One emperor

Chapter 392 The magic height is 1 zhang

Chapter 392

Following Ye Dong's unremarkable slap, the complexions of the seven dust-level masters of the Qingfeng Sect on the opposite side became even paler.

They can cultivate to the realm of the fifth level of dust body, and they can be regarded as real masters in the entire Suzaku Continent. They are basically superior existences on weekdays, and there is no precedent for them to attack the enemy at the same time.

But today is different. When they heard that more than 20 of their fellow disciples died at the hands of a little guy named Ye Dong, they felt the same hatred in their hearts, wishing to kill Ye Dong immediately.

Especially when they really saw Ye Dong's young and even immature face, they couldn't believe how powerful such a little guy who didn't even grow hair could possess.

Therefore, the seven people will all attack at the same time, wanting to defeat Ye Dong by themselves and make the first contribution.

However, I didn't expect that instead of being able to suppress Ye Dong, the powerful momentum emitted by the combined efforts of the seven of us was restrained by him. This made them who have always been proud and arrogant, how could they bear it? With such strength and courage, if you dare to play one against seven, then the seven of us will really team up and give you a little bit of strength, so the seven will no longer keep it, and Qiqi will show all its strength.

But at this time, Ye Dong also took the initiative to attack!

With a simple wave of his palm, he didn't attack any one of the seven of them, but seven of them.

So the seven people gritted their teeth again, squeezed out every trace of spiritual energy in their bodies, and raised their palms at the same time, a wave of spiritual energy that was a little more violent than before rushed out overwhelmingly.

The joint attack of seven masters with a dusty body above the fifth level is far more frightening than the combination of their aura. The seven forces gathered together greeted Ye Dong with an unrivaled momentum. that palm.

A louder sound than before exploded, and the eight forces collided again in the air, and this time it was a duel of the real strength of the two sides.

The eight forces exploded at one point, and the air ripples that were almost dissipated just now formed a strong whirlwind of force, sweeping away in all directions.

The people who were originally standing in various positions, under the blow of the whirlwind, couldn't help shaking, and had to release their strength to stabilize their bodies.

But the huge building behind everyone couldn't keep still and shook violently.

Finally, when the power of Ye Dong's eight people reached the peak, the building could not continue to withstand the power of so many masters in the world, and it sent out its last shock, and collapsed into ruins.

A cloud of smoke and dust scattered in all directions, like a thick layer of fog, quickly permeating the entire courtyard, making all the figures hazy and unrecognizable.

After a full quarter of an hour, the smoke and dust gradually began to dissipate, slowly revealing many figures in the courtyard.

Although the momentum of the blow just now was astonishing, but those standing here are all masters in the dusty state, so it is impossible for them to suffer any harm. At this time, outside their bodies, there is a layer of aura that circulates endlessly, connecting them with these The smoke and dust are isolated.

However, although there was no injury on the body, except for Ye Dong, everyone's facial expressions were extremely wonderful.

All eyes were on Ye Dong, but Ye Dong still maintained his original standing posture and position, with arrogance and conceit looking sideways at the world, and stared coldly at the people of Qingfengmen.

Even the combined attack of the seven masters in the dusty state couldn't make him take half a step back, and even they had to take a few steps back when they were hit by the power of his palm in order to suppress this terrifyingly powerful force. The power is dispelled.

Although this was a simple and quick confrontation, and no one was injured, the outcome has already been decided, and the decision is made!

Danyangzi's heart was heaving violently. At this moment, he finally let go of his obsession with pills, and only had pride and excitement that was not weaker than Ye Dong's in his mind.

This is the grandson of his apprentice, and this is the sixth real person of Tianxin Sect!
Fighting against seven dust-like masters at the same time with one's own strength, not only did he not lose the wind, but he surpassed the devil!
While Danyangzi was feeling excited and proud, Luo Xinlan and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, especially Ding Shaoqi and Xue Junbao. They looked at each other and saw luck and fear in each other's eyes.

If they had chosen to stand by Qingfengmen's side and wanted to unite with Qingfengmen to kill Ye Dong and others, then I'm afraid not only would they not be able to kill Ye Dong, but now they would be anxiously waiting for Ye Dong's revenge!
Facts have proved that they are not on the wrong team, and following Ye Dong is far luckier and happier than being his enemy!
Feng Dabao's face also did not have the ferocity and gnashing of teeth before. Instead, he opened his eyes wide and stared at Ye Dong. Although he was the only person in the whole Qingfengmen who was lucky enough to see Ye Dong make a move three times in a row, but before The two encounters were far less touching and shocking than this experience.

Liao Yue didn't make a move, because he possessed the arrogance and arrogance that was weaker than Ye Dong's in the slightest, but now this arrogance and arrogance in his heart had begun to waver slightly, and he asked himself repeatedly in his heart: "If it were me Facing the joint attack of those seven masters in the world, can I be the same as Ye Dong?"

He couldn't give his own answer, but if he wanted to know the answer, it was very simple, and that was to do it himself and verify it.

Just when Liao Yue was about to make a move, Ye Dong who was standing there suddenly moved!
Ye Dong's figure disappeared from the spot like a ghost, and he had passed Feng Dabao in an instant, and appeared in front of the seven masters of the world. Seven people!
Ding Shaoqi and the others couldn't help being shocked again. Ye Dong's courage was too great. After winning a game just now, he still refused to let the opponent go. Now he took the initiative to attack. It is on the territory of Qingfengmen!

Would Ye Dong not know this?
Of course he knew, but the reason for his attack was not to kill these people from the Qingfengmen, but had a more important meaning in it, so he would take the initiative to attack again when he seized the opportunity!
At the same time Ye Dong made his move, Feng Tianren stood respectfully behind the sect master Feng Qingyuan on the main peak of Qingfeng Mountain, Xu Lai Peak, and said: "Master, the young sect master disrupted our plan, and now we don't know What's going on, what should we do?"

Feng Qingyuan's expression was calm, and he cast his gaze down the peak, and said lightly: "Since it's already in chaos, let's wait and see what happens. Liao Yue should make a move in a while. If even he is defeated by Ye Dong, then I can only do it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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