One emperor

Chapter 601 One trace of heaven

Chapter 601

In the quiet room, facing the senior disciple of the Cihang Sect and the great disciple of the great grandfather, Liu Jizong seemed to have turned into a child. From the beginning he was unwilling to tell the story, to the end he couldn't stop talking about it in detail. He remembered his own identity, the tragedy of the Liu family, the changes of Cihangzong, and everything else.

Mei Shanmin listened calmly from the beginning to the end, on that face full of wrinkles but obviously full of wisdom, it was always like an ancient well with no waves, without the slightest change, as if listening to a It's the same story that has nothing to do with you.

But this is not the case, because Liu Jizong can see from his eyes that his emotions are constantly changing.

When he heard Liu Jizong's identity, his eyes showed pity and love; when he heard that the Liu family was destroyed, his eyes showed anger and compassion; When he displayed all kinds of geniuses, his eyes showed relief and anticipation.

Finally, Liu Jizong uttered all the words that had been buried in his heart for tens of hundreds of years in front of Meishan people.

Mei Shanmin was speechless for a long time, and Liu Jizong didn't know what to say, so the two remained silent.

All of a sudden, the two of them felt an extremely strong fluctuation of the aura of heaven and earth at the same time. Liu Jizong's face changed color first and said: "This, this can't be Ye Dong?"

Mei Shanmin's ancient and calm face finally changed. It was an expression full of surprise and relief, blended together, so that his face looked a little weird.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Jizong only felt that Mei Shanmin had disappeared in front of his eyes, and what shocked him the most was that the door of the quiet room was still closed.

Liu Jizong is a master of the Five Dusts Chaoyuan in the Dust Realm, even in the entire Four Elephant Realm, he can be regarded as the top figure in the ranking, but he doesn't even know how Mei Shanmin left, one can imagine his heart surprised.

But at the same time astonished, his heart was full of hope and excitement. If this old man could be allowed to return to Cihangzong and support Ye Dong, then Ye Dong's position as suzerain of Cihangzong would definitely be secure.

In the excitement, Liu Jizong did not dare to neglect, and also left the quiet room.

Mei Shanmin was standing at the door of the quiet room, staring at Ye Dong who was still standing there in the distance in his original state.

Taoist Luomei, who was standing next to Ye Dong, had already retreated to the gate at this moment. There was no way, the aura around Ye Dong was too strong, and he couldn't stand at all.

At this moment, Ye Dong seemed to have become a source of energy, as if endless auras of heaven and earth were gathering around him, constantly circling around, and these auras of heaven and earth were not white or transparent, but colorful of!
Among these colors are red, blue, black, white, and green. Various colors come together to form colorful circles one after another.

The three people present, including Taoist Luomei, are actually masters, so they can see that those different colors actually represent various attributes between heaven and earth.

Red is fire attribute, blue is water attribute, black is earth attribute, white is ice attribute, green is wood attribute...

So many different attributes are rushing towards Ye Dong's body, which makes everyone feel unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Even Liu Jizong, who knew that Ye Dong possessed the three attributes of earth, water and fire at the same time, his eyes widened at the moment. It turned out that he had always underestimated Ye Dong. His body was like a black hole. refuse.

However, how could such a person exist in this world?

They don't know about other continents or other worlds, but since there are records in Suzaku Continent, no one can have more than three attributes at the same time.

Those who can possess two attributes at the same time, as long as there are no accidents, can basically grow into peerless masters, and those who possess three attributes at the same time are definitely a generation of outstanding people, such as the number one master sentient beings master 5000 years ago!

What about Ye Dong?
Taking the qi of each attribute that he is currently absorbing, there are at least five types (in fact, the color of the dark attribute and the earth attribute is the same, and the wind attribute is transparent), so what kind of character will he grow into in the future?
Even if he is as wise and old as Mei Shanmin, he dare not draw any conclusions at this time, and he even regrets what he said to Ye Dong just now. Ye Dong's future is not only limitless, it is simply unimaginable!
At this time, Liu Jizong finally understood, no wonder Ye Dong is such a genius, the reason must be this!

Unable to contain the excitement in his heart, Liu Jizong quietly sent a voice transmission to Mei Shanmin and said, "Senior Mei, did you see that this kid actually possesses five different attributes at the same time!"

However, Mei Shanmin shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "His five attributes are rare, but what really surprised me is that he has realized a little bit of the way of heaven."

"The way of heaven?"

Although for practitioners, the goal they pursue is to comprehend the way of heaven, but at this moment Liu Jizong is a little confused about the meaning of Mei Shanmin's words.

Mei Shanmin smiled lightly and did not give an explanation. It's not that he didn't want to explain, but he couldn't explain it at all. If he could explain it, wouldn't everyone be able to understand the way of heaven?
An expert watching the doorway, an outsider watching the excitement, Liu Jizong, a master of the fifth level of dust, has turned into an outsider at this moment, who doesn't know that the colorful circles, large and small, around Ye Dong are the way of heaven.

But this can't be blamed on him, after all, the understanding of the way of heaven depends on one's understanding, it can also be said to be a person's chance, and has nothing to do with strength at all.

Just like condensing the body of dust, some people may try countless times and spend hundreds of years without success, but some people can succeed once.

It took Mei Shanmin more than 2000 years to realize some of the way of heaven in this 30-year retreat to break through the barriers of life and death. However, Ye Dong was able to realize a little of the way of heaven just by watching him for a while. This is the essence of understanding. gap.

This is the reason why Mei Shanmin was really shocked and relieved by Ye Dong's state at the moment.

After realizing the way of heaven, there may not be much change in strength, but it will be of unimaginable help to the future path of practice.

On the road of practice, everyone is groping forward. Even if you follow the path left by the predecessors, you will get lost due to various reasons, and it is even difficult to catch up with the footsteps of the predecessors.

But once you realize the Way of Heaven, it means that you have found the map and the compass. As long as you are willing to keep going, then you don’t have to worry about getting lost or going nowhere.

Suddenly, Mei Shanmin asked Liu Jizong a question that even he could not have thought of: "Jizong, do you have any sons or grandsons?"

(End of this chapter)

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