One emperor

Chapter 668

Chapter 668
Jiao Tianao gave Ye Dong a map to go to Huoling Island, but he did not give him a map to go to Qinglong Continent, and the vastness of the sea area is unimaginable. In the sea area, it is possible to fly for a few days. In the past, it was just the vast sea, without any iconic reference, and finally lost completely, so if there is no map, if you want to find the Qinglong Continent in the sea by luck, it is really like looking for a needle in the sea All the same, little hope.

Ye Dong stood in the air and looked into the distance, and found that there was a city not far away with tall buildings and crowded voices, which made him very happy.

Cities built along the coast must be equipped with ports and ships heading to other continents or islands, the most of which are merchant ships. Although sea navigation is very dangerous, wealth and wealth are found in danger. Trade for huge profits.

But even if they dare to go to sea to do business, they will form a fleet of multiple ships together and hire a large number of practitioners to act as bodyguards. Of course, most of these practitioners who are willing to act as bodyguards are in the spirit seal state, and a few will reach the dust state.

Poor, rich and powerful, without enough financial resources to support them, can't go too far on the road of practice. Compared with those practitioners who are robbers, practitioners who are bodyguards are at least much more noble in personality.

Ye Dong was excited that since there was a city, he might be able to inquire about the route to Qinglong Continent from those who often go to sea for business.

So Ye Dong hurriedly flew towards that city. In order to avoid shocking the world, he stopped a hundred miles away from the city. Not only did he restrain his breath, but he also forced the red wolf to become an ordinary puppy, and then brought With it, ran to the city.

Most of the port cities are extremely prosperous because they gather people from all corners of the country. The city in front of us is also the same. The streets are bustling with people, people in all kinds of clothes and accents abound.

Ye Dong didn't have the heart to appreciate these at all, but ran directly to the pier, spent a little money to inquire from a few beggars, but found that the people here didn't even know the existence of Qinglong Continent!

Even when Ye Dong's strength reached the worldly state, he didn't even know that there was Qinglong Continent, let alone these ordinary people.

In addition, to go to the Azure Dragon Continent, it takes six months for even the masters of the world to fly. It is conceivable that if these ordinary people go there by boat, it may take decades. A person lives from birth to death, so even if he knows, no one is willing to go.

This news naturally made Ye Dong very disappointed. Standing on the edge of the pier, looking at those huge ships, he froze there!
Just when Ye Dong was in a daze, a loud voice suddenly came from behind him: "Be careful!"

At the same time, a figure slammed into his arm!

What is Ye Dong's strength, how can it be so easy for people to touch him, just as his eyes flashed, and when he was about to push the person who bumped into him away, he suddenly found that the person rushing towards him was a rather old man, dressed in The patched clothes, the dark complexion, and the arms covered with veins on the raised sleeves, at first glance, he looks like an ordinary person who has been making a living at sea all year round.

The spiritual consciousness opened instantly, and Ye Dong also saw that several people behind him were carrying two huge wooden boxes, and saw that a sharp corner of a box was about to hit him!

Ye Dong immediately understood that the old man was kind-hearted and was afraid that he would be hit, so he not only reminded him, but also rushed over to try to push him away.

With a groan of shame in his heart, Ye Dong naturally withdrew his strength, let the old man's hands push his body, and retreated to the side. Then he was out of the range of the cargo impact.

At this time, the people carrying the boxes passed by Ye Dong, and a few brawny shirtless men yelled at Ye Dong and said, "Damn, good dogs don't get in the way, they don't have long eyes, if they hit you If you sell our goods, you won’t be able to afford it, so get out of here quickly!”

Ye Dong was slightly taken aback, and was scolded by the other party!
It was indeed wrong to stand there blocking the way, but as long as the other party yelled, I would definitely be able to avoid it, but instead of yelling, the other party gave me a swearing now!
If this were to be replaced by an ordinary person, if there was no reminder from the old man, I am afraid that this person would be beaten to the bone by now!

A flash of anger flashed across Ye Dong's face, and when he was about to punish these strong men a little, his arm was pulled by the old man just now.

The old man lowered his voice and said: "Young man, don't talk, if you annoy them, they may really kill you!"

It seems that the old man knows the origin of the strong men, but the old man does not know the origin of Ye Dong!
But since the old man spoke up, Ye Dong didn't bother to argue with those people, he hurriedly bowed to the old man and said, "Old man, thank you just now!"

The old man waved his hand, and with a kind smile on his face full of vicissitudes, he said: "There is nothing to thank, but young man, I see that you have been here for a long time, have you encountered any difficulties? If If you trust me, you might as well say it, maybe I can help you!"

A warm current flowed through Ye Dong's heart, and he quickly smiled and said, "Old man, I have nothing difficult."

The old man glanced at Ye Dong, then suddenly reached out and took out a few pieces of silver from his pocket and handed it to Ye Dong, "I'm short of money, come on, take it, although the money is not much, it can at least give you two meals Full meal!"

Before Ye Dong could refuse, the old man had already stuffed the money into Ye Dong's hands, and at this moment, someone shouted in the distance: "Old man Ma, let you work, where have you gone, do you want to do it?" ? Don’t want to fuck off!”

"Come, come!" The old man hastily agreed, then patted Ye Dong's hand and said, "Son, if you think about it, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you will pass!"

Ye Dong watched as the old man rushed to the front of a pile of boxes in three steps and two steps, nodded and bowed to a burly man, and said, "Master Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, am I here?" !"

The big man still pushed the old man cursingly and said: "Damn, don't get close to me. If it weren't for your pity, I wouldn't take you in. Let me tell you, the boat is about to sail in half an hour. If you can't move After finishing these boxes, you will stay in Suzaku Continent forever!"

After saying these words, the big man swaggered away, and the old man immediately stacked two wooden boxes half a person's height together, then bent down, and carried the two boxes on his shoulders On the road, he walked towards a big ship not far away with difficulty. Behind him, there were at least thirty or forty boxes of the same size.

Ye Dong held a few pieces of silver in his hand, looked at the back of the old man, and immediately strode after him!

(End of this chapter)

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