One emperor

Chapter 528

Chapter 528
Zhou Meng smiled wryly, and didn't know how to answer for a while, after all, he was full of fear of Ye Dong now, Ye Dong was ruthless, and he was afraid that if he said a wrong sentence, he would bring himself a disaster of death.

Fortunately, Liu Jizong had already answered for him: "Ye Dong, the snow in the northern cold land is completely different from the snow you have seen before. I won't talk about the specifics. You will see for yourself later." I'll understand when I arrive, now I'd better listen to Zhou Meng's words and find a place to hide!"

"Okay." Ye Dong nodded, looked at the endless surroundings and said, "However, there is no place to hide here?"

Zhou Meng grinned and said, "Senior, to avoid the blizzard here, you usually dig a snow cave or build a snow house."

For this knowledge, Ye Dong is a complete layman, while Zhou Meng and others are experienced, so Ye Dong can only follow behind them.

Seeing that Zhou Meng and the others stopped in place, the five of them began to take out their weapons and cut away square snow bricks on the frozen ice.

However, one person started to build the snow bricks, while another continued to cut, and the rest struggled to dig holes in the snow brick ground.

Zhou Meng and the others obviously do these things often, and they are all practitioners, so they move very quickly. In just half an hour, they have built a round snow house nearly two meters narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. It is made of snow bricks piled up bit by bit, and a huge snow cave of thirty to forty square meters has also been dug out underground in the snow house.

"Senior, the temperature here is low. After a while, the snow bricks will completely solidify together, as if growing on the ground. No matter how strong the storm is, they will not be overturned. The snow cave is more comfortable, but because it is flat ground, the entrance is easy. It was blocked, so the entrance was dug in the snow house."

"We hide in snow caves or igloos, and we can come out after the blizzard passes."

As for the snow house and snow cave, Ye Dong nodded his head again and again, and expressed his sincere emotion in his heart. The adaptability of human beings is really strong, and they can come up with such a way to avoid the snowstorm.

Just as the few people were talking, the sky suddenly darkened. Zhou Meng raised his eyes to look at the horizon and said, "It's going to snow soon, senior, let's go in quickly!"

Ye Dong nodded and said, "Go in first!"

"How about you, senior?"

"Let me see the difference between the snow here and the snow in our hometown."

Zhou Meng and the others were dumbfounded by this answer, but Liu Jizong laughed loudly and said, "Let's go in, let him see and see!"

Although Blizzard is terrible, it is almost impossible to cause harm to Ye Dong, so Liu Jizong is naturally relieved.

"Grandpa Liu, please bring Brother Liao in!"

Ye Dong reached out and untied Liao Yue's body from his back, and handed it to Liu Jizong, who naturally took it solemnly and brought it into the snow house.

Looking at this long strip of cloth, to be honest, Zhou Meng and the others were extremely curious, even the reason why they attacked Ye Dong was because of this, they really wanted to know, what was in this strip of cloth What exactly is in the package can make Ye Dong, who has unfathomable power, pay so much attention to it.

But of course they didn't have the guts to ask, unless Ye Dong took the initiative to speak out.

So everyone got into the igloo with their mounts, only Ye Dong stood outside the igloo, staring up at the sky.

It's only afternoon now, but the sky is already pitch black. There are countless black clouds covering the light, just like the darkest moment before dawn, and you can't see your fingers.

The cold wind howled, and the winds were like sharp knives, extremely cold. Although it couldn't cut Ye Dong's clothes and body full of aura, the biting cold flowed along the thousands of pores on Ye Dong's body. rushed in.

With Ye Dong's strength, he couldn't help shivering under the attack of the cold air.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, rushing across the sky and the earth like ten thousand horses galloping, roaring and howling, and even hard ice has begun to be mixed in it.

However, this is just a prelude. At the end of the sky, a wind dragon with a height of [-] meters is rapidly sweeping towards this side.

Large flakes of snowflakes began to fall from the sky, but unlike the snowflakes Ye Dong was familiar with, the snowflakes here actually carried weight!

A snowflake has at least a few weights. Although it doesn't sound like much, it won't feel too much when it falls on the body, but when thousands of snowflakes pour down from the endless sky, they will fall on the body in one go. When the time comes, the feeling is very clear!
Ye Dong felt like he had turned into a nail at this moment, and those snowflakes were hammers, hitting his body continuously, so that the solid ground under his feet began to crack, cracks appeared one after another It spread its teeth and claws in all directions.

"Sure enough, it's quite different!"

After feeling the power of the wind and snow, Ye Dong suddenly withdrew the aura that filled his body, sat cross-legged on the ground, and let the snowflakes fall on him, covering him completely in the blink of an eye. It looks like a snowman.

At the same time, Ye Dong's spiritual consciousness quietly opened, and got into the snowflakes on his body.

A white world appeared in front of Ye Dong!
The reason why Ye Dong didn't avoid the blizzard, but wanted to stand here to experience it, was because he really wanted to see the difference between the snow in the northern cold land and the snow in his hometown, and secondly, he wanted to use this kind of blizzard to improve himself. own strength!
Maybe anyone else would think Ye Dong was crazy when he heard this idea, but they didn't know that the reason why Ye Dong was able to condense his body in the first place was because he felt the power of heaven in the terrifying wave, and also It made Ye Dong realize that the more he is surrounded by this kind of natural power, the easier it is to feel the power of heaven!
Although cultivating in such an environment is definitely a very dangerous thing, but wealth and wealth are in danger, if Ye Dong hadn't had so many dangerous experiences, he would not be what he is now!

At this moment, Ye Dong's whole mind was immersed in the white world presented in his spiritual consciousness, even though the wind and snow were raging around me, I sat still.

This white world is naturally the world of Snow. Different from the simple lines in other worlds, what exists in Snow's world is not lines, but a strange transparent six-sided crystal!

Countless six-sided crystals are rotating rapidly, and as they rotate, strands of white gas will appear in their bodies. When they rotate to a certain speed, these gases will be released, and then They continue to accumulate, release, and repeat this process without stopping.

This white gas carried a suffocating chill, but it was also an extremely rare pure aura!
(End of this chapter)

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