One emperor

Chapter 221 Sudden Disturbance

Chapter 221 Sudden Disturbance

Ye Dong already knew in advance that apart from being related to the material, the attribute of the dust implement is most closely related to the demon core. It can even be said that the attribute of the demon core is the key to truly determine the attribute of the dust implement.

The reason why the fake Dongfangbai Thunder God Sword has the attribute of thunder means that its refining materials must have used the demon pill of thunder attribute.

Due to the special dual attributes of ice and fire rock steel, if it is refined into a dust weapon and combined with a demon pill of ice and fire attributes, then there is a great possibility to make it into a dust weapon with dual attributes.

Dust artifacts with dual attributes are twice as powerful and valuable as compared to single attribute ones, but the difficulty of refining them is also doubled.

Since the Zhang family and I don't have ice-type demon pills, we can only let them have fire attributes for the time being. If we can get ice-type demon pills in the future, we can go back to the furnace to refine them again!
Although such things as refining in the furnace are theoretically possible, in reality, no refiner dares to do it.

Because the risk of going back to the furnace to refine is even greater than the first time refining, the dust weapon that has been refined with great difficulty, if it is returned to the furnace and refined again, if it fails, the dust weapon will become an ordinary weapon again , then the gain outweighs the loss.

But for Ye Dong, he believes that with the help of the blood of the blood prison, the probability of successful refining is definitely much higher, so he dares to refine the sword embryo into a dust weapon now, and has made up his mind that in the future, it will be refined again. It is necessary to continuously improve this duster until it becomes a top-notch duster!

As for the spirit spar, it is a good thing for practitioners to practice. Although the fourth grade is not high, the price is more than one million. It is very generous for the Zhang family to give one to themselves.

Ye Dong was also polite, and nodded with a smile while taking the things: "I won't say anything if you are polite, brother Zhang's friendship, I will remember it."

Zhang Xuefeng also laughed. Compared with the fourth-grade spirit spar, Ye Dong's words are simply priceless!

"Okay, then I'll start now!"

Originally, Ye Dong wanted to use Zhang Xuefeng's cauldron to refine sword embryos, but Zhang Xuefeng refused with a little embarrassment, because his cauldron was only at the sixth grade of Xuan level, only higher than Ye Dong's snake cauldron. Produced at the first rank, it can only withstand the burning of the flames of the sixth rank of the mysterious level.

Ye Dong's Ziyan Dragon Fire will directly burn the cauldron into liquid!
In desperation, Ye Dong could only burn it on the palm of his hand, but this made it more difficult, because after the ice fire rock steel was burned into a liquid, the temperature would be frighteningly high, and there was no place to put it. Can only let it continue to stay in the flames.

At the same time, Ye Dong also needs to refine the spirit spar and demon pill into liquid, and needs to move his hands left and right, and also needs to prepare containers to hold these two liquids. Must dare to do so.

However, Ye Dong was carrying out every step in an orderly manner.

The sword embryo was wrapped in the purple flame dragon fire, but it had completely turned into a pool of red and blue liquid in about two hours.

Then Ye Dong kept the Ziyan Dragon Fire in his right hand at this temperature, spread out his left hand, and Zhang Xuefeng, who had been waiting patiently by the side, immediately put the Yaodan on it.

The matter was so important that Zhang Xuefeng didn't allow Zhang Liansheng and the others to do it, but came to help Ye Dong himself.

The speed at which the demon pill was melted was much faster than ice fire rock steel. When it turned into a pool of pure liquid, Zhang Xuefeng hurriedly handed over the jade bottle he had prepared earlier, and at the same time a flame rose from his hand, Wrapped the jade bottle and carefully handed it to Ye Dong.

Although the melting point of Yaodan is much lower than that of ice fire rock steel, once it loses its high-temperature burning, it will slowly cool down, and Ye Dong really can't grow a third hand to continue burning, so he just Can be helped by Zhang Xuefeng with his flames.

Naturally, the temperature couldn't be compared with Ziyan Longhuo, but it was better than nothing.

This is the troublesome part of empty-handed weapon refining or alchemy. If there is a suitable cauldron, then these steps can be completed in the cauldron.

Next is the spirit spar, and the melting point of the spirit spar is related to its own rank. Although the fourth rank is only a middle rank, its melting point is a little higher than that of the demon pill.

After another hour passed, all three materials had been put into the Ziyan Dragon Fire on Ye Dong's right hand, which also meant that the most important shape refining in the refining process was about to begin.

Since Ye Dong wanted a sword held by the blood-colored figure in the blood prison, it would naturally have the same shape as it, so the blood-colored sword once again appeared in his mind.

Different from the past, above the boundless sea of ​​blood, there is only one blood-colored sword floating there alone.

Although there is no shadow to hold it, the sword seems to have its own consciousness, constantly rotating slowly, changing its position, and presenting its own image to Ye Dong in its entirety.

Ye Dong has never seen this sword so closely and clearly before like now, and it is precisely because of this that he really discovered that the shape of this blood-colored long sword is actually very different from what he remembered. s difference.

Generally speaking, when refining weapons such as swords, only the blade and blade are refined. As for the hilt and hilt, it is necessary to find suitable materials to make after the blade is refined.

However, the blade and hilt of this sword are actually one piece!

This kind of situation rarely occurs on weapons, because the hilt of the sword is just a place for the user to hold the weapon. It is not very useful, and there is no need to use the same material for refining.

But this sword is different, even the hilt is made of materials together.

In addition, on the narrow and sharp body of this blood-colored long sword, from the tip of the sword to the hilt, there is a small raised dot at regular intervals, totaling The seventeen protrusions seemed to divide the sword into eighteen equal parts.

The shape of the entire sword formed by this weird protrusion gave Ye Dong a vague feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen such a shape before.

But because now all his attention is focused on refining the shape, so he doesn't have time to think deeply.

The five fingers of Ye Dong's left hand wriggled quickly, constantly removing impurities from the material, and at the same time slowly changing the shape of the liquid that had merged into one.

The Zhang family next to them were all watching intently. Naturally, they also clearly saw the whole process of forming the weapon.

That weird shape made Zhang Xuefeng and his son gradually frown, because they also had the same feeling as Ye Dong, that is, they seemed to have seen a similar shape somewhere before, but they couldn't think of it for a while. stand up.

Just before the sword in Ye Dong's hand was about to take shape, a voice suddenly came from outside the door of the equipment room: "Patriarch, there is a distinguished guest coming to visit!"

In the process of refining and refining, it is most taboo to be disturbed by others. Seeing that at the most critical moment of Ye Dong's refining, although the voices of the servants of the Zhang family have been lowered as much as possible, in such a quiet environment, this The sound was like thunder, Ye Dong's five fingers couldn't help making a slight mistake, and there was a small gap in the sword that was about to be formed, which naturally made the Zhang family including Zhang Xuefeng turn pale with fright!
(End of this chapter)

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