One emperor

Chapter 517 Prison-Suppressing Stone and 5-Colored Strange Stones

Chapter 517 Prison-Suppressing Stones and Colorful Strange Stones
Ye Dong summoned three times, and with the burst of red light, two souls finally appeared in front of him.

Luohe and Liang Aoxue!

Although the two are still in a translucent state, and their expressions are sluggish, they are much stronger than when they were summoned back to the Blood Prison a few months ago!

At least they must not die!

Therefore, seeing the two of them appearing, Ye Dong was really happy from the bottom of his heart, and finally had a smile from the bottom of his heart on his face.

"Little Lord!"

The two were just about to salute Ye Dong, but Ye Dong was the first to send out a wave of spiritual energy to protect them and said: "Don't salute, how do you two feel now? Is there any way to help you get up sooner?" get well?"

Luo He smiled wryly and said, "If my fellow beast is here, it can help me recover sooner, but since I was imprisoned in the blood prison, I have lost contact with it, and I can never find it again."

Ye Dong didn't expect his words to bring up Luo He's sadness again, but his heart moved: "Brother Luo, what is your fellow beast?"

Luo He shook his head, obviously not wanting to mention it again: "Forget it, it is probably gone now, and even if I find it, I am like this, alas!"

Instead, Liang Aoshuang whispered from the side: "Luohe's co-born beast is a famous unicorn!"

Ye Dong had never heard of this kind of monster, but since Liang Aoshuang said that he was famous, he must have had extraordinary strength.

Luo He didn't bother to explain, and said weakly: "Don't mention it, don't mention it, young master, what's the matter with you calling us out?"

"It's okay, I'm worried about you, if you return to your own body, can it help you recover faster?"

Both Luo He and Liang Aoxue looked at their scarred body and said: "If the body is fine, it will indeed be good for the recovery of our soul."

The body is fine!

Ye Dong thought for a while and said, "I have some pills here, which should have some effect on your physical injuries. Maybe they can heal your physical injuries. Would you like to return to your body and try?"

The Luohe couple also knew that Ye Dong had good intentions, so they nodded, walked to the side of their body, turned into two balls of light, and rushed in.

Originally, Ye Dong thought that the soul returned to the body, like sleeping, lying on the body, but he did not expect that the soul turned into light and entered the body.

After a while, the couple opened their eyes one after another, both of them were gloomy, and Ye Dong hurriedly handed the prepared pills to the two of them respectively.

These elixirs were either made by himself or given to him by Dan Yangzi, and the last ones were all top grade. Although it didn't work for major injuries, it was very effective in treating minor injuries.

When the Luohe couple was healing, Ye Dong also looked inwardly at himself, because during the process of his injury and coma, he remembered that there was a stream of heat flowing out of the colorful strange stones, and after turning around in his body But without any pause, it directly flowed into the depths of my mind.

And after he recovered from his injuries, he found a small spot of light in the depths of his dark mind. He felt that this spot of light should be his soul!
Bai Fei once said that the prerequisite for entering the blood prison is to find his own soul. Now if this light spot is really related to his soul, then he must pay more attention to find his soul as soon as possible so that he can enter the blood prison.

After all, the current Blood Prison not only merged with his dust body, but also devoured the purple flame dragon fire and colorful strange stones, so he really wanted to see what it was like in the Blood Prison.

The colorful strange stone also aroused Ye Dong's thinking again, but it is a pity that now the colorful strange stone has been integrated into the blood prison, otherwise he can study it carefully.

Just when Ye Dong came up with this idea, he suddenly felt a sense of heaviness in his dantian, and then, a multicolored light shot out from his body, and the multicolored strange stone appeared from the blood prison and left My body floated in front of me!

Ye Dong was stunned, he didn't expect that the colorful strange stones swallowed by the blood prison could still come out!
But before Ye Dong had a closer look at the five-colored rock, the Luohe couple who were treating their injuries suddenly opened their eyes at the same time, and panic appeared on their faces.

Ye Dong is no stranger to this kind of expression. Bai Fei also showed it in the sky-shrouding formation, so Ye Dong asked in his heart, "Do you feel like you are in a blood prison?"

Luo He nodded vigorously, his injury has improved a bit due to the effect of the medicine just now, but at this moment his face became pale again and said: "Yes, I thought the young master sent us back to the blood prison , but when I opened my eyes, I found..."

Speaking of this, Luohe's voice stopped suddenly, and he looked straight at the colorful strange rock floating in the air and releasing black mist, with a little more doubt in the panic on his face.

Liang Aoxue's situation is exactly the same as Luohe's, but after staring at the colorful strange stone for a long time, she murmured: "Suppressing prison stone!"

Although the voice was soft, to Ye Dong it was like three bolts of lightning flashing across the darkness, illuminating his heart with light.

Ye Dong had long guessed from Bai Fei's description that the five-colored strange stone that releases aura in the sky-shrouding formation and the prison-suppressing stone that exists in every prison in the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons are likely to be of the same nature .

Now Liang Aoxue's "this" word has confirmed Ye Dong's speculation. Sure enough, this colorful strange stone and the prison stone are closed first, and even, the two are the same thing at all!
"Brother Luo, Miss Liang, is it that the aura released by this stone is very familiar to you, and that's why you feel like you are in a blood prison?"

Luo He and his wife nodded at the same time in a hurry, and Ye Dong also nodded secretly: "That's right, with this strange stone, I can not only use it to refine the first blade of Blood Spine, but also can It proves that the person who built the Blood Prison has a certain relationship with the person who built Ziyou City, maybe the Blood Prison was built by the people from the Nine Heavens!"

At this moment, Ye Dong finally touched the edge of some truth!

But Ye Dong also knew that even if he could figure out all the truth now, with his own strength, let alone fighting with Jiuxiao's people, he couldn't even beat a master of the world like the second monk. So I can only bury the truth in my heart, first work hard to make myself stronger, and when I am strong enough to compete against the heavens, I will uncover the truth of all the mysteries one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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