One emperor

Chapter 241 Dominating the Illusion

Chapter 241 Dominating the Illusion
For others, hearing the sound of Hua Cheng's flute was just a simple sound, but for Ye Dong, when these sounds entered his ears, it presented a constantly changing picture.

On the vast blue sky, white clouds are floating leisurely. On the vast land, countless kinds of plants are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Green grass, colorful The flowers constitute a pleasing beauty.

Ye Dong's nose seemed to be able to smell the earthy smell of grass and the strong fragrance of flowers.

A colorful butterfly flapped its wings and flew onto a red flower. An earthworm protruded from the soil and attached itself to a piece of green grass. Not far away, a fox moved its nose, This side is walking slowly, and behind the fox, a fierce tiger is also slowly moving its limbs.

Gradually, more and more animals appeared in this colorful world. It seemed that they were affected by the beautiful scenery. They no longer had struggles or hostility among each other, but lived together in harmony.

Heaven, Earth and Red Dust, this is heaven and earth, is this the world of mortals?
Suddenly, a clear "click" sounded, and the blue sky was gradually replaced by black. Accompanied by a dazzling lightning flash across the sky, the wind blew up, and the dark clouds piled up. Disturbed by the sudden change of out-of-phase.

A tiger frantically bit a silver-white fox next to it, and a blue wolf raised its forelegs and slapped a squirrel hard on the head!

In an instant, the animals all seemed to have gone crazy, and began to fight each other. The peaceful place just now turned into a Shura battlefield in an instant!

Ye Dong's brows gradually frowned. He didn't like this kind of bloody battle scene, but he didn't know that at this time, Hua Cheng's flute had actually changed from the original melodious to fierce and sonorous, and it was now Amid the high-pitched howls, it stopped!

Except for Ye Dong, all the other teenagers who had been sitting had fallen to the ground in disorder, and their expressions were also different, some were intoxicated, some were smiling, and some were angry!
Although the sound of the flute has stopped, it stands to reason that the second test is tantamount to the end, but there is still no sound in the audience, and everyone's eyes are on Ye Dong who is still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. Why hasn't he opened his eyes yet.

Hua Cheng also stood there dumbfounded, looking at Ye Dong, not knowing what was going on, but suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ears but he hadn't heard it for a long time: "Hua Cheng, this song "Heaven, Earth, Red Dust" There are five chapters in total, could it be that you only mastered the first three chapters?"

Hua Cheng woke up suddenly, and couldn't help but his knees gave way, wanting to kneel down, but the owner of the voice stopped him: "Don't let people know that I'm coming!"

"Yes!" Hua Cheng's excited voice was a little trembling, and he replied in a low voice: "Responding to Master's words, this disciple is ashamed of Master, and only mastered the Chapters of Tranquility, Chapters of Anger and Chapters of Killing!"

"It's okay, with your current cultivation base, mastering the three chapters is already very rare, but this little guy named Ye Dong has obviously entered the realm of Chapter 3, the Chapter of Killing, it seems that I still underestimated him ah!"

Hua Cheng's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "Master, I remember that you told your disciples that only people with extremely strong spiritual sense can feel the real picture through listening to this song "Heaven, Earth and Red Dust Song". This Ye Dong only has ten spiritual seals, and it is considered good enough to survive the Chapter of Tranquility, how can he enter the realm of the Chapter of Killing?"

"Ten spiritual seals? Hehe, who knows! But if his state of mind is firm enough, his spiritual sense is strong enough, and he has some understanding of the way of heaven, even if he has never heard this song before, he may automatically enter other chapters. In the realm of Qu, well, no one is allowed to disturb him now, I want to see, how many chapters can his spiritual consciousness bring him into!"

"Disciple knows!"

Hua Cheng's heart was really excited, since he entered the mortal body, he had never seen Master Tianji's real person again, and he didn't expect to hear the voice of the long-lost Master today.

Master has been in retreat for many years, yet he pays so much attention to Ye Dong, which makes me a little jealous. However, I am also very curious whether he can really continue to experience the last two chapters of "Heaven, Earth and Red Dust Song", the chapter of stop and the chapter of silence. chapter!

In addition to Hua Cheng, Zi Yangzi also received the voice transmission of Tianji Daoist, so he quickly issued an order to everyone, including Fang Yi, not to make a sound, and waited for Ye Dong to wake up himself!

Hou Jian couldn't bear it anymore, and sent a voice transmission to Pan Chaoyang: "Master, what's wrong with the young master?"

Hua Cheng's music was only aimed at these teenagers participating in the general election, so those with low cultivation could not even hear the slightest sound.

Although Hou Jian and the others could hear it, they were all masters of the world, and they would not feel anything at all.

Pan Zhaoyang pondered and said: ""The Song of Heaven, Earth and Red Dust" is a set of powerful sound attack combat skills handed down from ancient times, but unlike other sound attacks, its sound attack directly attacks people's state of mind, and it will make people listen to the tune according to the tune. The difference between them produces all kinds of illusions."

"People who are not in a strong state of mind are easily confused by illusions and indulge in illusions, and the stronger the state of mind, the more they can resist illusions. If it is true as you said, the young master is in the realm of the second layer of the world, then this kind of targeting The sound attack of people in the Lingyin realm should not have any effect on him."

"But he should be immersed in the illusion now, but he is not confused by the illusion. Then, there is only one possibility. He turned against the guest, dominated the illusion, and is transforming the illusion according to his own consciousness!"

The Cihang Sect has nine branch halls, and the head of each branch hall is a character who can sit on an equal footing with the masters of the other sects. Although Pan Chaoyang's cultivation is the worst among the nine halls, he is in the realm of the fifth layer of dust. But the main reason why he can sit firmly in the hall master's position is because he is extremely resourceful and intelligent, and he is the military adviser in the nine branch halls!

There was even an elder in the sect who asserted that if Pan Chaoyang's cultivation could be a little stronger, with both civil and military skills, then he is fully qualified to be the right-hand man of the suzerain!

Therefore, his judgment on Ye Dong's current state was absolutely correct!
At this moment, Ye Dong suddenly raised his hands slowly, and a strong aura appeared in his hands, which condensed into a jade flute and put it in his mouth.

Accompanied by the melodious and clear flute sound, everyone's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, and their jaws were about to drop to the ground.

Because, the flute tune that Ye Dong is playing now is exactly the same as the one that Hua Cheng played before!
(End of this chapter)

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