One emperor

Chapter 301 Not From Suzaku Continent

Chapter 301 Not From Suzaku Continent
With a flick of Ye Dong's wrist, Liu Yanjian shook out a beautiful sword flower, provoking the three of them again, and the three weirdos came back to their senses after being shocked, roaring in unison, and the three of them waved their hands The weapon attacked Ye Dong.

Except for the ax of the first big man, one of the other two used a double hammer, and the other used a heavy knife. The three of them attacked at the same time, and obviously they used all their strength. A tyrannical momentum.

Ye Dong's eyes shone brightly, he held the Flowing Flame Sword in his hand without any confusion, Ling Yun stepped forward alone, and a hazy cloud suddenly rose around his figure.


There was a crisp sound, the Liuyan sword bent into an arc, and bounced off suddenly. The violently oscillating sword body hit the ax blade hard, and first hit the opponent two meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the blade swept across, just in time to stop the falling heavy knife. The big man holding the heavy knife felt a strong force coming from the tiger's mouth, and almost couldn't help letting go of the palm holding the handle. The heavy knife was hit high Bounce high.

Finally, a fire dragon rose from the Liuyan Sword. Amidst the roar, the one-meter-long body of the dragon entangled the double hammers. The sharply rising temperature made the double hammers look like hot iron just out of the furnace, extremely hot , Although the owner of the double hammer was extremely unwilling, but for the sake of his own hands, he had to let go of the hammer handle.

Pulling and pulling, the fire dragon easily brought the double hammers to Ye Dong.

All this process happened in an instant, so fast that the three weirdos didn't even see Ye Dong's figure, but now the two were repelled, and one's weapon was taken away. For a moment, the three looked at each other , no longer dare to take any action.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Dong's figure finally appeared, and he was standing in exactly the same position as before, as if he hadn't moved at all from the beginning to the end, but there were two more hammers in his hand, with an indifferent expression on his face. Watching three weirdos.

With one enemy against three, he easily repelled the three dust-level masters.

Ziyangzi and Shi Dali, who had arrived in time, and Danyangzi, who was protected by the red wolf, were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and their hearts were filled with a sense of inconceivability.

Only Pan Chaoyang and Red Wolf looked calm, as if they had known such a result for a long time.

Finally, a heavy object fell to the ground with a "bang", waking everyone up.

It turned out that Ye Dong casually threw the two hammers he snatched from the strange man to the ground, and when the hammers landed, they sank directly into the solid ground, leaving only the handle of the hammers outside.

The weight of these two hammers is definitely not light, and Ye Dong can achieve such an effect by throwing it casually, which shocked everyone a little.

Before Ye Dong and others could ask, the owner of the hammer had already said, "Who are you and why are you stopping us?"

Ye Dong was amused by the other party's question, and said coldly, "I should ask you this question. Who are you and why did you hunt him down?"

At this time, Zi Yangzi had already walked to Dan Yangzi's side, and while checking his injuries, he asked, "Junior brother, what's going on with him?"

Danyangzi coughed twice, stood up with Ziyangzi's support, pointed at the three people facing him and said, "Master Ye, they not only took away my fifth-grade spirit demon pill, but also wanted to kill me."

Fifth Grade Spirit Demon Pill!
With these five words, two golden lights appeared in the eyes of even the most well-informed Pan Chaoyang, let alone other people.

The demon pill of a fifth-grade spirit beast is a must-have item for refining the dust-body golden pill. Even if it is not used for refining medicine, it is also a priceless item, something that money can't buy!
Although everyone didn't know where Dan Yangzi got the fifth-grade spirit demon pill, how could these three weirdos snatch it away, so Ziyangzi asked Danyangzi to sit down again, walked towards the three weirdos with a sullen face and said, "I Is what the younger brother said true?"

At this time, the three weirdos have also roughly understood the strength of the people who appeared one after another around them, including the weird red wolf, they are all masters of the world, and they naturally realized the great disadvantage of the situation.

Not to mention other people, even the young man with the red sword in his hand is beyond his power to fight against!

Seeing that the three of them did not speak, Zi Yangzi couldn't help snorting coldly and continued: "It seems that the three of you really don't pay attention to my Tianxin Sect? Kill people within the range, if you don't stay today, I, Tianxin Sect, will have no face to stand in Suzaku Continent in the future."

As Ziyangzi's words fell, Danyangzi suddenly said again: "Brother, they are not from the Suzaku Continent, if they are not from the sea area, they should be from the Xuanwu Continent!"

sea ​​area!Xuanwu Continent!
Ye Dong was stunned suddenly. He could understand the sea area. It should refer to the sea. As early as the old man Wang Jinqiao of Linhai Town said, he heard that there were many hidden masters living in the sea.

But what happened to Xuanwu Continent?

Ye Dong glanced at the people around him, and found that except himself, although the others were also surprised, they had a clear look in their eyes. Obviously, they all knew about the Xuanwu Continent.

At this time, after the three strange men looked at each other, they suddenly jumped up, and the three rushed towards three different directions. Obviously, knowing that they were not the opponents of Tianxinzong, they chose wisely. In order to escape, they still escaped separately, not even their own weapons.

Zi Yangzi roared: "Where are you running! Junior brother Shi, Zhenren Ye, the other two will trouble you."

After the words fell, the person had already rushed out, and Shi Dali followed closely behind, and the two chased after the other two respectively. Pan Chaoyang hesitated for a moment, and stood still.

After all, this is the matter of Tianxinzong. As the head of Cihangzong, helping them chase the enemy is a bit unreasonable.

But Ye Dong also said immediately: "Brother Wolf, Brother Pan, please take Grandpa Dan back to Tiandan Peak."

After finishing speaking, Ye Dong also chased them out. In this way, the three members of Tianxinzong chased the three weirdos respectively, and disappeared in an instant, leaving only Pan Chaoyang and Red Wolf looking at each other.

Originally, Pan Chaoyang was still worried that Ye Dong would be in danger, but thinking of all the mysteries about Ye Dong, and the scene of forcing back three masters of the world with a sword just now, he shook his head and said to the red wolf with a wry smile: "Brother Wolf, let's go back!"

The red wolf also had obvious dissatisfaction on his face. He wanted to enjoy himself when he came out this time, but he didn't expect to become a nanny instead of hitting the rack.

But complaints are complaints, and it will not ignore Ye Dong's words, so one person and one wolf rushed back to Tiandan Peak with Danyangzi.

What Ye Dong was chasing after was the guy whose hammer was taken away by him. At the same time, he was still thinking about the question just now, what happened to Xuanwu Continent?

(End of this chapter)

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