One emperor

Chapter 303 The Transparent World

Chapter 303 The Transparent World

As the speed increased, feeling the strong wind blowing towards his face, Ye Dong gradually had a new understanding of the power of the wind in his mind.

Wind has resistance. When people walk, there is actually wind, but at that speed, the wind resistance is almost negligible, but if they are running fast, that is, when the speed increases, the wind resistance will gradually show up. It's more powerful, and the faster the speed, the greater the resistance generated by the wind.

Then, as long as you can overcome this resistance, or convert this resistance into the driving force for your own advancement, then not only can your speed be increased, but you may even fly.

The whistling wind in his ears also reminded Ye Dong further of the night when he opened the Ermen acupoint. Although the sound is everywhere and all the time, if you want to hear the sound, you have to rely on the wind strength.

For only the power of the wind can send these various sounds into the human ear.

The world of sound, the power of the wind, the resistance of the wind!
These thoughts kept circling and converging in Ye Dong's mind, and different pictures also appeared alternately.

In Ye Dong's spiritual consciousness, he finally saw a transparent world, no, to be precise, this is a world full of various transparent lines!
Transparent, it should be invisible, but Ye Dong's spiritual sense can vaguely see the lines that seem to be stationary, but are actually vibrating at a limit speed.

Here is the world of wind!

As all kinds of scenes passed by this world quickly, Ye Dong also saw more and more clearly the countless lines in this world, and even saw the process of their rapid vibration.

So far, Ye Dong has seen sea water, the earth, flames, and the worlds inside some plants. Each world is composed of these lines named "meridians" by himself, and each world will Give him a completely different feeling.

The interior of the earth is full of thickness, the interior of the sea is full of agility, the interior of the flame is full of domineering, and now the interior of the wind is full of elegance!
While Ye Dong was feeling the world of wind, the dusty body in his dantian, the blue ray of light, quietly changed again, and slowly became transparent, turning into a cloud of wind, wanton blowing.

At this time, the big man who was running wildly in front suddenly felt that there was no movement or fluctuation of spiritual energy behind him, which made him happy. Could it be that he finally got rid of that terrible young man?
So the big man hurriedly turned his head and took a look while he was running, and what he saw frightened him out of his wits, and he would never forget it until he died.

Behind him, less than one meter away, Ye Dong closed his eyes tightly, with a peaceful expression on his face, his hands behind his back, his body was almost parallel to the ground, but the whole person was floating in the air and advancing rapidly, the most terrifying thing Yes, there was no sound at all.

It stands to reason that Ye Dong's image and state at this time brought people a kind of otherworldly and elegant beauty, but when the big man saw this scene, he seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing, and he could no longer bear it. With the shock in my heart, I opened my mouth and let out an earth-shattering cry!

Flying is an ability possessed by masters in the world of dust. How could a boy in the world of dust be able to fly?


While screaming, the little aura left in the big man's body was finally completely disrupted, he staggered, and could no longer maintain his balance, his whole body flew straight out like a big rock.

Naturally, Ye Dong, who was feeling the windy world with his spiritual sense, was also startled by the scream, and his spiritual sense left the transparent world in an instant.

Ye Dong opened his eyes full of anger, looked at the big man who fell to the ground in the posture of a dog eating shit, and seemed unable to stand up anymore, stopped his body, and walked towards him slowly.

The big man turned over and got up with great difficulty, but he really didn't have any strength in his body, so he could only lean on the ground, with fear in his eyes, looking at Ye Dong who walked in front of him and stood still.

Ye Dong stared at the big man, wishing he could kill him with a sword now. If the big man barked a little later, he might be able to understand something from the world of wind, so that he could really fly!

But in the end Ye Dong held back, glared at the big man with fierce eyes and said, "Why don't you run away?"

Counting the time, the two of them ran for at least two hours, and Ye Dongfei was spotless, and even in excellent mental state, completely as if nothing had happened. In addition to the scene that he couldn't forget just now, The big man already had a deep fear of Ye Dong, waved his hands and said: "I can't run anymore, and I don't want to run anymore, brother, I think you misunderstood us, the spirit demon pill is here, I don't want it anymore."

While speaking, a red bead the size of a longan had already appeared in the big man's hand. It was crystal clear and round, and there was a little moving light on it. It was a good thing at first glance.

Ye Dong stretched out his hand, and the bead landed in his palm. He scanned it with his spiritual sense, and felt that there was a surge of aura in the bead. Arrived in the space dust container.

Ye Dong snorted coldly and said, "You snatched my grandpa Dan's fifth-grade spirit demon pill, and then killed people to silence you, and said that I misunderstood you?"

A trace of anger flashed across the big man's face, and he said: "We discovered that fifth-grade spirit beast first. In order to kill it, we have been tracking it for nearly half a year, and even sacrificed the lives of several fellow disciples. It was seriously injured, but unexpectedly, when we were rounding it up last, that old guy, your Grandpa Dan, appeared out of nowhere, killed it first, and then snatched away the Spirit Demon Pill."

"Naturally, we are not willing to be robbed of the Spiritual Demon Pill by him, so we chased it all the way, until we finally met you guys!"

What the big man said made Ye Dong slightly startled, if the big man was telling the truth, then he really misunderstood, the one who really snatched the Spirit Demon Pill was Grandpa Dan, not them!
And looking at the anger on the big man's face, it didn't seem like it was pretending, Ye Dong couldn't help but muttered a little in his heart, but Ye Dong must still be helping Grandpa Dan: "According to what you said, the spirit demon pill is indeed Dan Dan. Grandpa got it after killing that fifth-rank spirit beast, so it can only be said that he was lucky."

The big man opened his mouth, obviously he couldn't find anything to refute, and finally he could only say dejectedly: "This is the end of the matter, I don't want to say anything more, now the spirit demon pill has been given to you, I just ask you to let it go." I?"

"Let you go?" Ye Dong sneered and said, "You guys want to kill people to silence them, do you think I can let you go?"

In fact, Ye Dong didn't really want to kill him, but just to frighten him, at most he would bring him back to Tianxinzong, and let Ziyangzi and the others deal with it.

However, I didn't expect that after hearing this sentence, the big man's eyes became sharper and he said: "We already know that you are called Tianxinzong, as long as one of the three of us can escape, then we will definitely come back to take revenge .”

What Ye Dong is not afraid of most is threats from others. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "Oh? It seems that your school is very powerful?"

The big man showed pride and said: "Of course, our Huoling Island was built by the heavenly beings of the Nine Heavens of Fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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