One emperor

Chapter 313

Chapter 313
Although Ye Dong admits that Prajna's spiritual consciousness or other abilities are very powerful, and he can detect the bloody smell that he can't smell in the blood prison, but he is open and upright in his heart, which is why he said such words Question Prajna.

However, I didn't expect Banruo to show shock on his face after hearing Ye Dong's words, and closed his eyes, his brows were slowly twisted together, and he remained silent for a long time, as if thinking of something .

Ye Dong, Zhou Longcheng and Hong Lang all stared at him curiously, not knowing what this holy Buddha, whose state of mind and cultivation are equally powerful, was thinking of.

After a long time, a round circle of light slowly lit up in Banruo's mind, and Banruo also suddenly opened his eyes, and two compelling golden lights shot out from his eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ye Dong had a strong feeling that in this short moment, Prajna's cultivation base had improved significantly again!

And the state of Prajna just now is similar to the instant enlightenment, but it is different from the instant enlightenment I have experienced before. This situation should have a clearer explanation in Buddhism.

The reason why Prajna can enter this state is obviously because of his own words, but the reason is that Ye Dong can't think clearly.

As Banruo opened his eyes, the circle of light behind his head also quickly disappeared, and then Banruo gave Ye Dong a deep bow and said: "Ye Shizhu, I was indeed wrong before, thank you Ye Shizhu for your enlightenment." Grace."

The doubts in Ye Dong's heart were about to explode, he waved his hands and said, "Prajna, what's going on, what did I teach you?"

Banruo straightened up, with a calm smile on his face, and said, "I smelled the bloody smell from Benefactor Ye, so I took it for granted that you were a treacherous and evil person. , but Ye Shizhu's words just now awakened me, my body is like Bodhi, my heart is like a mirror, and all appearances are illusory!"

Ye Dong was still confused by this passage, but he understood the general meaning. It is wrong for Prajna to think of himself as a bad person when he smells his own blood, but this kind of thinking is also common to most people. An instinctive thought.

For example, when seeing a person with terrifying and vicious hair, most of them will think that this person is a bad person, but in fact this person is probably a good person.

The reason for this situation is that what you see is only the appearance, which is false. To know whether this person is good or bad, you must see clearly the inner world of this person.

Now Prajna has obviously abandoned this instinctive thought after being enlightened by his own words, and for Buddhist practitioners, realizing this is equivalent to other practitioners comprehending the way of heaven, so his cultivation base can Improved in an instant.

Banruo beckoned to Zhou Longcheng and said, "Little benefactor, come with me first!"

Zhou Longcheng walked to Banruo's side without the slightest hesitation, and Banruo bowed to Ye Dong again and said, "Master Ye, we will meet later!"

Ye Dong also raised his head after saluting, watched Banruo and Zhou Longcheng's figures gradually go away until they disappeared completely, and then said to the red wolf: "This Prajna is really interesting, it is really like what Zen Master Fudo said. , with compassion in his heart, hates evil like hatred, and has a very high cultivation base, but finally the misunderstanding with him has been resolved, and there is one less trouble, let's go!"

Although Ye Dong is not afraid of Prajna, but after seeing the powerful strength of Prajna, he really doesn't want to be an enemy of such a guy.

With the red wolf, Ye Dong continued to drive towards Longxiang Mountain.

At the same time, in Lei Zhan's study room in the Dragon Elephant Sect, Mo Rou was staring at her husband angrily, while Lei Zhan didn't dare to meet his wife's eyes at all, lowered his head, and kept talking. Walking around in the study.

Mo Rong finally couldn't bear it any longer. He pointed at Lei and said, "My surname is Lei, when did you make this decision? Why didn't you discuss it with me beforehand!"

Lei Zhan scratched his head and said, "Aren't I discussing with you right now?"

"Now?" Mo Rong raised his voice a few more times: "Haven't you already made a decision? You are notifying me, not discussing with me, telling you that Linglong is your daughter and mine. Marriage matters, you alone don't count!"

"Rou'er, keep your voice down, don't let other people hear you!" Lei Zhan was a typical strict wife, and he ignored this matter, so he didn't have the confidence to speak at all.

"You dare to do it, but you don't dare to let people listen to it?" Mo Rou is relentless and doesn't care. After all, this matter is related to her daughter's lifelong happiness. Why is it that you don't like it? Brother Xiang said that he didn't join Tianxin Sect at all, but became a real person of Tianxin Sect. He is equal to us. Are you still not satisfied with such a good son-in-law? He even agreed to marry Linglong For that kid from the Black Flame Sect!"

This is why Mo Rou was so furious. Lei Zhan agreed to betroth Mo Linglong to Zhong Qingshan, the eldest son of the Black Flame Sect, who is also one of the ten sects of the Demon Sect, without discussing with her. announced to everyone.

Facing his wife's anger, Lei Zhan hesitated for a while, and finally stomped his feet and said: "Rou'er, I will not hide it from you anymore. In fact, I did this for a reason."

"What reason? What reason could be more important than Linglong's happiness." Mo Rou still said angrily.

However, Lei Zhan said solemnly: "This reason is indeed more important than Linglong's happiness, because it concerns the safety of everyone in our Dragon Elephant Sect, including you and me, including Linglong and Huaishan! "

Mo Rou knew that her husband would never be alarmist, nor would he make jokes about such things, so she couldn't help but was stunned and said, "What's the matter? Lei Zhan, what are you hiding from me?"

Lei Zhan took a deep breath, rubbed his brows with his hand and said: "Actually, this matter is really thanks to that Ye Dong, if it wasn't for asking about him, I still haven't been kept in the dark. "

It turned out that although Lei Zhan said on the surface that he disagreed with the matter between Ye Dong and Mo Linglong, out of his father's love, he still quietly sent someone to inquire about Ye Dong. Find out all the details of Ye Dong, including of course the fact that Ye Dong's father, Ye Yunfei, was taken away.

It was the first time that Yan Luodian, an unremarkable sect, had formally entered his line of sight, and he was a thoughtful person. He knew Linglong's feelings for Ye Dong, and believed that he would eventually agree with them to be together. But he didn't want his daughter to be in any danger after marrying Ye Dong, so he followed the clues of Yan Luodian to find out why the Ye family and it had an enmity. Destroy the Hall of Yama, once and for all.

However, what he didn't expect was that this inquiry brought a series of shocks, and made him make up his mind to prevent his daughter from being with Ye Dong no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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