One emperor

Chapter 482

Chapter 482
When Banruo rushed out of the square and came to Huangquan Road, he also stopped abruptly, because looking at the big and bewitching red Bana flowers in full bloom, he instinctively felt that these flowers might be weird, so he didn't rush forward.

However, he didn't know anything about poison, so after hesitating for a moment, a Buddha lamp suddenly appeared on his body.

The cyan Buddha lamp seems to be made of bronze. It is ordinary and simple in style, and there is nothing special about it from the appearance.

I saw Prajna holding the Buddha lamp in his hand, and with the lighting of the wick of the Buddha lamp, a little bit of soft green light suddenly fell on the Buddha lamp.

These green lights quickly condensed in the air into a towering ancient tree that was verdant and lush with branches and leaves, and the thousands of branches and leaves hanging down from the ancient tree were lush and covered Prajna's whole body.

The ancient tree emits a soft and non-glare green light, which is very hazy, but it makes Prajna seem to be transformed into an ancient Buddha in an instant, and the holy brilliance makes him look otherworldly and refined.

This is the ancient wooden Buddhist lamp, one of the most precious treasures of Buddhism, and it is also a holy weapon handed down since ancient times.

No one knows where the Buddha lamp came from, and who made it, but there is an incomparably powerful power in the Buddha lamp, and no one knows how much power it has.

As a holy soldier, the ancient wooden Buddha lamp also has the supreme status in the entire Buddhist sect, and it has always been hidden by the Jingci Temple until now, and few people know about it.However, since knowing last time that Prajna almost died under the siege of Yan Luodian people, and then ventured into Dead Soul Mountain.

In order to protect this holy Buddha, who is equivalent to the leader of all Buddhist practitioners, and at the same time unwilling to stay in the temple peacefully, Jingci Temple finally decided to hand over this holy weapon to Prajna.

Under the cover of the verdant ancient trees, Banruo didn't hesitate any more, stepped forward with one step, set foot on Huangquan Road, and then turned into a white light, galloping towards the end of Huangquan Road.

The black Wangchuan River was still flowing quietly, but on the river bank, near the Sansheng Stone, just like the huge square, it also turned into a tragic battlefield.

The originally black ground had large pieces of scorched black, which were obviously the imprints left after the scorching heat and high temperature, and even a few places were still emitting traces of green smoke.

A piece of black stone the size of a longan was scattered on the ground. The number of stones was extremely large, nearly a thousand.

In the middle of the corpse, Liao Yue lay there quietly. His whole body was scorched black like the ground. Although his clothes had been reduced to ashes, there was no trace of skin color on his naked body.

In his right hand, he tightly held a black broken sword. The broken sword was broken from the middle. crushed.

Prajna restrained the light of the Buddha lamp, because holy weapons are different from ordinary dust weapons, and a huge spiritual energy is needed to drive the power of holy weapons as a support, so if you can save a little, you will naturally save a little.

Banruo walked directly to Liao Yue's side, squatted down, and checked his condition with his spiritual sense.

After a while, Banruo shook his head solemnly, his soul disappeared, his vitality was completely extinguished, this person is already dead!

Looking at the surrounding ground where the battle had obviously taken place, Hannya's gaze finally settled on those numerous black stones.

Raising his hand and making a volley, a stone flew into his hand.

After quietly looking at it for a while, Hannya's face showed a hint of shock, what kind of stone is this, it is clearly a human body!

It can be seen that the reason why this person's body turned black was because he had been burned by a high-temperature flame, but Hannya couldn't figure it out. Such a high flame is supposed to be enough to burn a person to ashes, but why this person? After being blasted to pieces, people are not turned into ashes, but turned into pieces of stone?

What kind of attack method can do this?

Without witnessing the battle process with his own eyes, Prajna naturally couldn't imagine it out of thin air.

But if he knows that Liao Yue is a master with two attributes of ice and fire, then he will understand that when a person's body is first burned by the scorching flame, and then instantly frozen into ice by the extremely low cold air, And in the end, if it fell heavily on the ground, such a result would appear!

Liao Yue made a desperate attempt to perfectly combine the two attributes of ice and fire, and then he stabbed out with a sword. Although he successfully killed the boatman of Wangchuan River and his blind fire poisonous chain, he also burned himself The flame of life exhausted all his strength and was dying.

His result was just like the eight words that Zhuyin told Ye Dong—both sides would suffer, and both would perish!

Banruo didn't know Liao Yue, so naturally he didn't know whether this practitioner who was also burned to death by the flames was a friend or an enemy.

But all of a sudden, Banruo saw a few vague imprints in front of Liao Yue's left hand, so he approached them, and after careful identification, finally recognized that these imprints were actually one word—"worm"!
Banruo frowned, he didn't understand the meaning of the word "worm", but since it was written down deliberately by the benefactor before he died, it must have something to say, and it is extremely important.

Obviously, this was written by Liao Yue at the last moment of his life, with the last ounce of strength, and his purpose was to remind those who broke into this place afterward, to be careful not to forget the bugs in the river.

While thinking about the meaning of the word "worm", Banruo turned around and looked around, but didn't see a worm at all, not even a shadow of a living thing.

In the end, Banruo had no choice but to give up thinking, and with a wave of his hand, a powerful force surged out, blasting a big hole in the ground.

Then he waved his sleeves again and again, sweeping Liao Yue's body, as well as the countless pieces of bodies scattered on the ground belonging to the boatman of Wangchuan River and the Blind Fire Poison Chain, into the big hole.

No matter who these two people were before, they are both dead now, then, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything is a thing of the past.

Out of compassion, Prajna let them rest in peace. After doing all this, he came to the bank of Wangchuan River. When he was sure that there was no Naihe Bridge here, or even a small boat, he could only Choose to wade across the Wangchuan River.

The black river was flowing calmly, Banruo took a deep breath, leaped high, and flew flat for a distance of nearly 30 meters before falling into the Wangchuan River.

And the moment he fell into the water, his heart suddenly jumped heavily, which was a warning sign of danger. At the same time, a sound of "rustling" had already passed into his ears from under the river.

(End of this chapter)

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