One emperor

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

Everyone, including Zhu Yin, has been completely immersed in the sad atmosphere of the chapter of sorrow at this moment, with deep sorrow on their faces, and the painful past buried in the deepest part of everyone's heart has already disappeared. They were reawakened, so although they all saw the Bianhualei that almost converged into a long dragon stretching tens of meters, rushing towards Ye Dong end to end, but no one was able to stop it.

Intentional and powerless is the best portrayal of their current state.

As for Ye Dong, because he was playing "Heaven, Earth and Red Dust" with all his strength, he never thought that the tears from the other shore would flow to him, so he couldn't react.

As a result, countless drops of Bianhualei gathered into a long red dragon, as if they had eyes, scrambling to be the first, and rushed directly into Ye Dong's mouth unimpeded.

When Ye Dong wanted to close his mouth, his body was almost completely occupied by Bianhualei.

After the Bianhualei rushed into Ye Dong's body, it seemed to have its own unique orbit. After going around a few times, it finally flowed into Ye Dong's dantian and gathered into the blue dust body.

For these uninvited guests who broke in rashly, Ye Dong's mortal body was like a hospitable host, opening the door and welcoming them into the house politely.

The red tears of the other shore flower blended into the blue dust body, and immediately made the dust body have two colors of red and blue, just like water and milk blending together, they quickly merged together, there is me in you, and you in me, regardless of each other.

Ye Dong had already stopped playing, and hurriedly looked into his body, completely stunned by the situation in front of him, not understanding what was going on?

Why did my mortal body actually absorb the tears of the other shore flower, and the most weird thing is that the suction just now obviously came from the blood prison!

The Blood Prison releases its suction, absorbs the Bianhualei, but generously sends it to the dusty body...

But soon, the dusty body that had been fused with the Bianhualei stabilized, completely like a normal person, and continued to his original state. Naturally, Ye Dong didn't feel any discomfort.

Facing Liu Jizong and Liao Yue who were already looking at him asking questions, Ye Dong showed a wry smile and shook his head, "Don't look at me, I don't know what happened, Zhuyin, can you pass now?"

Zhuyin also withdrew her gaze from Ye Dong, turned to look at Bi'anhua and Huangquanlu, then nodded and said: "The poison has been completely removed, we can pass!"

Now that some time has passed, Ye Dong can't take care of his dust body anymore. Of course, even if he wants to, he has no way to do it, and the most urgent thing is to quickly cross Huangquan Road and go to the Temple of the Wheel.

Turning his head again, he looked worriedly at the huge Yin-Yang boundary stone behind him, and at the faint roar that came into his ears, Ye Dong took a deep breath and said, "Let's continue walking!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Dong rushed out again, following the blooming Bianhua flowers on both sides, and quickly rushed towards the end of Huangquan Road. Behind him, three shadows followed closely.

Huangquan Road is very long, so long that even people who walk on it have the illusion that this road has no end at all.

Fortunately, there were no other ambushes or people along the way, but at the speed of Ye Dong and others, after running for a full quarter of an hour on such a spacious and flat Huangquan Road, Ye Dong first heard a burst of extremely subtle flowing water This also let him know that Huangquan Road is about to finish.

According to the legend, when you walk through Huangquan Road, you will see a river named Wangchuan, and on the Wangchuan River, there is a bridge of Naihe.

The four of Ye Dong finally walked the Huangquan Road, and they saw a big river with a width of [-] meters. The water was pure black, flowing gently, silently. There was no ripple on the surface of the river, and it looked extremely calm.

And by the river, there is a big stone with a height of two people, with three characters written on it: "Sansheng Stone!"

Here, of course, is the Wangchuan River, but what surprised everyone was that the famous Naihe Bridge was not seen on this wide river!

If there is not only one road, then everyone may think that the Naihe Bridge may be upstream or downstream of the river, but along the way, it is clear that there is only one road, and if you look around, you can even see a [-]-meter-high bridge on the other side of the river. Outside the huge building, it should be the Wangxiang Terrace, but where is the shadow of the bridge nearby?
However, although there is no bridge, there is a two-meter-long black boat quietly floating by the river, with a pole on the boat and no boatman.

Ye Dong immediately looked at Liu Jizong: "Senior Liu, can you fly with us?"

Without a bridge, the best way to cross the Wangchuan River is naturally to fly over it, and Liu Jizong, who has reached the world of dust, can fly.

However, Liu Jizong shook his head with a wry smile: "This entire underground world is controlled by a huge restriction. Here, I can't fly at all!"

In fact, as early as after pushing open the door hidden [-] meters underground, Ye Dong discovered that his spiritual consciousness was greatly restricted. This is obviously the controlling power produced by the huge restriction that Liu Jizong said, which can not only prevent spiritual consciousness, but also prevent flying.

Without a bridge and without being able to fly, there are only two ways to go.

One is to swim directly from the river, and the other is to take that boat!

Although the entire Wangchuan River looked very calm, the unique black water alone made people feel extremely weird. If there were no traps ambush in the river, no one would believe it!
There were Huangquan Dogs hidden in the underground of the previous Yin-Yang Boundary Monument, not to mention the Wangchuan River.

Even Ye Dong didn't have the guts to swim directly through the water, so everyone's eyes could only be cast on the ferry boat floating quietly by the river.

In fact, everyone had a bad feeling about this boat, but there was clearly no one or living thing on board.

After pondering for a while, Liao Yue walked towards the boat, and said as he walked, "I'll go and have a look first, anyway, I rowed the boat a few times before."

Ye Dong wanted to stop him, but Liao Yue took one step and came to the side of the boat, so he could only say: "Brother Liao, be careful!"

Liao Yue nodded, looked around carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he slowly reached out to grab the pole on the boat.

However, just when his palm was about to touch the boat pole, from the angle he was standing on, Ye Dong suddenly saw a cold flash across the boat pole, which was as black as the river water beside the boat. cold light.

"Be careful, don't touch the boat pole!"

(End of this chapter)

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