One emperor

Chapter 2299 Fighting Intent

Chapter 2299 Fighting Intent
The fourteen monks who were stopped by Ye Dong from killing each other, after hearing Ye Dong's words, were still in a daze, as if they had lost their mind at all.

They can't really be blamed for this, it's because everything happened too fast, and it overturned their perception of Mixian Road, making them unable to react for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, an angry female voice suddenly sounded: "You Daoyou Ye saved us, don't you believe him?"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a green figure jumping out of a star and rushing towards the star where the cultivator of the Western Path of Seeking Immortals was located.

This is a beautiful woman, the one who deliberately showed weakness and sought protection from Ye Dong before entering the Dao Pass, but was rejected.

Originally, this woman was full of hatred towards Ye Dong, but just now, when Ye Dong suddenly appeared and actually saved her from another monk, the hatred in her heart disappeared instantly, and she even turned back immediately. Come here and firmly believe Ye Dong's words.

At this moment, she was also taking the lead, and according to Ye Dong's order, began to attack the cultivators on the Western Path of Seeking Immortals.

Seeing that she was safely traveling through the starry sky without the lightning that could have easily killed all of them, Ouyang Mo looked up to the sky and let out a long cry: "This fellow daoist is right, fellow daoist Ye He has saved our lives, it is really impossible to lie to us, old man, trust him!"

After the words fell, Ouyang Mo also shot up into the sky, rushing towards another star where the cultivator of the Western Path of Seeking Immortals was located.

Indeed, if Ye Dong wanted to kill any of them just now, it would be a matter of his hands, but Ye Dong tried his best to get injured, and insisted on receiving their attacks at the same time, separating them.

Just because of this, they really have no reason to doubt Ye Dong's words.

Thus, the remaining 12 people finally all rushed out of their respective stars, and killed the monks on the Western Road to Seeking Immortals.

At this time, Ye Dong's voice sounded again: "It's not that Ye looks down on you, it's best for you two to attack one together, and leave the rest to Ye!"

When these words were finished, Ye Dong stood on top of the two merging stars again, and without looking at them, he slapped one of the monks on the face.


A bloody arrow shot out from the opponent's mouth, and immediately after, the monk flew out, his face was dripping with blood, his chin, bridge of nose, and teeth were all broken, and he screamed incessantly.

With this slap, Ye Dong concentrated all his anger, the strength was enough to blow a star away, and this cultivator survived, which is considered powerful.

However, it was also this slap that made Gui Wu's eyes flash with a trace of solemnity, and he suddenly said: "Everyone, kill Ye Dong first!"

Gui Wu has always maintained a high opinion of Ye Dong's strength, but until now, he really realized that he still underestimated Ye Dong. If he didn't kill Ye Dong first today, he would be in big trouble.

Except for Gui Wu himself, and even the monk who was blown away just now, the remaining eleven monks on the Western Path of Seeking Immortals immediately left the enemy in front of them and rushed towards Ye Dong.

"Want to run, dream!"

Ouyang Meng scolded angrily, opened his mouth, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of thick smoke, instantly filling the entire star, and abruptly stopped the western monk who wanted to escape.

The other Eastern monks also worked together, and 14 of them blocked seven of them in a two-on-one manner.

In this way, there were only four people left to rush towards Ye Dong, but Ye Dong stood still, not moving, not even looking at the seven people who rushed over, but just fixed his eyes on Gui Wu .

Ye Dong knew very well in his heart that the four people rushing towards him were not as scary as this ghost dance. If he wanted to solve today's crisis, he had to be killed first.

However, he is very likely to be the reincarnation of Yuanxian. Although his strength has not fully recovered, he is extremely difficult to deal with the rules that can control the way of this battle.

"War, Zhi, Dao, Guan!"

After Ye Dong read these four words word by word, a golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he smiled coldly.


Four violent shouts suddenly sounded in unison, and the four attacks, which contained countless Dao patterns, turned into tangible soldiers and attacked Ye Dong with a bang.

"Four people, not enough!"

Ye Dong shook his head indifferently, but after he finished speaking, he disappeared in an instant, leaving the four rushing people in vain.

"What about people!"

"Ye Dong, don't run away if you have the guts!"

The four of them shouted at once, but Ye Dong's voice rang next to their ears: "Ye did not escape!"

Ye Dong did not escape, he took a step, left the star, stood in the starry sky, looked around, and saw that there were still five oriental monks who were still alive, just lying on their respective positions with serious injuries. among the stars.

So Ye Donglang said in a loud voice: "My fellow Taoists who are seeking immortality in the East, please let go of your respective opponents for the time being, please gather those wounded together to protect them, and leave them to Ye Mou to deal with!"

In the entire starry sky, because of Ye Dong's words, it suddenly became silent, not to mention the monks on the Western Road to Seeking Immortals, even Ouyang Mo and others were shocked, wondering if their ears were coming out. what's the problem.

The meaning in Ye Dong's words is clearly that he wants to use his own strength to fight against the twelve monks from the Western Path of Seeking Immortals alone!
This is not self-confidence, it should be said... arrogance!
"Ye Dong, if you want to die, just ask, I can kill you by myself!"

"You are too crazy. Don't think that you are invincible after killing the wild man and the silver ape. They are just the weakest among us!"

"Killing you is as easy as stepping on an ant!"

The cultivators on the Western Road to Seeking Immortals finally came to their senses and humiliated Ye Dong one by one.

However, Ye Dong was unmoved at all, with an extremely calm expression, looked at Ouyang Mo and the others, and continued sonorously: "Please believe in Ye once more!"

"I believe, Fellow Daoist Ye, take care of yourself!"

The first one to respond was still the woman in green. She immediately gave up the enemy in front of her and walked away, gathering the wounded.

"Ye Daoyou, I believe you too!"

Ouyang Mo responded second, and soon, fourteen Dongfang Mixian Road monks who still had the power to fight, gathered on a star with five wounded.

There were 19 people, except for Ye Dong, all the remaining cultivators of the Eastern Path of Seeking Immortals after entering the Dao Pass of Zhanzhi.

Looking at the people who had settled down, Ye Dong smiled and nodded at them, and the next moment, his whole person changed!
Standing in the starry sky, on that powerful body, undisguisedly released the most powerful aura, like a raging ocean, a raging flame, sweeping away in all directions!

The blood-colored gown fluttered, the long white hair danced without wind, and the endless chill appeared in the clear eyes, covering the twelve monks who were headed by Ghost Wu from the Western Path of Seeking Immortals. With their mouths slightly opened, they gently spit out five One word: "12 people, enough!"

Fighting intent!

Although Ye Dong only had one person, facing 12 people, he broke out with a shocking fighting spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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