One emperor

Chapter 5 The Year and the Three Hours

Chapter 5 Ten Years and Three Hours

Looking at the brand new but empty dantian, Ye Dong suddenly had a whim, why don't he try to continue to practice the spirit seal?Although his injuries have healed at present, the results of ten years of penance have been wiped out. Now he is equivalent to returning to the state when he was six years old, which makes him really unwilling!

As soon as he thought about it, Ye Dong consciously pushed a stream of aura into his dantian. When his dantian reached saturation, Ye Dong began to compress the aura according to the exercises he had practiced since he was a child.

The so-called spiritual seal is to compress the spiritual energy repeatedly, so that it can be completely integrated with the dantian, and imprint a mark on the dantian!

Because the aura is too rich, the compression process is obviously much more difficult than before. After finally compressing the aura into an orange-sized aura mass, if you want to make it smaller, you can't do it no matter what.

Just when Ye Dong was about to give up, with a thought, the determination of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven" came into being.

Suddenly, a huge force that even Ye Dong didn't know where it came from suddenly appeared, and the orange-sized aura group had no resistance at all in front of this force, and in an instant, it had been deeply absorbed. The deep imprint is on the dantian!
The power is so great that the depth of this spiritual seal far exceeds the first spiritual seal carved by Ye Dong himself!
The deeper the spiritual seal is engraved, the more spiritual energy it can absorb and store, and naturally, the higher its strength will be.

This result naturally made Ye Dong extremely excited, and he began to gather the second spiritual seal with great interest.

When the night gradually fell, Ye Dong finally stopped the act of condensing the spirit seal, not because he was tired, but because he didn't dare!

Now, there are six spiritual seals in his dantian, and each spiritual seal is deeply embedded in his dantian.

You know, it took a full ten years for Ye Dong to cultivate the six-fold spiritual seal!

But now, Ye Dong is still condensing the spiritual seal from scratch, but it only took less than three hours to complete the results that could only be achieved in the past ten years.

ten years!

Three hours!

The gap between the two time periods is a world of difference!
Such a fast speed, don't even listen to it, I'm afraid no one even dares to think about it!

Ye Dong really didn't dare to continue to condense the spirit seals anymore, although he felt that as long as he continued to condense, he might be able to condense ten spiritual seals before the third watch!

Cultivation is a process of steady progress and gradual improvement, but if this process progresses too quickly, it may not necessarily be a good thing, so Ye Dong decided to stop here and wait for a few days to see if there will be any other side effects. .

Opening his eyes, Ye Dongmian couldn't tell whether he was happy or worried, because this was only his first formal practice of "Blood Sea Battle of Heaven", and he couldn't imagine what would happen if he continued to practice, but he I only know one thing, that is, the existence of this set of exercises, besides myself, I must not let anyone else know about it.

Everyone is not guilty, but pregnant with Bi is guilty. It is because of the Ye family's possession of a copy of "Xingyun Jue" that it has attracted the covetousness of Yan Luodian. The coveted of the practice world!

After adjusting his mood, Ye Dong hurried down the mountain and returned to Ye's house. At present, he can't let others know that he has recovered and his cultivation base has greatly improved!

It was time for dinner, and because Ye Dong was awake today, Ye Yuanjun, who rarely ate with the juniors, also came to the dining room.

When Ye Dong came in, Ye Yuanjun called him directly: "Dong'er, sit beside me!"

The Ye family has a strict distinction between elder and younger. As the head of the family, Ye Yuanjun, apart from the second generation of the Ye family, among the three generations of descendants, only Ye Dong's eldest brother, the son of Uncle Ye Dong, who has the seventh-fold spirit seal Ye Ming can enjoy this honor.

The higher the spiritual seal is, the more difficult it is to practice. It is considered a very good achievement to be able to cultivate the sixth spiritual seal before, and Ye Ming practiced the sixth spiritual seal in that year, and he cultivated the seventh spiritual seal in two years. Seal, but if you want to continue to cultivate the eighth spiritual seal, I am afraid it will be difficult to do it in ten or eight years.

Hearing his grandfather's greeting, Ye Dong was taken aback for a moment, then silently walked to the seat that belonged to his father.

If Ye Dong could sit at this table in the past, the other Ye family members would not have any objections. After all, he is the hope of the Ye family. But now, Ye Dong is already a disabled person who cannot practice. , naturally aroused some people's dissatisfaction. Although they dared not say it, there was a mocking look on their faces.

Ye Yuanjun's majestic eyes swept over the crowd, and landed on his eldest son Ye Yuntian: "Yuntian, how much financial resources can the Ye family use this year?"

Ye Yuanjun has three sons in total, and each of them performs their duties. Ye Yuntian is in charge of the family's business and wealth.

Ye Yuntian silently calculated and replied: "Father, it's about 50 yuan!"

One renminbi can buy a steamed stuffed bun, one hundred renminbi is one tael, and 50 renminbi is 5000 taels.

"By the end of the year, how much will it take to maintain the Ye family's daily expenses?"

"If you are more relaxed, 20 yuan, if you are tight, [-] yuan is barely enough!"

"Okay, leave 12 yuan as the family's daily expenses this year, and give me the rest!"

The youngest Ye Yunteng said in confusion: "Father, what are you doing with so much money all of a sudden?
"I want to go out and see if there is any way to heal Dong'er's dantian!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire dining room fell silent, but everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Dong at the same time!
To heal Ye Dong's dantian at the cost of the poor life of the whole family, this makes some people who are usually jealous of Ye Dong feel deeply dissatisfied!

Ye Dong's third uncle Ye Yunteng is the head of these people, but dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. In the entire Ye family, the old man's words are equivalent to imperial edicts, and no one dares to defy them, let alone in public, so all they can do is With eyes full of hatred, he secretly stared at Ye Dong.

"It's all you prodigal son, let's live a good life, but if you have to toss yourself, let yourself go in, and make us suffer together with you, hum, I think you are a waste in this life, and you still want to heal Dantian, let's dream!"

Ye Yunteng's eldest son Ye Long secretly cursed his elder brother in his heart.

In fact, Ye Long's talent is not bad. He already possessed five spiritual seals at the age of 15. If he could cultivate the sixth level before, he would be able to be the leader of the family in the future. However, because of the existence of Ye Dong, the sun, It completely covered his light, which made him hate Ye Dong extremely.

At this time, the most unexpected thing is that Ye Dong himself said: "Grandpa, how can the whole family be implicated by me for the incident I caused, I will try to practice again and see if I can do it myself." Heal Dantian!"

(End of this chapter)

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