One emperor

Chapter 280

Chapter 280


Ye Dong didn't understand formations, so naturally he didn't understand the meaning of formations, and the doubts on his face made Master Tianji shake his head and said, "Master Ye, don't you understand formations?"

"I don't know anything!"

"Then the footwork you walked out just now clearly implies some kind of magical formation!"

"There are formations in the footwork?" Ye Dong asked back, and recalled the image of the cloud covering the rain again in his mind.

Immortal Tianji suddenly raised his wrist, and a dense layer of mist suddenly appeared on his body. The mist was condensed but not scattered, and it was not transparent, making his figure look hazy and very unreal.

Immortal Tianji moved his feet, and the layer of smoke slowly rose into the sky. Immediately, the figure of Immortal Tianji disappeared in front of Ye Dong's eyes, leaving only a faint layer of mist.

"Brother Tianji!"

Ye Dong whispered in surprise.

The voice of Master Tianji came out from the mist: "Really Ye, this is a dust vessel that I entrusted Brother Tianqi to refine for me. It is because there is a set of formations in Zhe Tianchen, the situation when you used your set of steps just now is similar to mine now, and I guess you should not have fully mastered that set of steps, otherwise, you will be able to It achieves the same effect as covering the sky, making it completely impossible for people to see where you are."

Following another slight movement of the mist, the figure of Daoist Tianji reappeared, and on his hand was dragging something that looked like gauze.

Apparently, on the day of the general election, he was able to hide quietly beside the black elephant by relying on this hood, without being noticed by him.

Ye Dong was amazed, he didn't expect there to be such a wonderful dust tool that can make people invisible.

"Brother Tianji, you are right. My complete set of footwork is 36 steps, but I have only mastered [-] steps so far, not even half of it."

Now, Master Tianji can see that Ye Dong is not lying, which means that he really doesn't understand formations, so he didn't continue to ask this question, but changed back to the original question and said: "Really Ye, is it true?" I misunderstood, I thought you understood formations. The symbols you see are formation symbols. Simply put, they are the symbols that make up formations. This is impossible for ordinary people to see, even if you arrange formations Almost no one who knows the law can see the talisman, how did you do it?"

"Brother Tianji, you should know that spiritual consciousness gathers six consciousnesses, right?"


As a master of the dust world, he already knew that the spiritual consciousness can actually condense the six consciousnesses, and he is also cultivating towards this goal.

"I just incorporated hearing and seeing into my spiritual consciousness, so I was able to create my own chapter of grief, and I was able to see the talismans you mentioned."

Daoist Tianji opened his mouth again. He himself has only just merged into the consciousness in the spiritual consciousness, and he has not fully integrated into it, but Ye Dong has already completed the integration of the two consciousnesses!
How the hell did he do it!
Of course, Ye Dong couldn't answer this question. The skills of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven" must not be leaked out, but after seeing Tianji Zhenren, he really wanted to find out how he created his own sad chapter, so he considered After a while, he said: "Brother Tianji, how about this, I will play "The Song of the World of Red Dust" for you again, maybe you will be able to discover the reason."

Immortal Tianji was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "I'm determined to do what I want, but I don't dare to ask for help. I'm sorry."

"Do you need to change places?"

After all, this is the Baicao Garden, and not far behind is the place where the disciples of Tiandan Peak live, if it disturbs their rest, it will be bad.

Master Tianji waved his hand and said, "No, it's fine here, but let me arrange it a little bit."

After finishing speaking, four stones appeared in the hands of Daoist Tianji, and then he threw them around seemingly randomly.

The four stones fell silently on four locations, and the distance between each location was exactly the same as if measured with a ruler.

Strange to say, when the four stones landed on the ground, Ye Dong felt the surrounding voices suddenly disappear!

Originally, the night was quiet, and here was halfway up the mountain, so there was no sound at all, but Ye Dong's hearing was excellent, so he could hear many sounds that others couldn't hear, which belonged entirely to nature.

But now, those sounds that belong to nature have all disappeared, and all he can hear when he gathers his spiritual energy is the various sounds from his body and the real person Tianji's body.

"I have set up a simple sound-proof array, the sound here will not be transmitted outside."

This can't help but make Ye Dong feel extremely admired. Throwing four stones at random can achieve the effect of isolating the sound. It seems that the way of formation is really amazing!
"Ye Zhenren, if you don't dislike it, you can use my flute!"

Immortal Tianji handed Ye Dong a jade flute as white as snow, and Ye Dong was not polite, he stretched out his hand to take it and said, "Brother Tianji, please trust me and listen carefully when I'm blowing it later, it's best not to use spiritual energy Resist the sound of the flute, but relax and let your mind freely imagine as the sound of the flute changes."

"Heaven, Earth, Red Dust" is not an ordinary piece of music, but a powerful combat technique, so Ye Dong's request is a bit risky for Tianji.

He didn't use aura to resist the sound of the flute. Once he fell into the illusion created by the music, if Ye Dong wanted to harm him, he would have no resistance at all.

But Master Tianji nodded and agreed without hesitation: "I naturally believe in Master Ye!"

Ye Dong nodded in satisfaction, and was not in a hurry to play. Instead, he stood there, closed his eyes, and began to recall in his mind what he saw after hearing the flute that day.

This scene once again made Tianji Daoist nod secretly. If you want to truly display the power of the special combat skill of music, you must first let your state of mind enter the music. You can’t even immerse yourself in a piece of music. Who else is affected?
This seems simple, but Hua Cheng, who has been learning this combat technique for decades, has never been able to do it!
Suddenly, a thought popped up in Tianji's mind for no reason. Today, can Ye Dong create a new movement?

"Heaven, Earth, Red Dust" itself has five chapters, static, angry, killing, stopping, and silent. In addition to mastering the first three chapters, Ye Dong also created a sad chapter, but it is still incomplete.

Finally, Ye Dong slowly put the jade flute to his mouth, and after taking a deep breath, a beautiful note resounded leisurely!

Daoist Tianji also closed his eyes, without using the slightest bit of spiritual energy, and simply listened quietly with his heart, letting the melodious flute sound completely surround him.

(End of this chapter)

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