One emperor

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Ye Dong returned to the team. Naturally, no one asked him what he was doing just now, and everyone continued to walk in the direction of Tiannuluo.

Nothing happened on the next road, although they also encountered several teams of Snow Mountain Pirates, but when the Snow Mountain Pirates saw the mounts that everyone was riding on, especially the snow leopard under Ye Dong, they either obediently and automatically Disappeared, or just like Zhou Meng and the others when they met Zhang's family, they took the initiative to bow down and salute.

Obviously, they all regarded Ye Dong as one of the four major forces.

Regarding these situations, Ye Dong and Liu Jizong didn't take them seriously at all, but for Zhou Meng and others, they felt differently in their hearts.

As snow mountain bandits, they have been hated, scolded, hunted down, and bullied before, but they have never been respected as big men like they are now, even though this respect stems from fear.

Therefore, whenever someone sees them bowing and saluting, they will puff up their chests, raise their heads, and accept the salutes of everyone with the posture that a big man should have.

I have to say that this feeling is much better than the fearful feeling of being a thief in the snow mountain, killing people and stealing goods, so much so that several people even secretly encouraged Zhou Meng to ask Ye Dong and the others if they needed a handyman. They are more than happy to help if needed.

Although Zhou Meng scolded those who suggested these things back, he actually had the same idea in his heart. After witnessing Ye Dong's powerful strength several times in succession, he really wanted to just follow him. Ye Dong, not only found a solid backing for his future life, but also turned his back on the evil, and embarked on the right path.

If everything goes well, relying on the things stolen from the snow mountain these years, it is enough for me to live the rest of my life steadily, and maybe I can find a wife and have a few children.

After all, the Snow Mountain Pirate almost just had his head pinned to his belt, and could die at any time.

But he didn't dare to mention it to Ye Dong. After all, they were Snow Mountain Pirates. They had targeted Ye Dong and the others and wanted to kill them. Of course, the most important thing was that he was afraid of Ye Dong.

Six days later, the group finally arrived near Tiannvluo without incident.

Ye Dong noticed that the terrain of the entire Northern Cold Land is actually gradually rising. At the beginning, it was an endless snow field. As it went deeper, the terrain became higher and higher. Now here, looking around, You can already see the endless snow-capped mountains that appear at the end of the sky.

Of course, the temperature is also getting lower and lower. This can be seen from the few snow mountain bandits who are not yet in the dusty state. They only have the spiritual seal state. Even wearing thick clothes, they are still timid. Shivering from the cold.

There is a snow-capped mountain directly opposite the crowd. The mountain is steep and not very tall. If you look closely, it looks a bit like a fairy. No wonder this place is called Tiannvluo.

Looking at his destination this time, Ye Dong gently reached out and patted Liao Yue's body behind him, and said softly, "Brother Liao, we're home!"

Along the way, Ye Dong also passed several gathering places, large and small, with nearly a thousand people living in the large one, and only a hundred or ten people living in the small one.

These people all lived in igloos, and the igloos were basically arranged in a circle. From a distance, they looked like a circle of fortresses. Naturally, this was to defend against monsters.

The Tiannvluo in front of me now has the same pattern, but the number of snow houses here is obviously much smaller, there are only about fifty or sixty scattered ones, especially in the entire ring-shaped outer area, there are still a few snow houses. The area of ​​the house is pitifully small, I'm afraid it can barely accommodate two or three people, and taller people have to bend over and bow their heads to enter it.

People in the northern cold land regard the snow house as their home, so they try to build the snow house as large as possible. Anyway, the materials don’t cost money, and you can just cut a little on the ground. Ye Dong came here to see The snow houses in the several gathering points that we visited are very spacious and atmospheric.

Ye Dong stretched out his fingers to those small snow houses, and asked Zhou Meng. Zhou Meng glanced at them and said, "The last time I came, it was about three years ago, and there were no snow houses like these. The house should be newly built. As for why it is so small, the seniors don’t know. The closer the North Cold Land is to the Ice God Plain, the more solid the ground is, and the more difficult it is to cut, so if you don’t have some strength The people who live here can only build small snow houses.”

Ye Dong bent down and grabbed the ground. This grab turned out to be just a little bit of ice, and it was really solid.

"Then since there are so many big snow houses here, it seems that the entire Tiannvluo people are very capable!"

Zhou Meng shook his head and said: "Hey, senior, these big snow houses were actually built by one person. This person is simply the pillar of the entire Tiannvluo. He is not only extremely strong, but also very enthusiastic. It can even be said that he is He established Tiannvluo by himself."

These words made Ye Dong's heart beat violently. Although it was the first time he heard it, a name was about to come out of his mouth.

"Who is this guy?"

Mentioning this person, Zhou Meng's face immediately showed respect and longing, and even his body straightened unconsciously, as if knowing this person's name was a supreme honor for him Same.

"Liao Yue!"

Liao Yue!

Ye Dong's heart ached again, it really was him!

Not to mention Ye Dong, even Liu Jizong and Red Wolf had helplessness in their eyes when they heard this name.

Zhou Meng didn't notice the strangeness of these two people being a wolf at all, and he continued to talk endlessly: "Senior, you must have never heard of Liao Yue, even if you can talk about his deeds for three days and three nights, you can't finish it. Let alone Tiannv’s fame, it’s extremely loud even in this area, and even the three major powers sent people to invite him to join, but he refused in the end.”

Every word Zhou Meng said was like a needle piercing Ye Dong's heart, even though his heart was bleeding, Ye Dong still asked calmly, "Why did you refuse? "

"Ah!" Zhou Meng sighed and said, "Liao Yue is an orphan with only one younger brother. The two brothers depend on each other and have a very good relationship. Moreover, his younger brother really did not disappoint him. Although he is young, he is very talented. Even In the future, it is possible to surpass Liao Yue. However, once when his younger brother was practicing, he became obsessed, and was bitten by the cold air, and his lower body was completely frozen. In order to cure his younger brother, Liao Yue refused the invitation of these forces and left the north. In a cold place, I went to Suzaku Continent to find an expert or a solution, and I probably haven’t come back until now!”

(End of this chapter)

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