One emperor

Chapter 473 Purple Youcheng

Chapter 473 Purple Youcheng

A city shrouded in black mist that was dense but not enough to block his sight appeared before Ye Dong's eyes.

Originally, Ye Dong thought that there must be darkness in Ziyou City, but he didn't expect that when he stepped into the city gate, the scene became brighter instead.

I am standing in the middle of a wide street, and on both sides of the street are rows of buildings, which should be all kinds of shops, but now the doors of these shops are closed, and there is not even a ghost on the whole street. No.

Looking straight ahead, the streets in this Ziyou city extend in all directions, criss-crossing, and it is impossible to know which street will lead to where.

After looking at it for a while, Ye Dong shifted his gaze from the surrounding scenery to the dense black mist floating in the air.

This black mist reminded Ye Dong of another very similar gas that he had come into contact with—the ghostly gas of Death Soul Mountain!
In order to prevent the existence of poisonous gas here, and there is no candle sound around him, when Ye Dong entered the city gate, he sealed his nose consciousness, and at the same time, the spiritual energy was released along the body, forming a protective shield , even if it can't be like Prajna's soul energy, at least it can have some isolation effect.

Therefore, Ye Dong couldn't smell the smell of these mist, so naturally, he didn't want to take the risk to try it.

Although in the Dead Soul Mountain, he had absorbed a lot of ghost energy, but because of the help of the dust body and the blood prison, it was a blessing in disguise.

However, Ye Dong felt that the mist, except for the strange color, was completely different from the ghostly mist in other respects.

Because the ghost aura is so thick that it can block people's sight, and the fog here is only a faint black, which is only in a hazy state, and does not affect vision at all.

After observing for a while, Ye Dong's attention was refocused on the buildings in Ziyou City, because he needed to find the Temple of the Wheel, which was where his father was. This is where he wanted to come. business.

Taking out the map sent by Wu Tiande again, Ye Dong studied it over and over again.

In fact, every shape and every word on the map has been deeply imprinted in Ye Dong's mind, so there is no need to take out the map.

But there was no way, Ye Dong was really worried that there might be some deviations in his memory, so he had to take out the map and compare it repeatedly.

From Fengxia City to Ziyou City, except for Ziyou City, which was not marked on the map, the other places Ye Dong passed were all indicated on the map.

Square, Huangquan Road, Wangchuan River, Wangxiang Terrace!

After Wangxiangtai, there is a straight line, and the end of the straight line is the runner hall.

The map ends here, there are no more place names and patterns, and Ye Dong originally thought that as long as he passed the Wangxiang Terrace, he would be able to reach the Runlun Hall, so he could find his father, and then return along the same road.

But now after really going deep into the underground world, I realize that this map is too simple, and even such an obvious place as Ziyou City is not marked.

Ye Dong even had some doubts whether he had been deceived by Wu Tiande, but thinking about it, there was no need for it, because if Feng Qingyuan hadn't used the Moon Wheel Judgment as a temptation to force Wu Tiande to kill him, Wu Tiande would not have had any contact with him up.

He brought Bian Kai to kill himself. He originally thought it was a sure thing, and he didn't even think that he would fail. Therefore, his surrender was a temporary decision, not planned in advance. Naturally, it was also credible. Trust and take Bian Kai's life.

Then, the map he sent should also be real.

As for the reason why the map is so crude, Ye Dong also thought of a possibility, that is, Wu Tiande himself probably has never been to this underground world.

The information he inquired should be collected from other people's mouths, and based on this information, he drew this map.

Because if he had really been here, whether it was the entrance, the boatman, or even the existence of the three Huangquan dogs, he should have mentioned it.

Since the map is unreliable, Ye Dong can only rely on himself to find the whereabouts of the Temple of the Wheel and his father.

So after pondering for a while, Ye Dong decided to go straight along the road under his feet, and check the situation first.

The main road under the feet should be the main road in the entire Ziyou City, it is completely paved with bluestone, smooth and flat.

Along the main road, Ye Dong began to run quickly, without any hindrance, without encountering any strange things, and every time he passed an intersection, he would stop and wait and see for a while, to see if he could find some iconic buildings, So as to let oneself find the location of the Temple of the Wheel.

In this way, Ye Dong walked along this main road for a quarter of an hour, and after passing three intersections, he stopped suddenly.

In front of you, there is still a smooth bluestone road, extending straight forward, with various shops with closed doors still on both sides.

Yes, the scene presented to Ye Dong at this moment is exactly the same as the scene he saw when he just stepped into the gate of Ziyou City!
Ye Dong's eyesight is strong and his memory is amazing, he knows that he will not remember wrongly.

But in order to be sure, Ye Dong took another step and walked for another quarter of an hour. After passing through three intersections, he was finally sure.

Walk along the main road, and after not passing through three intersections, you will return to the starting point again!

And this also made him finally understand something, that is, the entire Ziyou City should be a big formation!
The gate of Ziyou City is the entrance of the formation. When you step into the gate, you will also enter the formation. If you understand the formation, you will naturally be able to find the right path in the formation, but if you don’t know the formation For example, the current Ye Dong has lost himself in this seemingly deserted city.

Ye Dong tried his best to infuse spiritual energy into his eyes, wanting to see if he could see the formation symbols that make up the formation through his eyes. After trying for a while, he had to give up.

It seems that this formation is too profound, or the area is too large, so you can't even see the shadow of the formation talisman.

Since you can't see it, you can only think of other ways.

Ye Dong currently knows nothing about formations. Although he has the formation books given to him by the real person Tianji, it may help him understand the way of formations, but now that the situation is critical, how can he have time to learn formations from scratch? Therefore, he could only summon Bai Fei, the leader of the Second Prison, again.

As expected, Bai Fei was well-versed in formations. After coming out, he shook the folding fan in his hand twice, and immediately let out a voice of surprise: "What kind of formation is this, it can have such a scale..."

In the middle of speaking, Bai Fei's voice stopped abruptly, and the face that was full of surprise just now was replaced by a look of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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