One emperor

Chapter 505 I will fight with you

Chapter 505 I will fight with you
Banruo sat on the ground, her face was as white as paper, there was a trace of blood overflowing from the seven orifices, her chest heaved violently, the light in her eyes was gradually dimming, and she tightly held the extinguished ancient wooden Buddha lamp in her hand.

Although it is protected by the Buddhist holy weapon, the ancient wooden Buddha lamp, Prajna's current cultivation level is simply unable to exert the full power of this holy weapon, so naturally it cannot stop the combined attack of two masters who are at least at the fourth level of dust.

Ye Dong saw that Banruo was seriously injured, how could he stay alone in the hall of runners, so he rushed to his side regardless, took out a few pills in his hand, and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Banruo, you heal your wounds first, and I will hold them both back."

Seeing that Ye Dong gave up the protection of the Wheel Palace in order to save himself, a warm current flowed through his heart. He put his hand on Ye Dong's shoulder, gritted his teeth, and stood up vigorously. Just when he was about to speak, he opened his mouth, but a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Wiping off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, Banruo squeezed out a smile on his face: "It's okay, I can still fight!"

Ye Dong opened his mouth, wanting to persuade Banruo to heal quickly, but his words changed: "Okay, I will fight with you!"

"Hahaha!" A smug smile appeared on the face of the fat monk: "You seem to be really good brothers. I was moved by the scene of brotherly love. Don't worry, your fat and thin grandpa will definitely help you today. , saved you together!"

The fat monk and the thin monk stepped forward at the same time, walking towards them.

In order to increase the pressure on Ye Dong and Banruo, the two deliberately walked very slowly, but each step made the ground tremble slightly.

However, at this moment, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance. Seeing this scene, the fat monk's face changed color and said: "This is the four-way gate opened by the four monsters with a four-way compass. What about the three demons? Not good, Junior Brother, things may change, so let’s make a quick decision, kill them two quickly, and grab the ancient wooden Buddha lamp!”

The sudden appearance of the Square Gate made the fat monk no longer have the idea of ​​slowly torturing Ye Dong, so he launched an attack at the same time as the thin monk.

This time, the two of them still didn't hold back at all, and they were even more violent than when they dealt with Prajna just now!
At least dozens of green vines flew out from the hands of the fat monk, intertwined and intertwined, extremely thick, and turned into a green dragon and rushed towards Ye Dong and Banruo.

The skinny monk changed his attack method and stretched out his hand directly. The palm of his hand quickly grew bigger in the air, and a raging flame rose up. The surrounding fire clouds rolled, exuding a palpitating aura. The giant palm covered the sky and slapped it from top to bottom Ye Dong and Prajna.

The two of them had no chance of escaping at all, the only thing they could do was to take the second monk's attack hard!

Banruo's body swayed, and if he didn't rely on Ye Dong for support with his hands, he couldn't even stand still. At this time, he was still agitating the little spiritual energy left in his body, causing the ancient wooden Buddha lamp to emit a faint light like a candle in the wind. The green light may go out at any time!
At a critical juncture, two majestic auras suddenly gushed out from Ye Dongyongquan's acupuncture point. He wanted to use the ground technique to escape from the ground with Prajna, but at this time he discovered that the ground under his feet was as hard as iron, The practice technique was completely useless. Obviously, the second monk had considered this point and had already made secret preparations, directly sealing off the nearby ground with boundless aura!

Although the ground movement technique was ineffective, but as Ye Dong's spiritual energy gushed out from the Yongquan point, Ye Dong suddenly saw a series of black lines before his eyes when he was facing the faceless mad knife.

He knew that this was the power of the earth!

The thick and steady earth has carried countless lives and endless years. Therefore, among all attributes, the defensive power of the earth attribute is the highest.

Ye Dong couldn't help feeling a glimmer of hope, if he could successfully use the power of the earth attribute at this time, he might be able to withstand the blow of the second monk!
Strange to say, when this thought came to Ye Dong's mind, a strong force of the earth actually flowed into his body continuously along the Yongquan point on the bottom of his feet.

This phenomenon made Ye Dong so excited that he didn't notice that in his dantian, the multicolored strange stone suspended above the dust body of the blood prison was emitting bursts of black mist, and it was precisely because of these mist Only by attracting can the power of the earth flow in.

Climb to the top of the mountain and I am the peak!
The earth shook violently, and the majestic and heavy power of the earth, under Ye Dong's control, covered his and Banruo's bodies with a layer of black dust body armor, and at the same time, let his body be in this place. Time turned into a lonely mountain peak, towering majesticly!

The ground under Ye Dong's feet seemed to be cracking rapidly because it couldn't bear the heavy weight of a mountain, and cracks spread towards the positions where the two monks were standing.

This strange scene caused the two monks to stare at each other, and they screamed strangely in their hearts: "How is this possible, what Ye Dong is using now is completely the power of the earth!"

This is an ability that can only be enjoyed by masters of the dusty world, and even a master of the dusty world with a pure earth attribute dust body, it is impossible for Ye Dong to display such a huge amount of earth power at once like the current Ye Dong!

Masters in the world of dust can use the power of attributes between heaven and earth, but they only use it, and they don't fully own it!

Finally, amidst the huge roar, the fat monk's green dragon and the skinny monk's huge flaming palms slapped fiercely on Ye Dong who stood like a mountain at the same time.

In an instant, the mountain collapsed and cracked, turned into rubble all over the place, and returned to the earth again!
The corners of Ye Dong's mouth on both sides of his face were slightly raised, with a slight smile, he stood there quietly, looking completely fine.

But as a gust of wind blew by, all the clothes on his body were turned into pieces and scattered away, completely exposing his naked body.

However, even so, Ye Dong still didn't have the slightest feeling, and still stood quietly, like a mountain, which would never fall down.

Behind him, Banruo's body was still covered with a thick dust body armor, his eyes were closed tightly, although he did not fall down, he was already in a coma, but he was not comatose because of the blow, But after resisting the blow of the second monk, he was already at the end of his strength, but he insisted on continuing to fight. Finally, his body could not bear the heavy injury and fell into a coma.

As for this blow, Ye Dong alone withstood the attacking force of the two monks alone, without any impact on Prajna.

After looking at Ye Dong for a long time, the fat monk couldn't help but yelled: "Scared Fat Grandpa to death, he is already dying, and he still keeps his eyes open, Junior Brother, give him another palm!" , I will kill the Holy Buddha, get the ancient wooden Buddha lamp, and then we will withdraw!"

Ye Dong and Prajna are both in a coma at this moment, and they are all on the verge of death!
(End of this chapter)

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