One emperor

Chapter 288 Blind Fight

Chapter 288 Blind Fight
After a deathly silence, Feng Tianhe suddenly jumped out, pointed at Ye Dong's nose and said, "You secretly extinguished the flame with spiritual energy."

It is indeed very easy for a master in the world of dust to extinguish a bunch of ordinary flames with spiritual energy in the air. Unable to accept that the Fire Pill refined by Ye Dong has such an amazing medicinal effect, Feng Tianhe Cai Will come up with such an excuse.

But to be honest, most people present didn't believe Feng Tianhe's doubts, because they were not fools. If Ye Dong really used spiritual energy to extinguish the flames, there must be fluctuations in spiritual energy, and here the three How could the forty masters of the dust world not feel it?
But under such an occasion, no one would stand up to speak for Ye Dong, so they just kept a wait-and-see attitude, watching Ye Dong to see how he was going to explain.

Ye Dong still had a smile on his face, but there was a hostility in the smile.

For Fengtian and these people from Qingfengmen, he didn't have any good feelings at all. If it wasn't for the overall situation, he would have killed them one by one. endured.

Taking a step forward, Ye Dong, who was smiling like a frail scholar in everyone's eyes just now, suddenly disappeared, replaced by a demon god exuding boundless evil spirit.

What was even more frightening was that some practitioners with strong spiritual sense could even feel the smell of blood and the sound of wailing amidst this evil spirit.

It was the pungent smell of blood, and the wailing that penetrated into the bone marrow, making everyone who felt it shudder and tremble all over.

The entire valley fell into dead silence again, and Feng Tianhe, who was still slandering Ye Dong just now, was the first to bear the brunt. While Ye Dong was exuding evil spirits, his chest felt as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer. The middle-aged man couldn't help but "dep, deng, deng" and retreated four or five steps before barely standing still, but when he opened his mouth, a blood arrow spurted out.

Ye Dong stared at him with cold eyes and said, "This is the result of using my spiritual energy!"

Everyone was dumbfounded by the scene where Feng Tianhe, who was at the second level of dust, was injured by his aura alone.

What kind of momentum is this?What kind of cultivation level can one have this?

How could a young man less than 20 years old do it?

At this moment, the military adviser of Qingfengmen was under great pressure, struggling to speak: "Ye Zhenren, Brother Feng is just a little grumpy, and he didn't mean to offend. Please calm down the real person. In the first medicine fight, we Qingfeng admit defeat."

On this occasion, Ye Dong was a little surprised by the military advisor's opening. He glanced at him and thought in his heart, he really is a character. No wonder he can become the military advisor of Qingfengmen, compared to Feng Tian and this guy who only knows arrogance. hundred times!
With a cold smile, the evil spirit that almost permeated the entire valley dissipated instantly, everyone couldn't help but let out a long breath, and Ding Shaoqi and Xue Junbao from Jianshan Villa looked at each other and said in unison: "The first round Fighting medicine, our Sword Villa also admit defeat."

The Pihuo Pill refined by Ye Dong is so powerful that it can even extinguish ordinary flames, so it is undoubtedly the winner.

Ye Dong nodded, his eyes moved to Xie Zhuo's body and said: "Xie Zhuo, the second round can begin!"

Since entering the valley, Ye Dong has been keeping a low profile as much as possible, but now that he has assumed an arrogant posture, he will naturally not take it back, so he ordered Xie Zhuo by name.

In fact, as a real person of Tianxinzong, he is indeed qualified to do so, coupled with the powerful strength he showed just now, Xie Zhuo dared not speak out, and could only swallow his anger and said: "The second match, blind fight, start."

Ye Dong was still asked to draw lots, and Ye Dong was not polite, he picked it up lightly with his fingers in the air, and a lot flew directly in front of Xie Zhuo, Xie Zhuo reached out to take it, and read aloud: "Lost Soul Pill."

Lost Soul Pill is a kind of elixir that can charm the mind. Although it is not very useful, but because the refining method is relatively complicated, it is classified as a second-grade elixir.

Since the blind fight tests the ability of spiritual knowledge, it naturally has special requirements for the elixirs to be refined. The most intuitive point is that the elixirs provided here require a lot of medicinal materials.

Soul Lost Pill requires a total of seven kinds of medicinal materials, each of which is very small, and two of them only need a little bit. If you are not familiar with it, even if you open your eyes, you may not be able to choose it properly. Needless to say, eyes are closed, so it is extremely difficult.

Since the Blind Fight is based on sects, it is natural that they are not refined at the same time, but come one by one. According to the number of alchemists of each sect, Qingfengmen is the first to play, followed by Jianshanzhuang. Ye Dong is naturally ranked first. at last.

Feng Tianhe was the first person to enter the sound-proof formation at Qingfengmen, and this also made Ye Dong realize that not only was the strategist stronger than Feng Tianhe, but it seemed that the level of refining medicine should also be stronger than Feng Tianhe, so Walking to Pan Chaoyang's side, he asked softly, "Brother Pan, do you understand that military advisor?"

Pan Chaoyang frowned slightly and said, "His name is Wu Tiande, a military advisor of Qingfengmen. I only know that he is a third-grade pharmacist. From this point of view, he must have something special that outsiders don't know about."

"En!" Ye Dong nodded. He had indeed ignored Wu Tiande all along, and it seemed that he had to be on guard against him in the future.

Feng Tianhe's eyes had already been covered with a thick cloth, and seven kinds of materials were arranged in front of him, and now he needed to use his spiritual sense to select the appropriate amount from these materials.

Although Feng Tianhe is very arrogant, but he can become a second-grade pharmacist in his 50s, and he has real materials, so although his movements are a bit slow, at least he selected four pharmacists without any mistakes. kinds of medicinal materials.

The fifth medicinal material is called Cuscuta, and it only needs to be a little bigger than a fingernail, which is the least amount, and it is naturally the most test of spiritual knowledge.

Feng Tianhe's right hand hung in the air and stood there for a long time, obviously he couldn't make up his mind.

After a long time, spiritual energy emanated from his right hand, and he sucked up a small piece of dodder. Seeing this, a sneer appeared on Ye Dong's face, the weight was too much!

Sure enough, when the dodder fell into Feng Tianhe's palm, his body trembled slightly, and he also felt something was wrong, so he reached out his hand reluctantly and took off the thick cloth on his face, stood up, and withdrew from the formation.

Windy day and failure!
(End of this chapter)

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