One emperor

Chapter 296 Seal

Chapter 296 Seal
When the nameless fire all over the sky gathered at one point, which was Wu Tiande's body, cracks appeared inch by inch on that layer of Huo Mei Yaowu, which Wu Tiande regarded as proud of his extremely strong defensive power, and spread at an extremely fast speed. open.

In just an instant, the mist of Huo Mei Yao had completely exploded, turning into black ashes, scattered in the air.

In addition to the complete disappearance of the Huo Mei Yao Mist, Wu Tiande's feet also took a step back under the huge impact force just now!
Looking at the black ashes flying all over the sky, Wu Tiande's seemingly unchanged face finally showed a strong expression of horror that could not be concealed.

Although Ye Dong's face was still extremely calm, Wu Tiande was not surprised at all in his heart.

Unleashed by Chen Qi's blood ridge, the move that almost condensed all his strength actually only shattered the Huo Mei Yao Mist that Wu Tiande used to protect, and even took a step back!
How strong is Wu Tiande's strength?

Could it be that he, like Master Tianxin and the others, is already a master of the world?

No, although Ye Dong couldn't see through Wu Tiande's cultivation level, since he knew that Hei Xiang and the others were masters of the world, he deliberately remembered the feeling when the spiritual consciousness touched them, it was a kind of looking up at the towering mountains, Feeling unattainable.

In Wu Tiande's body, Ye Dong didn't feel this way, so he can be sure that Wu Tiande is not a master of the world.

"Seven layers of dust!"

Suddenly, Mo Xifeng's voice sounded in Ye Dong's mind, and it was only then that Ye Dong remembered that Mo Xifeng's spiritual consciousness was still integrated with his own spiritual consciousness in a way that traveled thousands of miles, so he could know that he idea.

"Is he the seventh layer of dust body?"

Because Ye Dong was too shocked, he didn't notice that Mo Xifeng's voice was obviously weak at this time.

Mo Xifeng was silent for a while and then said: "Yes, the seventh-level dust body is just because his dust body is special, so his real strength should be comparable to the master of the eight-level dust body, but there seems to be some kind of seal in his body. , restricted his true strength, the reason why he was able to accept the move of the young master is entirely due to his layer of fire charm demon fog."

Sealing is actually a kind of formation, which is to exert a kind of power on something through the formation, thereby restricting certain abilities of this kind of thing.

The most direct function of the seal used on a person is to limit the opponent's power.

If Wu Tiande has ten strengths, the seal may seal his five strengths, so that he can only exert five strengths.

Hearing these words, Ye Dong's heart was shocked. It turns out that Wu Tiande's real strength can be compared with the master of Yachongchen, and there is still a seal in his body. No wonder he didn't fight him directly, but wanted to fight himself A deal, let yourself attack him.

Obviously, if Wu Tiande really fights with himself, he is not completely sure that he can win, but he has a defensive ability called Huo Mei Yao Wu, so he is confident that he can catch his own move.

It's just that Wu Tiande never imagined that Ye Dong is not an ordinary master of dusty body, but has at least twelve times more spiritual energy reserves than others, and possesses a powerful duster that can be said to come from the blood prison A super expert in dust.

Under Ye Dong's full blow, not only completely shattered Wu Tiande's proud Huo Mei Yao Mist, but also successfully made him take a step back and won the deal.

Mo Xifeng's voice continued: "Young master, you shouldn't be fighting medicine for a while, right?"

"no need."

"Then I'll go back to the Blood Prison first!"

After the words fell, before Ye Dong agreed, Ye Dong felt as if a needle had been pulled out of his spiritual consciousness. With a slight pain, Mo Xifeng's spiritual consciousness had already left.

Ye Dong naturally didn't take this matter to heart, now he was watching Wu Tiande with all his attention, and he was prepared in his heart for the possibility that Wu Tiande would go back on his word.

When the black ashes and red flames in the sky finally settled, Wu Tiande shook his head with a wry smile on his face and said: "I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that, well, I left the place, according to our previous agreement, I will now I'll tell you some secrets that are important to you."

Although he did win, Ye Dong had a deep understanding of Wu Tiande's cunning and concealment, so he still didn't dare to take it lightly, and just said lightly: "Say it!"

Wu Tiande didn't answer immediately, but stepped forward and walked towards Ye Dong, and Ye Dong's vigilance suddenly increased again, but he still remained calm and prepared secretly.

When he was about one meter away from Ye Dong, Wu Tiande stopped and said with a slight smile, "Don't be nervous, because the secret I told you is too important, so I will come closer to you. in case anyone else would hear it."

This time Ye Dong didn't answer at all, just looked at him with his eyes, not daring to relax his guard in the slightest, in case he would have some tricks again.

After Wu Tiande stared at Ye Dong for a while, he suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Your father is not dead!"

In a word, Ye Dong froze there as if struck by lightning!
Your father is not dead!

When Ye Dong reacted suddenly, his first reaction was to grab Wu Tiande. However, when he took a step forward, he suddenly found that Wu Tiande, who was only one meter away from him, had already stood at least five feet away. meters away.

Right now, Ye Dong had no other thoughts at all, the only thought was to catch Wu Tiande, so he continued to rush towards Wu Tiande without even thinking about it.

However, after taking another step, Wu Tiande, who was five meters away from him, suddenly ran ten meters away!
Ye Dong was stunned again, his eyes were fixed on Wu Tiande, he was sure that the other party hadn't moved at all, but how could he keep opening the distance between himself and himself without him noticing? Woolen cloth?
Suddenly, Ye Dong understood.


Wu Tiande has set up a formation around him, and he is now in a certain formation, which is why there is such a situation of chasing further and further away!

Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Wu Tiande's face, and Ye Dong heard his voice transmission: "Ye Dong, there is only one chance, but I appreciate you very much, so I will give you another chance, or The original condition was that you wanted to save your father, and within a year, take "Xing Yun Jue" to Huangquan Road, if you miss this opportunity again, then I'm sorry, you are ready to collect your father's body!"

At the same time as the sound of the last word fell, Wu Tiande had already turned around, used his body skills, and galloped towards the mountain road.

This time, Ye Dong didn't continue to chase, but stood motionless on the spot, his eyes fixed on Wu Tiande's receding figure, his hands clenched into fists, trembling slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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