One emperor

Chapter 640 Vibrant

Chapter 640 Vibrant
Only Ye Dong himself knows it well, this is where the power of the Heavenly Battle Technique lies!
Heavenly combat technique is both simple and complicated, because speaking of it, there is only one style in total, but this style is extremely complicated and ever-changing, just like thousands of ways.

Every change is infinitely powerful, thousands of changes are equivalent to thousands of attack skills, from simple to complex, then from complex to simple, and finally all changes return to one, follow the principle of simplicity, integrate all kinds of attacks, Turn it into a heavenly battle technique!

Every cultivator can master completely different attacking skills according to his own situation and understanding, until finally he combines all the changes into one, traces the source, and derives his own unique one-style sky battle technology!

However, because the three sets of exercises are still one part behind, what Ye Dong has mastered so far is only incomplete heavenly combat skills. It can even be said that he has only mastered the shape and appearance, and has not yet comprehended the meaning and essence!
However, even so, the power is so powerful that everyone can't believe it. If Ye Dong can completely master the Heavenly Battle Technique, what kind of power it will be.

Because Ye Dong is very fond of the sword cast by the bloody figure in the blood prison, so in this case, the first attack skill derived from the sky combat skill he mastered is sword fighting technology!

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for Ye Dong to comprehend such profound combat skills in just a few days, but because he discovered that the essence of heavenly combat skills is to unify all methods, especially after completing all the handprints. Afterwards, the posture of holding the hands as if embracing the full moon coincides with the perfect circle of heaven that he has just realized recently, which is why he can master it so quickly.

In short, Ye Dong was very satisfied with the power displayed by the Heavenly Combat Technique, and it also confirmed his previous expectation that he could really compete against the sixth-level master of dust!

In addition to the astonishment of everyone present at this combat skill, a young figure standing on a mountain hundreds of miles away from Cihang Mountain was also slightly moved.

This person is Lu Hao, the Holy Child of Destiny. His face was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, and he seemed not to be moved by anything at all. However, when he saw Ye Dong's combat skill, his eyes were full Suddenly, two rays of light shot out, and there was a rare change on his face.

As for Heavenly Battle Skills, people with higher strength can feel more things, and people like Lu Hao, who are regarded as holy children by Huo Xiaotian of the Nine Heavens, have already reached a certain limit in their own strength, so What he felt far exceeded everyone present.

Naturally, besides the Blood Prison, Lu Hao found another interesting thing in Ye Dong's body!

On Pianhong Peak, after Xiao Chengfeng gasped for a few breaths, his pale complexion gradually began to return to rosy. It must be said that his luck is still very good.

Because, the mountain he threw out just now was not his dust body at all, but a clone of his dust body!
If it was really a crack in the dusty body, then Xiao Chengfeng would not be able to fight any more now, and even his life would be in danger.

However, Xiao Chengfeng has completely restrained his contempt for Ye Dong. The strength Ye Dong showed, especially the fighter just now, really shocked him, making him realize that if he dared to If you have reservations, then I am afraid that I may lose my life here today!
A sword suddenly appeared in Xiao Chengfeng's hand, but compared to Ye Dong's simple and unpretentious sword formed by condensing spiritual energy just now, this sword is much more complicated.

This is a green sword, the whole body is crystal clear, the spirit is brilliant, the sword body is curved, it looks like a winding snake, and the lingering green light is burning like a green flame.

The strange thing is that although this sword looks like a high-grade dust weapon, there is no murderous aura on the sword body, but a kind of vitality.

Even though Ye Dong had just broken Xiao Chengfeng's avatar with his sword, but at this moment, facing this weird green sword that gave people a sense of vitality, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Now that Xiao Chengfeng is at a disadvantage, the attack he is about to launch at this moment must be more powerful than his previous attack on the dust body, so there must be something weird about this sword.

Holding the sword in his hand, Xiao Chengfeng's expression also became solemn, and as he waved it casually, green rays of light gushed out one after another, bringing out one after another green light bands in the air, which looked really beautiful.

However, these bands of light did not disperse, and after a moment of erratic bursting, they turned into countless needle-sized green light needles, covering the sky and covering the sky, densely packed, and the bright rays of light were connected into one piece, like a big green net. The sky enveloped Ye Dong's body.

This is the power of the wood attribute!
Ye Dong's eyes flashed brightly. He didn't expect Xiao Chengfeng to possess the power of two attributes, one earth and one wood. It seems that although his earth attribute is extremely powerful, the wood attribute is actually more powerful. Power!
Thousands of green light needles rushed in, but Ye Dong didn't care, because the original cold air he released once again made the air around him freeze into ice.

The sound of "cracking" kept ringing, and all the thousands of light needles hit the ice block, and then fell to the ground one after another, unable to break through the ice block's defense at all.

Ye Dong couldn't help frowning. Although he was intact under the attack, he always felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Chengfeng already knew that he had the body protection of cold air, so he really shouldn't use this kind of useless attack method to deal with himself, wasting his spiritual energy in vain.

But Xiao Chengfeng is not the kind of person who would do useless things at all, so, is there something special hidden in this attack?

All of a sudden, Ye Dong's expression changed, because he finally found out something was wrong. The green light needles, which were completely condensed with scattered sword energy, fell to the ground one after another after hitting the ice, but they didn't It didn't dissipate, but turned into one arm-thick green vine after another, frantically rushing towards his body.

In the blink of an eye, countless vines, like countless pythons, tightly wrapped Ye Dong's body and the ice around him.

So much so that people outside couldn't see Ye Dong's figure, as if a strange plant with intertwined vines grew on the flat ground.

The frozen air can certainly block the attack of the light needle, but in front of these vines that are desperately twisting and shrinking like a python, they collapse in an instant, turning into ice balls all over the place.

At this time, Ye Dong finally understood why the green sword had that kind of vitality, because it was like a seed, and it needed vitality as a nutrient to grow the wood-attributed power that left the sword body. !
(End of this chapter)

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