One emperor

Chapter 428 Tiger Soul

Chapter 428 Tiger Soul
Ye Dong's face was full of astonishment. If the box contained a real living thing, then what kind of living thing could be packed in the box and buried under the mud at the same time? , such a long time, still survive, and live so strong?
There was no lock on the box, it was simply buckled. After taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ye Dong finally stretched out his hand, held the lid of the box with both hands, and slowly Slowly lift it up.

Originally, Ye Dong thought that the box was very heavy, so the box cover must require a lot of strength to open, but unexpectedly, the box cover is not only not heavy, but very light, and it has been easily pushed without any effort at all. open.

With the opening of the box lid, Ye Dong's eyes were completely filled with dazzling golden light in an instant.

At this moment, only the purest and most dazzling golden color remained in Ye Dong's eyes, as if the whole world disappeared with it, only this piece of eternal golden color remained!

Inside the box, lay a golden ax quietly!

Ye Dong's previous guess was correct, what was contained in the box was a weapon.

It's just that Ye Dong was even more puzzled. Since it was an axe, why could he feel the fluctuation of life and hear the sound of the beating heart?
But when he completely focused on the golden axe, he had no other thoughts in his mind, and all his attention was involuntarily attracted by the golden axe.

The body of the ax is in the shape of a tiger, and the handle of the ax is covered with cumbersome golden tiger patterns. Just looking at these patterns, Ye Dong has an extremely complicated and wonderful feeling in his heart.

The blade of the ax looks like a roaring tiger's head, ferocious and mighty, a bit like the monster white tiger of the tiger elder of the Indian beast tribe, but if the white tiger stands in front of the axe, it looks like a kitten up.

The ax blade and handle can't be seen to be made of any material, but it gives people a simple and desolate feeling.

At one corner of the handle, several golden lines interlaced to form two small characters - Tiger Soul!
Apparently, this is the name of the axe.

Tiger Soul Axe!
Ye Dong stared blankly at the Tiger Soul Ax for a long time, then subconsciously stretched out his hand, and gently placed it on the handle of the axe!
However, when Ye Dong's palm just touched the handle of the axe, the sound of "bang bang" sounded again, and this time it not only rang in his ears, but also rang in his mind.

In an instant, Ye Dong's heartbeat gradually became consistent with the sound from the tiger soul axe, and the two sounds merged into one.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Dong has a strange illusion that he and this ax have merged into one, that he is the tiger soul axe, and the tiger soul ax is himself, and each axe shares the same heart!
After recovering from this wonderful feeling, Ye Dong wanted to take the Tiger Soul Ax out of the box.

Under the force, the ax did not move.

With more force, the ax shook slightly!
Ye Dong had no choice but to stretch out another hand, holding the handle of the ax with both hands!


Ye Dong took a deep breath, exhaled it loudly, his hands were trembling, and he almost used all his strength to finally lift up the ax that seemed to be only one meter long!
No wonder I couldn't lift the box up with my spiritual energy just now. It turns out that the weight of this tiger soul ax is really frighteningly heavy. I really don't know what material it is made of!
Although Ye Dong has never simply tested his own strength, it should be easy and not a problem if he wants to lift something that weighs ten thousand catties.

However, the weight of the Tiger Soul Ax forced him to use all his strength. A rough estimate, the Tiger Soul Ax must have weighed at least one hundred thousand catties!
There was no sound from the side all the time, watching Ye Dong's poisonous dragon silently, after seeing Ye Dong raised the tiger soul ax with both hands, a gleam of joy and hope flashed in his eyes!

Ye Dong didn't notice the look in Dulong's eyes, he just held the ax and smiled wryly in his heart.

I still brazenly want to try to cut off the chain on the poisonous dragon, but just lifting the ax has exhausted all my strength, how can I hold the ax and chop at the chain?

In other words, I am not even qualified to try once!
At this moment, Ye Dong once again realized his insignificance.

It turned out that the strength he possessed was so insignificant.

Suddenly, the poisonous dragon spoke: "Little guy, being able to lift this ax means that you are destined for it, but your current strength is indeed a little low, so you can't swing it freely. How about this, this ax is for you. When you can really use it, come and try to save me!"

Now Ye Dong naturally knew that this tiger soul ax must be a very high-grade dust weapon, but it was so difficult to even hold it, how could he carry it?

With such a heavy weight, it is estimated that if it is placed in the space duster, it can directly punch a big hole in the space duster!

Ye Dong smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I appreciate your kindness, but my strength is too weak. I carry it, and it is difficult to even move. How can I use it?"

A sly look appeared in Dulong's eyes: "Little guy, I forgot to tell you, in fact, if you just want to pick up this ax, it's very easy."

Ye Dong was a little stunned and said, "How do you get it?"

"You should feel that this sick ax is like a life, with the fluctuation of life and the beating of the heart, right?"


"When you hold the ax, don't you also feel that you are one with it?"


"Then why can't you treat it as a life and try to communicate with it? As long as it agrees, then naturally you can easily pick it up and take it away."

Communicate with an axe!
Ye Dong felt as if he was listening to the Arabian Nights for the method Dulong said, it felt too unreliable!

But the life fluctuations and heartbeats I felt from the ax just now are indeed real, and the poisonous dragon should not be idle, so he is making fun of himself?

After pondering for a while, Ye Dong decided to try it according to Du Long's words. Anyway, the worst case is that he can't take it away, and he won't have any loss.

So Ye Dong sat down cross-legged, placed the Tiger Soul Ax flatly on his knees, closed his eyes, and began to try to communicate with it.

The poisonous dragon opened his mouth, seemed to be smiling, and then said softly to himself: "The master of the holy soldier, of course, the holy soldier who already has self-consciousness should choose by himself, little guy, the holy soldier Tiger Soul Axe I have recognized you as the Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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