One emperor

Chapter 508 A Little Light in the Darkness

Chapter 508 A Little Light in the Darkness
Because this change came so suddenly that everyone didn't react at all, and after they came back to their senses, except for the two Buddhist masters who took care of Prajna, the other 11 people, even including Pan Chaoyang , they all rushed up towards Ye Dong who had already flown into the gate of the runner palace.

Although I don't understand why Ye Dong was suddenly inhaled by the five-colored light from the Temple of the Wheel of the Wheel, but under such circumstances, no one dared to let Ye Dong take any more risks. Besides, this palace should belong to the Hall of Yama of.

However, the next thing I saw was the five-colored divine lights, no more, no less. A total of eleven divine lights illuminated almost the entire underground world. Shocked and flew out!
Just like the situation when the two monks wanted to enter the Temple of the Wheel, all those who wanted to enter the Hall of the Wheel, without exception, were all treated equally by the multicolored divine light that covered the Hall of the Wheel. Bounced back!
After everyone landed one after another, their faces were filled with astonishment, and they looked at the Temple of the Wheel in front of them. At this time, Ye Dong was already wrapped in the five-colored light, passed the palace gate, and flew towards the depths of the palace.

The black elephant leaped up again in disbelief, turned into a ray of light, and continued to rush towards the wheel hall, and Liu Jizong immediately summoned his own puppet, manipulating him to follow the black elephant.

It was still two multicolored divine lights, which reverberated the two figures back.

Now, everyone was completely helpless and could only watch Ye Dong disappear into the hall of runners.

"How is this going?"

It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses, and they started to discuss.

They are all well-informed people, and it can be understood that the five-colored light shrouded in the Temple of the Wheel is that the entire palace has been banned from entering, but no one can explain why only Ye Dong is affected by the wheel. The people in the palace look at it differently, not only will not be shocked by the divine light, but will be actively sucked into the palace.

Pan Chaoyang stared at the Temple of the Wheel, frowned slightly and said, "This multicolored divine light inhales the young master, and it seems to be protecting the young master. If this is the case, then there are only two possibilities."

"Which two possibilities?"

Everyone looked at this headmaster of the Cihang Sect who was weak in strength but extremely intelligent, expecting him to give everyone a reasonable explanation.

"The first possibility is that this palace, or the owner of the palace, only allows the young master to enter; the second possibility is that the young master is the owner of this palace!"

Shocked by the words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they couldn't accept it for a while, but after thinking about it deeply, they had to admit that Pan Chaoyang's words made sense.

For these masters of the dust world, this kind of defensive restriction is actually not uncommon. In the core places of each sect, such as Zangshuge and other places, there will be such a restriction to prevent outsiders from breaking in at will. , and only disciples with permission can not be affected by the ban.

The palace in front of me prevents everyone from entering, naturally because everyone has not obtained permission, but Ye Dong has permission, so it is not affected except.

Everyone figured out the first possibility, but they couldn't figure out the second possibility Pan Chaoyang said.

Daoist Tianxin said politely: "Master Pan, how did you infer the second possibility?"

"The young master and the holy Buddha have obviously fought with people here, and there is quite a lot of movement." Pan Chaoyang pointed to the uneven ground with countless cracks around him and said: "But no one has appeared in the palace, and just now I also saw that the entire city was sent away by people using space skills, but these two palaces were left behind, so I guess that these two palaces are actually empty cities, and no one should exist."

"Then the young master's inhalation can be said to be done by the palace itself. Just before the young master was inhaled, I think you all heard an extremely subtle crackling sound, which came from the young master's body, so I guessed that it should be The young master accidentally got something, and this thing happened to be closely related to the palace, and it might even control the entire palace. Therefore, when something changed in this thing, the Temple of the Wheel was sensed, Thereby actively releasing divine light and inhaling the young master."

After listening to Pan Chaoyang's explanation, everyone's attitude was dubious. After all, no one saw it with their own eyes, so it was impossible to fully believe it. Let's believe it.

"Then let's wait and see here!"

So everyone sat down cross-legged around Prajna again, but except for the two Buddhist masters, everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate of the wheel hall without blinking.

In the hall of runners, there are countless palaces, and the halls are connected into pieces. In one of the almost completely transparent houses, Ye Dong lay there quietly, and under his body, the entire ground was carved with There are densely packed various patterns and textures.

But at this moment, a faint fluorescent light bloomed from every mysterious pattern, completely surrounding Ye Dong's body.

After being hit on the body by the attack of the second monk, although Ye Dong had fully used the power of the earth to rise himself into a lone peak, he still couldn't withstand the combined blow of two masters who were at least in the fourth level of dust. .

In an instant, the mountain collapsed, and Ye Dong's entire body seemed to be turned into countless rubble, and he lost all consciousness little by little.

But even so, Ye Dong's consciousness was still not completely lost. He vaguely heard the voice of the black elephant, heard the voices of Pan Chaoyang and all of them, but he couldn't make a sound at all, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers. , as if he had suddenly turned into a stone.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Dong suddenly felt a huge suction coming from the outside world, and this suction not only sucked his body, but even sucked his soul, and he had no power to resist at all. He could only let this suction force him to float around.

Finally, the suction force disappeared, the body fell slowly, and a stream of heat suddenly flowed out from the colorful strange rock in the dantian. The strange thing is, after the stream of heat circulated in his body, it did not Stay in any position, but eventually flow to the depths of your mind.

At the same time, countless spiritual energy poured into the body from the outside world, accompanied by the spiritual energy released from the dusty body of the blood prison, like pairs of gentle and nimble hands, repairing Ye Dong's broken internal organs.

The whole process was very slow. It seemed that these auras also knew that Ye Dong's injury was too serious, but they acted too hastily.

Time passed quietly, and unconsciously, in the depths of Ye Dong's deep and dark mind, a small spot of light slowly appeared.

Although the spot of light is small, it appears extraordinarily bright in the boundless darkness.

Finally, after Ye Dong's eyeballs rolled slowly, a dazzling light flashed away from his eyes.


Ye Dong turned over and stood up!

(End of this chapter)

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