One emperor

Chapter 345

Chapter 345
If it is really a boundless sea, then even a high mountain emerging from the middle of the sea will also be washed away and submerged by the sea.

It's a pity that, although the blade of the Faceless Crazy Saber already has a little artistic conception of the sea, it is still too far away from the real sea.

However, Ye Dong borrowed the power of the earth and used his extremely majestic aura to form a mountain, but it was really like a mountain that had stood for thousands of years. When he suddenly rose from the waves , easily shattered the whirlpool, and exploded with a bang!
Faceless Crazy Knife's frantically running figure naturally stopped as the knife was broken. Although his face tried his best to keep calm, his heart was full of surprise.

He has already accepted the fact that Ye Dong is a master of the dusty body at a young age, but he really did not expect that Ye Dong, who should have just set foot in the dusty body, has reached such a high level of familiarity and mastery of the earth attribute. The point, this is really unbelievable.

It has been more than a hundred years since Faceless Crazy Saber stepped into the realm of dust. Although he dare not say that he has mastered the essence of the water attribute, he is confident. The perception of water attribute can be stronger than him!

If you condense the dust body, you will have corresponding attributes, and according to the different attributes of the dust body, you can naturally understand the mystery and power of the attributes.

However, this kind of understanding must go through the tempering of time, through continuous perception, continuous display, and continuous practice, it is possible to grasp the true essence of this attribute.

But today, Ye Dong's performance has broken this eternal law. At such a young age, he seems to have grasped the essence of the earth attribute.

Looking at Ye Dong, Faceless Crazy Saber finally felt a little bit of resentment towards his dead apprentice in his heart, who is not good for you to offend, why did you have to offend this guy!
But Faceless Crazy Knife suddenly realized that something was wrong with Ye Dong's state.

Ye Dong's eyes were wide open, his teeth were clenched, and his hands trembled slightly, as if he was accumulating strength or resisting some kind of strength.

How is this going?

Before Faceless Crazy Knife figured out the reason for Ye Dong's change, he frowned again, because he suddenly felt a slight shock under his feet.

This shock was not violent, as if there were several slowly flowing streams flowing gently under the ground.

At the same time, Ye Dong suddenly moved, his hands spread out, and slowly moved up, as if holding an invisible weight in his hands, very slowly.

Faceless Crazy Knife's complexion suddenly changed, because he already felt the solemn aura in the surrounding air, and this aura came from Ye Dong's empty palm.

Although Ye Dong raised his hands extremely slowly, they were still raised in the air after all, and then, his hands suddenly flipped down!
Faceless Crazy Knife's eyes showed fear, because he vaguely saw that with the flip of Ye Dong's palm, there was a small hill in the air that enveloped him and pressed down towards him.

Just when he wanted to dodge, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he couldn't move at all, because when he was paying attention to Ye Dong's palm, several vines emerged from the ground unknowingly. The same invisible rope bound his feet.

If he was hit by this hill, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

But since it is impossible to dodge, then of course the Faceless Crazy Knife will not just sit there and wait for death. He took a deep breath suddenly, the aura in his body was fully stimulated, and a ball of blue light lit up on the non-stick knife in his hand. Waving it overhead!
In Mo Linglong's eyes, he just saw Faceless Crazy Knife swinging the knife, because the speed of his swinging the knife was as fast as possible.

However, in Ye Dong's eyes, he clearly saw three consecutive swords, three swords in a row!


The first knife cut on the hill just made the hill tremble slightly, the second knife cut on the hill, a crack finally appeared on the hill, and when the third knife went down, the whole The hill finally couldn't bear the huge power carried in the knife, and exploded loudly.

Ye Dong's eyes lit up!
Because, he fell in love with the three knives of Faceless Crazy Saber!

These three strikes are not simply three strikes in a row, but the superposition of strength and speed!
To put it simply, the speed and power of the first knife are both one, and the speed and power of the second knife are two, but in the third knife, the speed and power are the sum of the previous two, reaching three!
If he can also master this kind of saber technique, then relying on the spiritual energy in his body that is far more than that of people in the same realm, once he uses these three sabers, it will cause extremely terrifying power!

I can directly increase the speed and strength of the first knife to three or higher...

Although the faceless mad knife smashed Ye Dong's attack three times, the aura in his whole body almost disappeared along with the three swords.

You must know that these three swords are his life-saving stunts, and he has not fully learned them, and he has never even used them. Originally, he thought that relying on these three swords would be enough to let him run rampant in the world, but he did not expect that the first time he used them today, It turned out to be to save lives.

Faceless Crazy Knife quickly took out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth to replenish his aura, and at the same time, in order to buy himself a little recovery time, he looked at Ye Dong and said, "Just now, what kind of battle did you send out?" technology?"

Ye Dong didn't care about the other party's behavior, and said lightly: "It's not a combat skill, it's just that when I sensed the earth, I inadvertently inhaled the power of the earth in my body. The power is so huge that I can't control it for a while, so Simply combine the spiritual energy and display it."

Faceless Crazy Saber was stunned: "Isn't that your own power? Is it the power of the earth you absorbed?"

"Yes!" Ye Dong was very puzzled by the shock of Faceless Crazy Saber: "What's the matter, is there anything strange?"

There was a wry smile on Faceless Crazy Knife's face, he didn't answer this question, but shook his head and said: "Ye Dong, you are indeed a rare freak and genius, if you can not die in the future, then one day you might really be able to become Invincible existence in the world!"

This compliment, coming from Faceless Crazy Saber, made Ye Dong feel a little awkward, but it also filled him with pride.

Can make your enemies praise you sincerely, how many people can enjoy this honor?

But the enemy is the enemy, and it is impossible for Ye Dong to let him go because of the words of Faceless Crazy Saber, so he took another step and said, "Your spiritual energy should have recovered almost half, can we continue?"

Faceless Crazy Knife nodded and said: "That's right, we can continue!"

After finishing speaking, he took a deep breath, raised the non-stick knife in his hand again, and slashed at Ye Dong fiercely!

Just when Ye Dong was about to resist the blow, he saw that after the faceless mad knife rushed in front of him, the non-stick knife did not cut off, but suddenly withdrew the knife, and at the same time his body made a sharp turn, and went around By myself, run behind me!
Could it be that he was going to deal with Mo Linglong? Ye Dong was startled and turned around quickly, but his face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

The Faceless Crazy Knife did not attack Mo Linglong, but also bypassed Mo Linglong and ran down the mountain quickly.

He, unexpectedly... escaped!
(End of this chapter)

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