One emperor

Chapter 377

Chapter 377
"Hanjna, he is my friend!"

Ye Dong hurriedly opened his mouth, fearing that Banruo would attack suddenly, and although Zhuyin had extremely high attainments in the way of poison, but his real cultivation would not exceed the third level of dust and body at most, how could he be an opponent of Banruo.

Prajna was indeed ready to attack. Although Ye Dong's words prevented him from launching an attack for the time being, the aura that filled his whole body did not decrease in the slightest.

Compared with Ye Dong's worries, Zhuyin was obviously much more relaxed, but he just glanced at Hannya lightly, and then focused his attention on his surroundings.

Sucking her nose forcefully, Zhuyin murmured, "What a ghostly aura."

After finishing speaking, he still ignored Ye Dong and Banruo, and stepped out of the coverage of Banjna's soul energy.

At this time, Banruo looked at Zhuyin with a layer of doubt besides guard, obviously he noticed that Zhuyin was different.

After all, the main focus of Buddhist practitioners is the soul, and the sound of candles is the state of the soul, so it is natural to be able to sense it.

Standing in the thick ghostly aura, Zhuyin didn't feel the slightest discomfort. He raised his head to look at the sky, turned his head to look around, and took two steps up. Ye Dongdao: "What are you doing here?"

"Look for those four poisons! But we don't know the thousand-year coffin ringworm, so I want you to help me find it."

"Oh!" Zhuyin nodded and said, "You have come to the right place, but you shouldn't have broken into here."

Ye Dong frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the place you are standing now is actually in a formation called Hiding Ghosts and Nayin Formation, and outside this formation is a larger formation, just the name I don't know anymore!"


In fact, Ye Dong had thought that the entire Dead Soul Mountain might be a formation, but he himself vetoed it later, but he didn't expect Zhuyin to say that it was a formation, and it was a formation within a formation.

Zhuyin ignored the surprise of the two, and continued: "The function of this large formation is to collect these ghost qi. As for the function, I don't know. What's the use of collecting ghost qi? Refining poison? It's not necessary, ghost Although the poison of qi is considered one of the most poisonous, the refining method is too complicated, and it is very easy to be broken..."

After talking about it, Zhuyin was completely talking to herself there, while Ye Dong and Banruo looked at each other, feeling unbelievable for the first half of Zhuyin's sentence.

If it is really as Zhuyin said, then this Mountain of Dead Souls is completely man-made!

Ye Dong interrupted Zhuyin and said, "You still know formations? Then can you break this formation?"

"But I am interested in anything that has something to do with poison, so I only know that this is a formation. As for how to break it, I have no idea at all. By the way, didn't you say that you are looking for thousand-year-old coffin ringworm? That little monk It’s in the grave next to you.”

Seeing Zhuyin's casual finger, Ye Dong and Banruo looked at each other for a while, and they still didn't know where to start, but they didn't expect that Zhuyin already knew where the thousand-year-old coffin ringworm was.

Banruo looked at Ye Dong, apparently asking him if he wanted to dig, and Ye Dong was quite confident in Zhuyin's poisonous way, so he nodded immediately and said, "Dig!"

However, Zhuyin said again: "Wait! The placement of these graves and coffins is exquisite, and they are not placed randomly. If you dig it, it may touch the formation. As for how to break it, I don't know So you guys think about it before you dig! I’ll go around and help you find the other three poisons, and I hope to see you alive.”

After finishing speaking, Zhuyin actually turned around and walked in another direction, and Ye Dong and Banruo could only watch him leave helplessly.

The state of Zhuyin's soul naturally doesn't need to worry about the ghost energy here, and the existence of the formation seems to have no effect on him either.

After Zhuyin's figure disappeared, Ye Dong and Banruo also fell into thinking, should they dig or not?

In the end, the two spoke almost simultaneously: "Dig!"

Looking at each other with a smile, Banruo clasped his hands into claws, and grabbed the grave beside him in the air.

With a sound of "poof", he grabbed a coffin that was about to fall apart from the ground, and the sharp-eyed Ye Dong had already found that the coffin board was covered with black moss, which was obviously what he was looking for. Millennium coffin ringworm.

However, as the coffin was carried out, a gust of wind suddenly blew up on the flat ground. Before the two of them understood what was going on, the wind became stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be wailing in their ears!
Hannya reacted very quickly, stretched out his hand to pat lightly, and the mossy coffin board was shaken off, and flew straight to Ye Dong, and Ye Dong also reached out his hand to catch it without hesitation, and sent it directly into the space dust machine. middle.

At this time, the wind was already whistling, blowing so hard that Ye Dong's eyes could hardly be opened. Needless to say, he also knew that when Zhuyin was right, when he dug out the thousand-year-old coffin ringworm, he also touched the heart of this place. Formation, now the formation is active.

Strange to say, the strange wind seemed to know that there were two people here, and slowly formed two strands, rolling towards Ye Dong and Banruo respectively.

"This is the evil wind formed by ghost energy, be careful not to be blown into the body by it..."

Although the distance between Ye Dong and Banruo would not exceed two meters, the wind was so strong that Ye Dong could only hear Banruo's voice intermittently and indistinctly.

But even without Prajna's reminder, Ye Dong knew that he must not let this strange wind with a strong smell blow into his body, so the dust body armor immediately appeared, and at the same time, the mighty aura in his body quickly filled his whole body, and gradually Pushing it outward, an invisible aura wall was formed, temporarily blocking the strange wind from continuing to move forward.

Although Ye Dong is extremely powerful, his opponent is just a cloud of wind, so he doesn't know how to deal with it. It is impossible for any combat skills to cause any damage to the wind, so he can only temporarily block it with spiritual energy, and then think of a way .

Various methods kept appearing in his mind, and Ye Dong vetoed them one by one. After a stick of incense, the wind in front of Ye Dong suddenly subsided, and this also made him suddenly think of Well, no matter how strange the wind is, it is not caused by humans after all, so there should be a time to stop, as long as I can persist for a while, it will be fine when the wind stops by itself, so there is no need to think of any way!
So Ye Dong braked quietly, constantly urging his aura to block the blow of the dark wind. After another half an hour or so, the wind finally seemed to stop gradually.

However, just when Ye Dong was about to let out a sigh of relief, the wind that was about to stop suddenly increased again, and it directly increased to the maximum.

A violent force like a prehistoric beast instantly crushed the aura wall that Ye Dong used to block, and even the dust body on his body into pieces.

A cloud of black wind followed Ye Dong's thousands of pores, and all of them got into his body without a single omission!
(End of this chapter)

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