One emperor

Chapter 510 Father

Chapter 510 Father
Ye Dong just woke up. Because he was worried about the situation of Prajna, he didn't have time to find his father's whereabouts in the Temple of the Wheel. Now that he was asked by Liu Jizong, he couldn't help but slapped his head suddenly, and said to everyone: "Everyone, excuse me, I'm going to find my father first."

After finishing speaking, the person rushed towards the Temple of the Wheel like a gust of wind, and another ripple appeared on the colorful mask. Ye Dong entered the Hall of the Wheel without any obstacles at all.

This scene made everyone a little more certain about Pan Chaoyang's previous speculation. It seems that Ye Dong is really likely to be the master of the Temple of the Wheel. The injury in the wheel hall can heal so quickly.

Ye Dong rushed into the Temple of the Wheel, and his spiritual consciousness immediately spread out. Before he entered the Hall of the Wheel, he already knew that the area of ​​this palace was extremely huge, which was about the size of three current Ye families. Finding one's own father here is not an easy task.

However, when his spiritual consciousness came out through his body and began to extend to all directions of the palace, Ye Dong only felt a huge suction force coming, and his body had no resistance at all, and his eyes blurred. , I suddenly returned to the room where I was unconscious before, which was completely made of a whole piece of spirit spar.

At the same time, a cloud of multicolored divine light suddenly lit up on the blood droplet remaining in Ye Dong's dantian. The light expanded continuously from the inside out until it completely enveloped Ye Dong's entire body. stand up.

Under the shroud of divine light, Ye Dong didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he could feel that pictures exuding hazy light were rushing into his mind at an extremely fast speed, and he even felt overwhelmed.

With the influx of these images, Ye Dong gradually entered an ethereal state. Although people are still standing in the room, if there are other people watching at the moment, they will find that Ye Dong seems to have disappeared. average.

You can see it, but you can't see it!
This state once appeared in Ye Dong's body, that was when he heard "Heaven and Earth Red Dust Song" for the first time.

Heaven and man are one!

Yes, Ye Dong has gradually merged with this room, but his body is still growing bigger and bigger in a special way, until it merges with the entire huge palace.

When Ye Dong opened his eyes again, excitement and understanding appeared on his face and eyes. The second possibility that Pan Chaoyang speculated became a reality. Master!
The pictures that just rushed into Ye Dong's mind were the scenes of each room and each restriction in the entire palace.

Now Ye Dong knew everything about the entire Temple of the Wheel, and he had answers to some questions that had puzzled him for a long time.

However, these situations and answers not only excited Ye Dong, but also shocked him even more!
In fact, apart from the huge area, countless halls, and the room completely made of spirit spar where Ye Dong is staying, there is nothing else in this hall of runners!
However, this Temple of the Wheel is not a real Temple of the Wheel at all, it is just a replica in strict accordance with the ratio of one to one!

In other words, the entire Ziyou City is imitated. As for where the real Ziyou City is hidden, it is another question that cannot be solved for the time being.

This imitation of Ziyou City actually has only one purpose, which is to help Baxia become a real holy beast!
Baxia, the real dragon son, even if Ye Dong and Banruo joined forces, they couldn't shake him at all, but it can only be regarded as a holy beast with the name of a holy beast, but without the power of a holy beast.

And if it is allowed to cultivate by itself, with Baxia's lazy character, the time it takes to truly possess the power of the holy beast is unimaginable, so this imitation Ziyou City appeared.

As for how to improve, why do you have to imitate a Ziyou City? Ye Dong also doesn't know the reason for this. He only knows that the key to help Baxia improve his strength is the colorful strange stone!

The colorful strange stone is not only the eye of the formation that covers the sky, but also a treasure that can provide a steady stream of pure spiritual energy. At the same time, it is also the core that controls the Temple of the Wheel.

Only those who have colorful strange stones, and add their own blood into the Temple of the Wheel, can the Hall of the Wheel recognize you as the Lord and obey your orders, and the room where Ye Dong lives now is the core of the Hall of the Wheel .

There are five colorful strange stones in the entire Ziyou City, and one of them controls two palaces. Ye Dong accidentally swallowed one of the colorful strange stones and entered his dantian, so he broke the barrier between the two palaces. The big formation that covers the sky.

Now Ye Dong can move to any place in the palace as long as he thinks about it, and he can even take the entire Temple of Wheels with him!
Ye Dong was really shocked by such a shocking fact. At the same time, it was hard for him to imagine what the real Temple of the Wheel, what the real Ziyou City would look like?
As for who can have such a great skill, although it is not mentioned in those pictures, Ye Dong has his own guess.

Nine Heavens!

I believe that only the Nine Heavens that exist in the legend can make such a big move, and even control the holy beast!
In addition, there was another picture that confused Ye Dong. It was a colorful picture, and there was nothing else in the picture except the colorful divine light.

However, the multicolored divine light in the picture seems to be alive, full of brilliance, and Ye Dong can clearly feel that there is something hidden in the center of the light, but these lights are like a huge lock that is extremely firm. This thing is tightly locked, even Ye Dong, the owner, cannot see the secret hidden in the lock without the key.

In order to open the lock, you must first find the key.

Where the key is, Ye Dong doesn't know, but he is not in a hurry, he believes that the answers to all the questions he doesn't know at the moment will clearly appear in front of him one day as time goes by.

Knowing so much now, and getting one, no, two such huge palaces, Ye Dong is already very content.

Ye Dong's spiritual sense began to roam the entire palace, looking for his father's whereabouts. Finally, in a room in the east corner of the palace, Ye Dong saw his father!


Along with a multicolored divine light, Ye Dong's figure has disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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