One emperor

Chapter 415

Chapter 415
Neither Mo Linglong nor Red Wolf noticed the sword light that was piercing towards Ye Dong, but Ye Dong himself suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, and before he had time to think about it, he had already subconsciously displayed the sword light at his feet. Leaving Ling Yun alone, his figure flashed, and at the very moment, he dodged the sword light.

Although the sword didn't hit Ye Dong, the momentum of the forward charge didn't decrease at all, and he stabbed forward straight and quickly, just in time to hit the throat of that Qi Haimen disciple, and passed through.

Although this disciple didn't die in Ye Dong's hands, he was accidentally killed by the sword that was supposed to stab Ye Dong.

His eyes were wide open, and he tightly covered the blood that was gushing out of his throat with his hands, and fell to the ground with a thick face of unwillingness to die!

At this time, Mo Linglong and Red Wolf finally discovered that there was an enemy sneak attack in the dark. With a howl from Red Wolf, his body instantly changed back to its original shape. The huge body blocked Mo Linglong behind him, and his eyes watched the surroundings vigilantly. movement.

Although Ye Dong dodged the sword by instinct, a chill surged in Xinzong. He really didn't expect that with his current strength, he would be attacked unexpectedly without even realizing it at all. No, how strong is the person who attacked him unexpectedly?
What surprised him even more was the strange and pungent sword, which not only deceived his own feelings, but even deceived his proud spiritual sense.

Not to mention the wind, even if there is no fluctuation of spiritual energy, what kind of sword technique is this?
After stabbing Qi Haimen's disciple to death, the black sword light was drawn out immediately, and continued to attack Ye Dong.

The sword light split into several in an instant, like several poisonous snakes, opened its sharp fangs, and chased Ye Dong closely, no matter how Ye Dong dodged, the sword light was always around Ye Dong, What's more frightening is that Ye Dong still hasn't seen the true face of the sword-wielding man until now.

Not only is this person's swordsmanship weird and brilliant, but his bodywork is also exquisite to the extreme, and his speed is even faster than his own Lingyun Dubu.

Now Ye Dong naturally knows that the person who attacked him is the person who has been following him for the past few days, but he has not been discovered by him, and the reason why he has not been discovered by him is because the opponent's speed is too fast!
Ye Dong felt that the opponent's sword was not looking at it with his eyes at all, because even the speed of his eyes could not keep up with the speed of his sword. The opponent was constantly waving the sword in his hand in another way. It seems to be able to know Ye Dong's moving route in advance.

Under such a fierce and strange offensive, Ye Dong was energized to 12 points, his whole body's aura had completely filled every cell in his body, and he desperately avoided the opponent's attack.

However, in order to prevent Mo Linglong and Red Wolf from being attacked by others, Ye Dong's moving range was always kept within a fixed distance.

It can be said that Ye Dong has never encountered such a dangerous and embarrassing situation since his debut. He was beaten for the purpose of escaping, but he couldn't even see his opponent's face!

Of course, Ye Dong probably didn't expect that at this moment, the shock in his opponent's heart was not inferior to his.

Finally, when the two sides chased for more than half a stick of incense, the black sword light suddenly stopped, and the figure also stopped, and said loudly: "Brother Wu, the price has to be increased!"

The other party stopped, and Ye Dong naturally didn't move again. After such a sudden escape, he was a little panting because of the strong aura in his body. After all, the situation just now was too shocking. To put it literally, Ye Dong almost All the strength of breastfeeding was used on the legs.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Dong was slightly taken aback, and his vigilance was heightened again. The other party actually had accomplices!
At the same time, Ye Dong glanced at the red wolf, and the red wolf also arched its body in satisfaction, its two thick and giant claws were gripping the ground tightly, and the huge wolf head was almost attached to the front paws, posing a fight state.

At this moment, a voice with a wry smile sounded: "Bian Kai, Bian Kai, no wonder no one wants to do business with you. How can you raise the price like this?"

Before the laughter fell, a figure slowly walked out from behind a big tree, and seeing the other person's appearance clearly, a murderous look suddenly flashed in Ye Dong's eyes.

Wu Tiande!
Bian Kai is naturally the one holding the black sword, and when he heard Wu Tiande's words, he laughed and said, "Brother Wu, if you had told me that this little kid is so difficult to deal with, I might not even accept this deal."

"Okay, then how much do you want to add!"

"Add another [-]%!"

Wu Tiande smiled wryly again and shook his head: "You are really a lion, but since it is already like this, I can't refuse even if I want to, so I will add another [-]%, but this time I can't increase it!"

Hearing that Wu Tiande and Bian Kai completely regarded themselves as nothing, and were discussing the price of dealing with them on their own, Ye Dong felt a little uneasy.

Although he didn't know why Wu Tiande, who was not planning to take his own life, suddenly changed his mind and wanted to kill him again, but he had fought with Wu Tiande before. According to Mo Xifeng's perception, Wu Tiande is a master at the seventh level of dust body , coupled with his special mortal body fire charm, his true strength can be compared to the master of the [-]th level of mortal body, and judging from his state, the seal in his body should have been lifted.

Ye Dong is not afraid of Wu Tiande, but the problem is that there is Bian Kai, whose spiritual sense cannot see through it. It is not difficult to imagine that his strength should not be weaker than Wu Tiande in the slightest, and even in some aspects , such as speed, swordsmanship, etc., may be higher than Wu Tiande, otherwise, Wu Tiande would not spend a lot of money to ask him to deal with him.

The combination of these two people is enough to compete with the combination of myself and the red wolf, but I don't know if they have other people lurking in the dark. Mo Linglong could handle it.

But Ye Dong also has something to rely on, that is, the people in the blood prison, although except for Manjiao, everyone else has no entity, but as long as the other people on the other side are not as powerful as Wu Tiande and the others, they should be able to protect Mo Linglong.

Thinking of this, Ye Dong's heart calmed down a little, and he looked at Wu Tiande with sharp eyes again: "Wu Tiande, I let you escape last time, this time you will not be so lucky!"

Wu Tiande smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and said to Bian Kai: "I'm sorry, but this time your opponent is him, and my opponent is you, a mutant spirit beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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