One emperor

Chapter 353 Chapter Family

Chapter 353
Ye Dong took Pan Chaoyang and his party away from Longxiang Mountain. Although Mo Linglong wanted to go with him wholeheartedly, neither Lei Zhan nor Ye Dong himself agreed.

Because the current Suzaku Continent is about to rain, and Long Xiangzong is the first to receive special care from Yan Luodian, and Mo Linglong's cultivation is too low. The enemies Ye Dong encountered and the place he was going to They are all extremely dangerous. If you take her with you, she may become a burden.

In addition, the matter between Mo Linglong and Ye Dong is known to everyone, but before the Ye family officially came to propose marriage, it is impossible for Lei Zhan to allow Mo Linglong to follow Ye Dong like this.

Therefore, although both of them are reluctant, they can only choose to separate temporarily.

The group went straight to Qiuye Town. Before going to Dead Soul Mountain, Ye Dong wanted to send Elder Pei to his home in person, and then took a look at the child named Zhou Longcheng who was saved by Banruo. Sent to Ye's house.

Qiuye Town is just one of the eight towns under Yifeng City. Although it is not dilapidated, it is at most an ordinary town. When I was in Akiba Town, I had to wonder if I went to the wrong place?
At this time, a huge city wall with a height of about 20 meters has been built around Qiuye Town. Although it has not been completely completed, it has already vaguely taken shape. This is definitely a huge project. It will not take a few years. possibly done.

Ye Dongman was full of plans and had only left home for more than half a year. However, the whole town had undergone earth-shaking changes, which naturally filled him with suspicion.

Among all the people, only Red Wolf and Ye Dong have stayed in Qiuye Town, not even Pan Chaoyang, let alone Pei Xingyun.

The two looked at the magnificent Qiuye Town in front of them with great interest, nodded and said: "I didn't expect the young master's hometown to be so prosperous. I'm afraid it's not inferior to ordinary prefectures."

Ye Dong said dumbfoundedly: "It wasn't like this when I left home. It wasn't so prosperous before. You should go back to my house first and ask what's going on!"

Mixed in the bustling crowd, the crowd came to the gate of the city, but before they could enter, six soldiers who looked like soldiers came over to stop them.

Although Ye Dong and the others have restrained their respective powerful auras, but walking together with two people in the dusty state, one in the dusty state, and a mutated spirit beast, it will be easy to compare them with ordinary people no matter what. people are distinguished.

The six soldiers were also a little discerning. Although they stopped everyone, their attitude was extremely respectful: "Several distinguished guests, I don't know what you can do when you come to Qiuye Town?"

Ye Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "My name is Ye Dong. I'm bringing some friends home."

"Oh, yes, yes!" The leading soldier nodded and bowed, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, and exclaimed: "You, you, you say, your name is Ye Dong? Ye Dong from the Ye family?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"No, no, no, my God, you are Ye Dong, I, I, I..."

The soldiers were so excited that they spoke incoherently, not knowing what they were talking about.

The area of ​​Autumn Leaf Town is not large, and the Ye family in Autumn Leaf Town has a genius named Ye Dong, which is known to all ages. The reason why Autumn Leaf Town can be expanded now is entirely because the Ye family came out of it. The money, in order to better protect their family.

Although Ye Dong didn't know that Qiuye Town was expanded by his family for the time being, he was not surprised that the soldiers knew his name, so he naturally understood his excitement.

Slightly smiled and said: "I am Ye Dong, I won't bother you, you are busy, I will go first."

After finishing speaking, without giving the other party any time to react, the group of people passed them and merged into the flow of people entering the city. When the soldiers reacted, they looked up and saw no shadows.

When Ye Dong finally returned to the Ye family, he was filled with emotion when he saw the castle where the Ye family was now.

No matter what level of master you become, no matter how remarkable achievements you have made, only here is your home!
Both Pei Xingyun and Pan Chaoyang are quite old, and they can tell what Ye Dong is thinking when they see Ye Dong's appearance, and this is actually the most intuitive feeling for everyone in everyone's heart, so they didn't bother, just looked at it casually Ye family.

After a while, Pei Xingyun smiled slightly and said, "Young master, the Ye family's defense is so powerful!"

Indeed, the current Ye family is no longer the small family it used to be, and Qiuye Town, as the base camp of the Ye family, is even more important, so the number of masters living here is indeed considerable.

Ye Dong came back to his senses, and replied with a smile: "With your old position, this place is truly indestructible and impenetrable."

The two heavy copper doors of the Ye family were completely opened, and a group of people headed by Ye Yuntian rushed out at the fastest speed.

"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

Ye Ming, Ye Ling, Ye Long, Ye Hu, and Ye Feng followed closely behind, shouting excitedly.

Looking at his relatives and listening to their voices, Ye Dong's heart was filled with deep affection, and he rushed out with the same excitement, hugging his family members.

At this moment, Ye Dong is no longer the real person of the Tianxin Sect, the suzerain of the Cihang Sect, and no longer the talented young man who attracts everyone's attention. He is just a third-generation descendant of the Ye family!
"Second brother, you are back, did you bring us a toy!"

"Shut up, Ye Hu, how old are you? What toys do you still play with? If you can't improve your level, next time Dad comes back to clean you up, I won't speak nice words for you. Second brother, don't talk to Ye Hu!"

After making out with his brothers and sisters, Ye Dong hastily and solemnly introduced Pei Xingyun and Pan Chaoyang to the Ye family.

Naturally, regarding Pei Xingyun's identity, Ye Dong didn't elaborate. After all, the current Ye family can only look up to the masters of the dusty realm, let alone the masters of the dusty realm.

However, this did not prevent everyone from respecting the two of them. At this time, the wine old man, Hou Jian and other masters of the world who had just received the news also rushed out, and the crowd was quite lively again.

At this moment, Ye Dong suddenly noticed that in the distance, there was a young man standing far away from everyone, staring at him expressionlessly.

Zhou Longcheng!
Ye Dong recognized the child at a glance, and Prajna had already sent him here, but when his spiritual consciousness swept across Zhou Longcheng's body, Ye Dong couldn't help being surprised again.

In just one month's time, Zhou Longcheng's cultivation level has been improved again, reaching the ninth level of spiritual seal!
(End of this chapter)

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