One emperor

Chapter 594 Remnant Chess

Chapter 594 Remnant Chess
Ye Dong was extremely surprised to see this cave that could be seen through at a glance, it was empty, not to mention human beings, not even a single bug.

The area of ​​the cave is not large, which is equivalent to the size of a normal study room. The furnishings are also very simple. There is a stone bed, a stone table, and two stone benches, and there is even a chessboard on the table. , there is an unfinished game of chess on it.

Man Gu is not in the cave!

That voice I heard just now?

Before Ye Dong understood what was going on, Man Gu's voice sounded again: "Ye Dong, I'm sorry, I broke my promise!"

"I said at the beginning that if you have any accidents, you can come to me, but I have to leave because of some things, but don't worry, as long as you are in this cave, absolutely no one can hurt you !"

"Okay, I'm leaving in a hurry, so I won't talk to you anymore. If you feel bored here, just watch the chess game on the table. Maybe you will gain something. See you later if you have a chance!"

Ye Dong understands that Mangu is no longer in Dead Soul Mountain, but he is still keeping his word and remembering his promise to himself, so even if he leaves, he will not forget to set up various powerful restrictions in his cave, In case Ye Dong really got into trouble or troubled people, there should be a place to hide.

But Ye Dong didn't come here to avoid trouble, so Man Gu's kindness can only be appreciated.

Smiling wryly, Ye Dong went to the stone bench and sat down. It seemed that this trip was a waste of time, and he didn't know when Man Gu would come back.

But what is it that can make Man Gu leave the Dead Soul Mountain, and he seems to be very anxious after hearing what he left behind?

After pondering for a while, Ye Dong shook his head, he already had enough of his own affairs, so he should stop wasting energy guessing about other people's affairs.

Looking around casually with his eyes, Ye Dong's eyes fell on the remnant chess set on the stone table.

This is an unfinished game of Go. When he was young, because his father liked to play chess, Ye Dong also learned a little bit of Go from his father. Although he can't say he is very proficient, he is at least an introduction.

Looking at the remnant chess game, Ye Dong's attention was quickly attracted.

Because this remnant chess set is not a real Go board and Go pieces, but a set of loose sand and black and white gas with horizontal and vertical ranks!
The black and white qi condense into sunspots and whites respectively, coagulating but not dispersing.

This reminded Ye Dong of a story his father once told.

Once upon a time, there was a man who had very bad moral character and was idle all day long. One day, the man accidentally saw under a verdant pine tree, two immortal old men sitting opposite each other, and in front of them , scratch the sand as the road, and use black and white ranks as the array.

This person didn't know what the two old men were doing, so he became interested, and stood aside without saying a word, just watching silently.

Unexpectedly, after looking at it, he gradually understood it, and even pointed out an old man.

However, when he made this point, the two old men were furious, and they waved their hands at the same time, and they disappeared out of thin air in front of him, and when he looked around, there were no people or trees around him, and he was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking towards The previous step is the abyss.

After returning home, this man fell into a serious illness. During his illness, the scene of the two old men's black and white qi fighting on the sandy road was vividly remembered. After he recovered, he recorded this way Come down, that is to say, Go has been created.

Then someone said later that this person was actually born smart, so a fairy came to give him advice and taught him the way of Go.

Now Ye Dong looked at the loose sand and black and white air on the stone table, and it seemed that there was also a scene of two immortal old men playing chess in front of him.

"Couldn't this be a remnant chess game played by Man Gu and Master Zhongsheng?"

Thinking of this, Ye Dong suddenly became excited. Ye Dong has long been full of admiration for Master Zhongsheng, the number one master 5000 years ago. Great harvest,

So Ye Dong put everything aside for the time being, and concentrated on watching the game in front of him.


Pan Chaoyang continued to wait at Ye's house for three days. During these three days, he was like an ant on a hot pot, restless, because what Liu Jizong said to him before he left also made him realize that he and Elder Pei might be really serious this time. It was a big mistake.

And the worst consequence of this mistake is that not only can Ye Dong not be allowed to become the suzerain of the Cihang Sect, it may even put Ye Dong's life in danger.

It has to be said that the group of people headed by Shang Tianxiang have long coveted the position of suzerain, and they are bound to win it. For this reason, they are absolutely at all costs. It is not an exaggeration to say that they dared to kill Pan Chaoyang, dared to kill Pei Xingyun, dare to kill Ye Dong!
Pan Chaoyang even thought, could the Wuji Sect's door-to-door challenge this time be a conspiracy set up by Shang Tianxiang and the others secretly colluding with the Wuji Sect, in order to seek the position of suzerain?
If that's the case, wouldn't I be an accomplice in notifying Ye Dong so anxiously that he must arrive on time?
However, this idea was vetoed by him, because the Wuji Sect's annexation of the Longhua Sect was not groundless, but actually happened, so it can be seen that the Wuji Sect really wanted to annex the largest sect on each continent. Become the largest faction in the Four Elephants Realm.

Now, Pan Chaoyang almost wants to tell Ye Dong again, telling him not to go to Cihangzong again, but he has known Ye Dong for so long, and he also knows Ye Dong's temper very well.

Telling Ye Dong not to go at this time will make Ye Dong make up his mind to go!
Pan Chaoyang, who is known as a think tank, racked his brains this time, but he didn't come up with a perfect solution. In the end, he could only decide, or rush back to Cihangzong first, and tell Elder Pei what Liu Jizong said and his own analysis, and have a look at him. What advice do you guys have.

For the next four days, Pan Chaoyang did not wait for Liu Jizong to come back, but instead waited for Mo Linglong.

The Ye family has experts from the Dragon Elephant Sect as guards, and their other task is to report news about the Ye family, especially Ye Dong, to the Dragon Elephant Sect anytime and anywhere.

Naturally, after Mo Linglong found out about Pan Chaoyang's return from the Northern Cold Land, even though Ye Dong didn't come back, she couldn't wait any longer, so she secretly left home and rushed to Ye Dong with only two masters from the sect. I want to hear news about Ye Dong from Pan Chaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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