One emperor

Chapter 612

Chapter 612
Fang Renjie, who was standing in front of Mo Linglong, had a look of surprise on his face, and immediately laughed: "You are really smart, you can guess my identity, if you are not Ye Dong's woman, maybe I will let you die , Unfortunately, you must die!"

While speaking, Fang Renjie's face seemed to have turned into a pool of rippling lake water. After the lake surface calmed down, he finally returned to his original appearance. It was the Faceless Crazy Saber!

Mo Linglong didn't seem to hear the threat of the faceless mad knife, but asked: "You have been lurking in Cihangzong for a long time, right? You should have had the opportunity to strike long ago, why did you do it now?"

Facing Mo Linglong's composure, even the Faceless Crazy Saber admired him a lot. If it was another woman, in this situation, she might either shout for help, or be too frightened to speak at all. However, Mo Linglong Linglong acted as if nothing happened, and even cleverly asked the most crucial question directly.

Faceless Crazy Knife smiled slightly and said: "For the sake of your intelligence, I will let you be a fool. You are right. In fact, I have sneaked into the Cihang Sect a long time ago, but I was not Fang Renjie, but one of his fellow villagers, when I learned from him that he was protecting Pan Chaoyang's sister, I became suspicious, so I killed him first, and then changed into his appearance, and found out about you."

"As for why I'm only doing it now, because I'm also following orders. The higher-ups ordered me to do it, so naturally I can only do it."

Mo Linglong nodded, and continued to ask: "It seems that your superiors don't want me to die now, at least I'm alive, you can still use me to blackmail Ye Dong?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the smile on Faceless Crazy Knife's face was replaced by ferociousness, and he said through gritted teeth, "You're so smart, you guessed everything right, but even though you can't die now, after Ye Dong submits, You will still die, stop talking nonsense and follow me!"

In order to avoid being discovered by others, the Faceless Crazy Knife bluntly knocked Mo Linglong unconscious with the handle of the knife, then returned to Fang Renjie's appearance, turned around and left quietly behind her back.

During the time when Cihangzong was lurking, Faceless Crazy Knife had already grasped the surrounding environment clearly, knowing where the defenses were tight and where the defenses were lax, and even if he was discovered, he could use Fang Renjie's identity to attack Tell others that Mo Linglong fainted suddenly, and he was ordered to send Mo Linglong to Pan Chaoyang.

However, Faceless Crazy Saber's luck was so good that he didn't even meet anyone, and just took advantage of the night to run on the mountain road covered with thin mist.

All the way was unimpeded, and when he was about to leave the range of Cihangzong, suddenly a soft cough sounded in his ear.

This cough almost scared the soul of Faceless Crazy Knife out. Holding the non-stick knife in his hand, he hurriedly turned around and found a tall old man floating in the air behind him.

This old man had a Chinese character face and a long beard, but because of a pair of narrow and long red phoenix eyes, this supposedly majestic face was a little more sinister.

Faceless Crazy Knife naturally knew the identity of this old man, and couldn't help stammering: "Shang, Elder Shang!"

Just now he was lamenting his good luck, Faceless Crazy Sword, but now he felt that his luck was so good that he met Shang Tianxiang, the chief elder of Cihang Sect.

Shang Tianxiang is at least a master of the fourth level of dust, and he has no power to fight back in front of him!

Shang Tianxiang looked at Faceless Kuangdao expressionlessly and said, "Do you seem to be under Master Pan? It's so late, and you are carrying someone on your back, where are you going in such a hurry?"

There are thousands of disciples of the Cihang Sect, and it is naturally impossible for Shang Tianxiang to know every one of them, but even so, he can recognize that the faceless mad knife on Fang Renjie's face is Pan Chaoyang's subordinate, which shows his intentions Meticulous.

Faceless Crazy Knife swallowed quietly, and told the lie he had prepared in advance. After Shang Tianxiang heard it, he showed a strange smile on his face and said, "Pan Chaoyang's sister? Pan Chaoyang was rescued by Elder Pei. The orphan who came back, when did he have a younger sister? Besides, Pan Chaoyang should be in the meeting hall now, you don’t go to the meeting hall to look for him, but go outside Cihangzong, do you think I will believe it?”

"It's still not showing its true colors!"

All of a sudden, Shang Tianxiang yelled violently, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Faceless Kuangdao's legs go weak for a while, and he fell to the ground with a "plop".

It turned out that Shang Tianxiang had already seen that this was not the true face of Faceless Crazy Saber.

Up to now, Faceless Crazy Knife also knows that he has no escape today, the other party's shout can make him even have no strength to stand, and it is easy to kill him.

So Faceless Crazy Knife also went all out, regained his original appearance, and said with a sad smile: "If I don't want to change my name, I don't want to change my surname. Faceless Crazy Knife is me!"

"Faceless Knife?" Shang Tianxiang frowned slightly: "I haven't heard of it, let me ask you, who is this woman you are carrying?"

"Hmph, she is the woman of your suzerain Ye Dong!"

"Ye Dong's woman?" Shang Tianxiang had a thoughtful look on his face.

Looking at Shang Tianxiang's expression, Faceless Crazy Knife suddenly remembered some rumors he had heard in the Cihang Sect for so long. It is said that this Shang Tianxiang did not recognize Ye Dong's identity as Sect Master.

Faceless Crazy Knife's eyes rolled, and he thought about it: "Elder Shang, you are highly respected in the Cihang Sect, and you should have been the suzerain, but unexpectedly, you were stepped in by this unknown Ye Dong." , even an outsider like me can't stand it, so why don't we make a deal, you pretend you didn't see anything today, let me leave with Ye Dong's woman, I will use his woman's life to force him to give up Cihang How about the position of the Sect Master?"

Shang Tianxiang's complexion suddenly changed, and he snorted coldly: "What are you, what qualifications do you have to make a deal with me! Hurry up and get out of Cihangzong, otherwise, you will be killed!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Tianxiang turned around and left!
Apparently, Shang Tianxiang accepted the deal of Faceless Crazy Saber and deliberately let him go, so as to deal a blow to Ye Dong.

Looking at the direction where Shang Tianxiang's figure disappeared, Faceless Crazy Knife spat fiercely: "Damn! I'm better than you, a sanctimonious hypocrite!"

Faceless Crazy Saber didn't dare to neglect, stood up hastily, carried Mo Linglong on his back, and quickly left this place.

As the night deepened, the temperature on the mountain dropped, and the fog became thicker and thicker. In the distance, a mass of erratic thick fog suddenly dispersed, and a pale middle-aged man walked out of the fog.

It was Wu Tiande!
Wu Tiande sneered: "I have opened my eyes. What kind of bullshit elders are even more insidious than us. I didn't expect to have such unexpected gains by hiding here to heal my wounds. It seems that I have to find Ye Dong quickly. Tell him the news."

(End of this chapter)

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