One emperor

Chapter 2229 Open the coffin

Chapter 2229 Open the coffin

"If all the 720 acupuncture points in the human body are opened up, is it the limit of human beings?"


"The three talents of heaven, earth and man exist together in the world. The way of setting up the sky is called yin and yang; the way of setting up the earth is called softness and rigidity; the way of setting up people is called body and soul!"

"Therefore, the heavens have physical and yang points, the earth has soft and rigid points, and humans have body and soul points!"

"720 acupoints, returning to the basics, combined into two acupoints, but this is still not the limit of human beings."

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets nine!"

"Two acupoints combined into one, there are three acupoints in the world, the heavenly acupoint, the underground acupoint, and the human acupoint!"

"Three acupoints return to the original, there are no acupoints in the sky, there are no acupoints in the earth, and there are no acupoints in people, it is for the acupoints, it is for the way!"

These few words are something that Ye Dong has never seen in the exercises of "Blood Sea Battle of Heavenly Way", and even in the collected "Different Ways", there is no such a passage.

However, for Ye Dong who practiced acupuncture points, it is certain that these few words still belong to the category of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven".

Moreover, judging from the handwriting, the handwriting of these few sentences is exactly the same as the previous handwriting, and must have been written by the same person.

"Could it be that after the blood emperor created the technique of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven", he realized something, but unfortunately there was no other way to announce it to the world, so he engraved it here, and this is why I will write it today." The reason for coming here?"

This is very possible. Any cultivation method, at the beginning of its creation, must have various flaws. Only through continuous trial and derivation can it be gradually perfected.

In fact, don't talk about exercises, everything in this world, why not have such a truth!
Ye Dong simply put away all distracting thoughts, calmed down, and watched the last few paragraphs.

With his current cultivation base and vision, these words are actually very easy to understand, that is to say, opening up all 720 acupuncture points in the human body is not the limit of the human body, there is still room for improvement, that is, to merge these acupuncture points into two Acupuncture points, one represents the body and the other represents the soul, namely the body point and the soul point.

Then, combine the two acupoints into one to become a human acupoint!

According to this idea, it is not only the human body that is like this, the sky and the earth actually have an acupuncture point, that is, the heavenly point and the underground point.

And in the end, the real end is to return the only acupoints owned by the heaven, earth and people to the original again, until the heaven, earth and people no longer have acupoints, this is the way!

Ye Dong couldn't judge the authenticity and feasibility of these words for a while, but the word "Guiyuan" aroused his great interest. It seemed that everything, everything in the world, even the people in the world, They can all be attributed to Yuan, and this is probably the true meaning of Yuan Zhidao!

The current Ye Dong has still passed on the Tao of Yuan, regardless of whether the theory of the coexistence of Buddha and demons is correct, anyway, his Tao of Yuan can at least be sure that it has never appeared in this Dao world today. , then naturally it is a brand new Tao.

It's just that Ye Dong is still at a loss if he wants to develop Yuanzhidao to the point where it can completely replace the Daoist God.

It's not his fault, just like he started on the road of cultivation, there is no precedent at all, any previous experience as a reference for him, he can only cross the river by feeling the stones, pondering as he advances.

But now, the words engraved in the blood emperor's tomb made his eyes light up, like opening a long-hidden door in his mind, making him suddenly enlightened, knowing what he should do Create a great success.

Maybe this road is not necessarily true, but at least it provides him with a direction, so that he can continue to walk in this direction!
"At first, I thought I was strong enough. Although I couldn't replace Dao Shen, I could at least compete with him, but in fact, I was still far behind him. If I could assign my own acupuncture points to Yuan, let the Dao of Yuan achieve great success, so that we can truly compete with it!"

Ye Dong tried his best before, but failed to break through Shen Xiaotian's cage. This made him realize that there was still a huge gap between himself and the Dao God. Giving him the opportunity to shorten this gap, everything seems to be destined in the dark.

"It's just that I don't know how long it will take to truly return to the Yuan. Now my seniors and friends have all been taken away by the Taoist God, their whereabouts are unknown, and their life and death are uncertain. I don't have much time for cultivation."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Dong decided to stay in the Blood Emperor's Tomb for the time being, try to cultivate the 720 acupuncture points into two, the body point and the soul point, and then officially set foot on the road of seeking immortality.

Otherwise, even if he sets out now, if he encounters the Dao God on the road to seek immortals, he will still be no match. At that time, I am afraid that he will be controlled by the Dao God instead, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

After making up his mind, Ye Dong walked around the huge tomb for a few more times, until he was sure that there was no other special place, and then he came to the coffin in the middle.

The black coffin, with the lid tightly closed, looks extremely heavy, and the surroundings also make up for the Forgotten Dao pattern, and it is tightly protected. According to Wanglao's words, there is the Blood Emperor Dongfang Qing who was defeated by Dao in the coffin. After the hand of God, the remaining incomplete corpses.

Although everyone knew that opening someone's coffin was an expression of extreme disrespect for the deceased, but there was an impulse in Ye Dong's heart, an impulse to open the coffin and have a look.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Dong couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart. He knelt down in front of the coffin, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Blood Emperor, junior Ye Dong has many doubts in his heart, and only by opening the coffin can he clear up his doubts. I hope Senior Blood Emperor will forgive me a lot!"

After three worships, Ye Dong stood up, walked to the coffin, and easily broke the Forgotten Dao pattern left by Wanglao, then took a deep breath, grasped both sides of the coffin lid with both hands, exhaled loudly, and forcefully One kick!

The coffin lid was indeed heavy, but for the physically strong Ye Dong, it was still easily opened by him, revealing the inside of the coffin!
Ye Dong didn't look anxiously, but carefully put the coffin lid aside first, then stood up, and slowly cast his gaze into the coffin.

At a glance, Ye Dong felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his feet staggered for a while, and he retreated more than ten steps one after another before he stabilized his figure. His face was full of shock and disbelief!

In the coffin, where there is no mutilated corpse, it is a complete corpse, and judging from the appearance of the corpse, it is the Blood Emperor Dongfang Qing himself!

(End of this chapter)

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