One emperor

Chapter 405 Kill a person for me

Chapter 405 Kill Someone For Me
"Brother Liao, what is this? People?"

In Ye Dong's palm was a villain who was only half the size of his palm!

The villain has the face of a six or seven-year-old boy, with a bare head, eyes closed, reddish complexion, and naked body. If it is not because of the small body, plus the extremely cold and hard tentacles, it looks completely It's like a real person who is asleep, vivid.

Liao Yue shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know what it is either. When the senior gave it to me, he didn't explain it. He just told me that if one day, I could use the dusty flames I condensed to destroy it. If you refine it, you will know what it is. Unfortunately, the Ice Soul Essence Fire has no effect on it at all, so it is useless to stay by my side. Brother Ye's flame temperature is obviously much higher than mine. Maybe you can refine it!"

"The flame refines it?"

Ye Dong opened his eyes wide and looked at this lifelike little person, and then thought that if a ball of flames wrapped it, it would feel like burning a living child to death!
Besides, regardless of whether this "person" is real or not, what use is it if the flame is refined and turned into a puddle of liquid?
Shaking his head, Ye Dong handed the "little man" back to Liao Yue and said, "Brother Liao, I appreciate it, but you should keep it!"

However, Liao Yue refused resolutely: "Brother Ye, as I said, this is a thank you gift for curing my brother. If you don't want it, it means that you are not going to save my brother!"

"This..." Ye Dong discovered that this Liao Yue probably had a strange and stubborn personality because he lived in the northern cold all year round and rarely communicated with others.

In desperation, Ye Dong could only agree: "Okay, then I'll stop being disrespectful. By the way, Brother Liao, did you just say you wanted to follow me?"

Seeing that Ye Dong finally accepted the villain, Liao Yue seemed to let go of one thing and nodded, "That's right, but it's definitely not right now. I have to make it clear with Senior Feng before leaving!"

Ye Dong only felt that his head was getting bigger. Liao Yue was giving him a gift, and he wanted to be by his side. He just hoped that he could treat his brother's illness so that he couldn't refuse it. It seemed that, It is imperative to take a trip to the Northern Cold Land!

After thinking for a while, Ye Dong solemnly said: "Brother Liao, you don't need to stay with me. After all, you are from the Qingfengmen, and Qingfengmen and I are neither enemies nor friends. If you really leave because of this Leaving the Qingfengmen, it will be a great detriment to your reputation, but don't worry, I promise you, I will definitely go to the North Cold Land in one year at the earliest, and three years at the latest!"

Liao Yue even has such a weird and stubborn personality, so naturally he doesn't have any concept of sect, so in his opinion, there is nothing wrong with leaving Qingfengmen and following Ye Dong, but in the world of practice, this kind of behavior is A great betrayal will be shamed by everyone.

Ye Dong was completely thinking about him, but Liao Yue obviously didn't notice this, but when he heard Ye Dong's promise, he immediately said excitedly: "Okay!"

So the two separated, and Ye Dong took Danyangzi away from Qingfeng Mountain. Naturally, this time there was no iron-winged eagle as a means of transportation, so he had to go back on his own two legs.

However, neither of the two felt wronged, because this trip to Qingfeng Mountain not only perfectly resolved the matter of Feng Tianhe and the others, but also unexpectedly harvested two golden elixir!

The two mortal body golden elixirs represent two masters of the mortal body, and although Ye Dong wanted to leave both of the golden elixirs to the Ye family, he still gave one to Dan Yangzi after thinking about it.

The teacher's kindness is like a mountain, let me repay his master for my grandfather!

The remaining one is enough for grandpa to step into the world.

As for the "little man" that Liao Yue sent, Ye Dong also showed it to Danyangzi on purpose, and although Danyangzi was amazed after seeing it, he didn't know what it was.

In addition, Ye Dong also got good news at Danyangzi, that is, in an unknown forest, someone had recently found traces of the golden scale centipede!
Now that grandpa is expected to be promoted to the world of dust, and the golden scale centipede salivation has also been found, which relieves Ye Dong's original heavy heart.

And Dan Yangzi also suggested that if Ye Yuanjun wants to take the Chenshen Golden Elixir, it is best to be in the Tianxin Sect, because the success rate of taking the Chenshen Golden Elixir is not [-]%, but only [-]%, and it is subject to Don't be disturbed at all, the most important thing is that the surrounding aura is as abundant as possible. Although the current Ye family is also a big family, it can't be compared with Tianxinzong in any aspect.

In particular, the richness of the aura is even more disparate.

After careful consideration, Ye Dong accepted Dan Yangzi's suggestion, and decided to go back to Ye's house immediately, take his grandfather to Tianxinzong, help him condense out of the dusty body smoothly, and then go to find the golden scale centipede saliva!

After making up his mind, because Dan Yangzi's speed was too slow, Ye Dong separated from him halfway and rushed towards Ye's house.

Back at Ye's house, Ye Dong received Ye Yuanjun smoothly. In order to surprise his grandfather, he didn't say anything about the Chenshen Jindan, but just took him to Tianxinzong, and looked at Ye Dong anxiously. , Ye Yuanjun thought that something happened in the sect, asked several times, but Ye Dong just didn't say anything, he was so anxious that he wanted to ask for a monk!
When Ye Dong, his grandfather and grandson went to Tianxinzong, Feng Qingyuan sat alone in a room on Xu Lai Peak of Qingfeng Mountain, his face was gloomy as if water could drip.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound from outside the door, and Feng Qingyuan quietly took a breath, so that his complexion became normal, and he even sat up straight, looking at the opened door with piercing eyes.

It seemed that the door hadn't even been opened, but a black figure entered the room like a ghost, stood in front of Feng Qingyuan, lowered his head, and uttered a gloomy voice: "I pay my respects to the sect master! "

Although it was said to be a greeting, neither the tone nor the actions of this figure showed the slightest respect in it.

Feng Qingyuan smiled coldly and said, "Okay, Wu Tiande, there are no outsiders here, so you don't need to act anymore."

The figure finally revealed his face, and it was Wu Tiande, the military advisor of Qingfengmen!
Wu Tiande smiled slightly and said, "The sect master seems to have figured it out?"

A small jade slip suddenly appeared in Feng Qingyuan's hand, he shook it and said, "I can give you "Moon Wheel Judgment", but I have one condition!"

"Sect master, come and listen!"

"Kill someone for me!"

"Murder?" Wu Tiande said with a sinister smile: "As the head of the sect, I have to do the murder for you. It seems that he is bound by the contract of dust. Who is this person?"

"Ye Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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