One emperor

Chapter 29 I want to retreat

Chapter 29 I want to retreat
"Don't worry!" Lin Feng laughed like an old fox, shook his head and said, "If the Ye family really knows that we are going to kill Ye Dong, then do you think we can still drink tea and chat quietly here now? With that old fellow Ye Yuanjun's temper, he brought someone to fight us hard not long ago!"

Luo Rong frowned slightly and said, "Then what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, Ye Dong didn't tell the Ye family about this!"

"No way!" Luo Rong said in disbelief: "Unless Ye Dong was a fool, he was almost killed by us. Now that he finally came back, he didn't even tell his family!"

"Hmph, stupid?" Lin Feng put down the teacup heavily in his hand, and said coldly: "Ye Dong is not only not stupid, but also shrewd and frightening. The reason why he didn't say anything is because he didn't want Ye Yuanjun to seek revenge from our two families, because Once the face is torn apart, it will be a deadly situation, and even if the Ye family can wipe out our two families, there may not be many people left in the Ye family!"

Luo Rong understood a little bit: "Then what should we do? Could it just be over like this?"

"Of course it was impossible in the past. Ye Dong is not only extremely talented, but also superhuman in his mind. He must have his own plan. How about this? Tomorrow you and I will go to Ye's house together and say that we are visiting Ye Dong. I want to see with my own eyes what kind of medicine Ye Dong sells in his gourd!"

"Shall we go to Ye's house in person?" Luo Rong frowned again: "Then we need to bring more people, otherwise if the Ye's family wants to do us harm and come to close the door and beat the dog, then we will be miserable !"

Lin Feng gave Luo Rong a hard look: "You want to be a dog, don't drag me in!"

Luo Rong was startled, and then realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way, Brother Lin, we are also grasshoppers on the same rope now, I want to ask, how did you get along with the Indian orcs?" people you know?"

"Hehe, brother Luo, don't you think there are some things that you should not know about?"

Luo Rong smiled awkwardly: "Since brother Lin won't say anything, I won't force it, but we have an appointment, and we will go to Ye's house together tomorrow morning!"

On the morning of the next day, Luo Rong and Lin Feng brought their eldest sons to visit Ye's house in person, and also met Ye Dong.

But Ye Dong treats them neither humble nor overbearing, exactly the same attitude as before, nothing abnormal at all, if Lin Feng and Luo Rong didn't know what they did, even they couldn't help but wonder if Ye Dong really forgot My own family wants to hunt him down.

After watching the Lin Luo family leave with his grandfather and uncle, the corners of Ye Dong's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sneer.

"I want to find out about me, hmph, it's really a dream, but this stalemate is not a long-term solution. The longer it drags on, the less good it is for my Ye family. I have to improve my strength as soon as possible, the nine-layer spiritual seal, and get through the five One acupuncture point should be enough to solve the two of them!"

Thinking of this, Ye Dong looked at Ye Yuanjun and said, "Grandpa, can you let me live in the independent courtyard in the deepest part of our house?"

Ye Yuanjun was a little surprised and said: "That courtyard has been abandoned for a long time, why do you want to live there?"

"I want to retreat for a while!"

Since it's a retreat, of course Ye Yuanjun fully supports it: "Okay, I'll order someone to clean it up, and you can move in today!"

The reason why Ye Dong wants this deserted courtyard is that he likes the cleanliness here, and no one will come to disturb him, because he wants to solve the threat of the Lin Luo family as soon as possible, so he is not willing to just practice at night, but to fully Make good use of the time during the day.

After tidying up, Ye Dong moved into this small courtyard, and Ye Yuanjun also specially greeted everyone in the Ye family, no one is allowed to enter here at will and disturb Ye Dong.

Originally, Ye Dong wanted to condense the Nine Layers of Spiritual Seals as soon as possible, and then hit the other three acupuncture points on his right hand with all his strength. However, he soon discovered one thing, that is, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed by his dantian plus the two acupuncture points, It's not enough to condense the spiritual seal in the dantian!
The aura was clearly attached to the dantian, but it suddenly dissipated at the final imprint!

This discovery made him feel stunned. After all, it only took him three hours to condense the six-layer spiritual seal. Later, the seventh and eighth-layer spiritual seals were also very smooth and fast, but he did not expect that there would be a magic seal on the ninth spiritual seal. problem!

Could it be that the exercises of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven" are no longer effective for cohesive spirit seals?

So Ye Dong turned to practice his original family skills, trying to condense the Nine Layers of Spiritual Seals, but he still failed.

After pondering for a long time, Ye Dong finally realized that even with such a miraculous technique as "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven", it is not really possible to condense spiritual seals as one likes.

The higher the number of spiritual seals, the harder it is to condense, which is an unbreakable rule for any practitioner.

Especially after passing the sixth level, the condensing of the spirit seal is not only a result of sufficient aura, but also requires a certain understanding, and even a little bit of luck!
Ye Dong was able to condense the eight layers of spiritual energy in one go. It is indeed due to the magical skills, but in fact, it is because of Ye Dong's repeated blows, rebirth from the cocoon, and many other factors mixed together.

Now if you want to condense the Nine Layers of Spiritual Seals, the time is not yet ripe!

In desperation, Ye Dong could only temporarily give up the cohesion of the spirit seal, and instead continued to work hard to open up his acupuncture points,

Three days passed in a flash, and after unremitting efforts, Ye Dong suddenly shot out a spiritual energy from the tip of the middle finger of his right hand.

With a "poof", the spiritual energy directly pierced through the wall, and at this point, the Zhongchong acupoint was also opened.

With the opening of the Zhongchong acupoint, a trace of acupoint qi flowed out from the Zhongchong acupoint, just like the previous two strands of acupoint qi, after flowing through Ye Dong's whole body, it disappeared into the sea of ​​his life.

Ye Dong didn't pay much attention to the acupoint qi at all. He thought it would only work after the acupoint qi could gather into a sea of ​​acupoints. Before that, he could completely ignore it.

However, the acupoint qi this time was different from the previous ones. After it flowed into the Sea of ​​Fate, Ye Dong clearly heard a howling sound similar to that of a wild beast coming from his Sea of ​​Fate.


At the same time, the invisible drop of blood hidden in the depths of the Sea of ​​Fate burst into a red light, and trembled violently, and then, a black shadow rushed out of the drop of blood!

After a loud noise, a thick bloody smell came from Ye Dong's nose, and at the same time, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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