed, becoming extremely small, like an ant, looking up , Surrounded by huge stars that made him feel terrible!

(End of this chapter)

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